Achieving Success





Achieving Success

Opening with Impact

Many people have been accustomed to hearing that success in life is premised on achieving academic excellence alone. In most instances, acquisition of jobs and financial prowess is linked with the achievement of a college degree. Do you agree? This is a myth, which I will show you does not have to be peddled any longer.

Audience Connection and speaker Credibility

The Center for College Affordability and Productivity has established that many college-educated Americans have a higher chance of gaining employment although such jobs are not consumerate to their diplomas hence underscoring their struggle foe earning a living and enhancing unemployment rates (Levitt and Dubner 57). Out of 41 million such graduates, 48% of their work jobs require minimum qualifications that are less than a bachelor’s degree. That is an accurate finding in my view.

Thesis Statement

My presentation will focus on the viability of finding success in life without necessarily having a degree and by the end of the speech, you will realize that this phenomenon is common nationally

Preview of Main Points

  • Talent
  • Apprenticeship/Entrepreneurship


I will use different language styles after each main point.

Body and Supporting Material

Success is defined as an act of achieving fame, respect, or even wealth. In most cases, it is a measure of accomplishing something that makes one feel contented. Now that you have become enlightened on that, it is thus natural that I highlight various fields that can help one become successful. Sports is a major part of American psyche and it is lucrative too. Entertainment is another aspect that offers fame, money, and happiness. Platforms such as movies and music are also huge contributors to the American lifestyle whilst also offering many people much-needed income. In all these instances, the individuals exhibit talents in the various disciplines and do not necessarily need to have college degrees. In fact, most young people aspire to be movie stars and musicians due to the fame, money, and appeal that such roles generate.

            Forbes magazine has countless times detailed the lives of wealthy people, most of who are school dropouts but ended up making innovations, which proved successful. As such, let me now discuss with you about entrepreneurship since you have already become acquainted with the importance of talent over academic excellence. Several business ideas have sprung from everyday occurrences and those who translate that into action have become very successful. Inn some cases, individuals have been incorporated in incubation centers or given apprenticeship opportunities to nurture their creativity thereby spurring them into multimillion-dollar business ventures without having to rely on their educational accomplishments (Esola and Jones 67). In contrast, many college graduates have struggled to obtain employment and resorted to menial jobs in fast food restaurants or even remained on welfare while they moan the job security and stability that had been perpetuated earlier on. While others have managed to be employed, most of them are left whining hence a confirmation of the above assertions.


Education is an important part of human development but it is not a guarantee of success. The world has become competitive especially the job market hence driving the resurgence of other platforms for people to become successful. As such, a college degree is not necessary. One can use his/her talent to accomplish certain goals in life while entrepreneurship is another avenue for fulfilling such dreams. The high rate of unemployment and dissatisfaction amongst college graduates is an admission of this myth. It therefore reinforces the notion that academic excellence alone cannot be the ole provider of success.

Works Cited

Esola, Michael, and Wesley Jones. You Have a College Degree, Now What?EJ Consulting, 2010. Print.

Levitt, Steven D, and Stephen J. Dubner. Freakonomics: A Rogue Economist Explores the Hidden Side of Everything. New York: William Morrow, 2005. Print.

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