Admission Essay





Admission Essay

I first became interested in social work a few years ago. I realized that many people were struggling with diverse issues in their families and in their personal lives as well. Some of them did not know where to turn to for help. I have a passion for people and I derive satisfaction in helping them during a time of need. I realized that I could do this as a profession and not just as a pastime activity. I became aware of the fact that many people were having personal and family problems and they did not have any idea where they could look for help. I lived in a neighborhood where such occurrences were the norm rather than the exceptions. I knew of families whose children had issues with drugs and substance abuse. I talked to some of the parents and I realized that although they were aware of the magnitude of their problems, they had no idea where they could get help. Instead, most of them just watched as their children became worse in terms of behavior. They watched as some of the children quit school and in one instance, one of the young people in the neighborhood was arrested and charged for drug and weapon possession. I could no longer sit and watch as such events continued to happen. I realized that I could do something about the situation. This encouraged me to study social work and human services.

I have experience in the field of social work. I have a bachelor’s degree in human services. As a requirement to attain the degree, I had to conduct two field studies related to my area of study. This gave me considerable experience. I was able to work directly with the people and communities. I gained a lot of knowledge in the process because I was able to apply what I had been learning all along my studies. Moreover, I was able to learn more information that I had not acquired through the textbooks. Conducting the field studies gave me the experience I needed to know how to work well with people. I gained many skills such as communication and research. I became aware of their importance in the study of social work when I was conducting the field studies. I realized that it is not possible for one to become an effective social worker if he or she does not possess the required skills.

I have experienced growth in my life since I began studying the course and once I decided to conduct the field studies. I have become more self-aware and I have learnt how to control my emotions since that time. I learnt that people tend to cooperate if they see that one has genuine concern for their welfare. In the time that I have worked with the communities, I have realized that people tend to face many similar issues irrespective of their race and nationality. Therefore, it is pointless to discriminate against people based on how they look. Instead, I have learnt how to embrace individuals based on the situations they are facing. As I have progressed in my studies, I have noted with concern that some individuals within the society are marginalized greatly. For instance, many of the victims in family related problems tend to be women and children. This means that many of the men who have problems do not have anywhere to turn to incase they need help, since most programs are focused on women and children. This has become a major problem today especially for the men who are single fathers and for the young men who do not have any role models in their lives. My studies and research have enabled me to grow in different areas. I have become more objective in my analysis and this has benefited me greatly in my academics.

I intend to pursue family and adult section of social work. I realize that if many adults are aware of the need to seek for help, then the problems that our societies are facing today will end. There will be fewer children on the streets if the parents decide to take responsibility over them. There will fewer cases related to violence, crime, and drugs among other social issues if the adults in the society become more responsible. In addition, many adults need help in terms of counseling services. They have many responsibilities and many people depend on them. They may feel overwhelmed by all they have to do and they may require assistance. These reasons have compelled me to focus on families and adults.

I am a passionate person who believes that the society can be a better place if every person got the help that he or she needed to make a better life. Many people lose their way because they do not have anyone to guide them. I am also passionate about justice and human rights. I believe that people should be given opportunities to improve their lives. I intend to help those who are suffering in silent. Many people keep quiet about their situation because they do not know who to approach. I am also committed and dedicated and I intend to show this in all my pursuits.

One of the main problems today concerns the issue of immigrant families. The current laws have separated families and this has caused a diverse range of problems. The immigration laws and the current attention that many people are paying to immigrants have caused some destabilization within families. In some cases, some parents and children have been forced to go into hiding since they do not have the required documents. This is especially the case with the families that do not want to be separated. Children have been forced to quit school and parents cannot find meaningful employment without the required documentation. This has caused many problems such as poverty. In addition, many people living with such uncertainties have developed psychological and mental problems such as anxiety and depression.

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