Formal Policy Analysis Paper

The goal of this assignment is for students to analyze a social policy.

Part 1: Social Problem Analysis (10 points) – Apply at least one theoretical framework(s) (Critical Race, Intersectionality, Conflict Theory) to a social problem/need

a. Describe the social problem (What is wrong? Unjust? What needs are not met, with what consequences?)

i. What is the scope of the problem (severity, # and % of people affected)? How is the problem or need defined, documented?

ii. Provide at least two causal explanations of the problem (see inequality, in the U.S.)

iii. Who is affected? (use intersectionality theory to describe population affected, and population most affected by the problem/unmet need; provide stats on demographics and any relevant characteristics)

Part 2: Policy descriptive analysis (15 points) – Using Gilbert and Terrell’s (2013) policy analysis framework, analyze:

a. Needs/goals: What is the policy and what are its goals? How the policy goals relate to the problem/need it aims to address?

b. Eligibility: What are eligibility criteria? (selective/universal; right/charity)

c. Form of benefit: What is (are) the benefit(s) that it provides? (minimal/optimal)

d. Financing/administration: How is the policy financed? At what level of administration? (public/private, central/local, lay/professional)

Part 3: Policy Evaluation (10 points)

a. What evidence is there that this policy has led to the desired outcomes for the target population? (students will have to research literature and studies evaluating the policy they examined and provide evidence to support their assessment of the policy).

b. Have there been any unintended consequences? Have been systematic exclusion of particular groups?

c. How does this policy square with social work values and ethics? How does this policy promote social justice (or not)? This paper should include a minimum of 7 scholarly references, and should be written, using APA format. The paper should be maximum 14 pages, abstract and title page not included in page count.

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