Advertising Language





Advertising Language

Advertisers and marketers are aware that the language used when promoting their products can have a profound influence on how people view their products. They ensure that they structure the advertisements in such a way that they are able to influence the consumers when making decisions. Advertisers have understood this for a long time and they have used it to their advantage. This has historically led to situations whereby the consumers have accused the advertisers of blatant deception concerning the ability of the products that are advertised. It has changed the field of advertising in terms of establishing consumer laws and increasing their awareness concerning advertising techniques. Language is powerful and it can influence thought and behavior. With this realization, advertisers have developed different techniques to ensure that they are able to affect the consumer into buying their products and into viewing the products in a positive way. The advertisers know the methods to use to cause the consumers to respond. They understand the principles of marketing and classical conditioning as fundamental in advertising. In addition, they are aware of the need that customers have to identify with brands that they perceive highly. Consumers want to be associated with high quality brands and they will become loyal to the brands they support. Advertisers use language, classical conditioning as well as customer loyalty to influence the way that the customers perceive a product.  

Advertisers have learnt how to use language to their advantage as they market their products. They manage to emphasize the good qualities of their products while hiding the products shortcomings. They are able to do this by using weasel words, which are meant to encourage the consumers to see the potential benefits of the products. They emphasize how products are quick in performance, how they work like magic, and how they are meant to help the consumers solve the problems they have. They have learnt that consumers respond quickly when they hear words such as ‘new and improved’ and ‘virtually spotless’. Advertisers understand the importance of using simple words. This encourages the consumers to watch and listen to the advert and it avoids misinterpretation and misunderstanding. Many consumers have no time to read and watch complicated advertisements. They want to spend a short time learning about a product and they have a short attention span. Therefore, using complex words will only discourage them from looking at the advert. Another way that advertisers use language is through catchy and repetitive slogans. Once the slogans become popular, they influence the consumers when deciding to buy products. Creativity in word usage is also important. Advertisers can capture the attention of their intended audience by the way they choose to structure their words. They can use different ways to do this such as reading a poem or a creative piece of writing. The consumers need to identify with the work for the advertisement to be successful.

Advertisers have learnt the importance of classical conditioning and they use it to influence the consumers thought patterns and behavior. Classical conditioning is aimed at changing the consumers’ behavior. The advertisers understand that the presence of stimuli will lead to the development of particular behavior. The behavior they hope for in this case is that they will manage to convince the customers to purchase the products that they are advertising. They determine the methods they will use to evoke emotional response from the consumers. Once they have been able to establish this, the consumer will respond to the brand name despite the absence of the stimulus that the advertisers had used initially. They also use famous personalities such as celebrities who the consumers admire. They have learnt the power of connecting emotionally with the audience. They can do this by using words, symbols or images. They elicit emotions such as nostalgia, passion, desire, love, and patriotism. Once the audience senses an emotional connection with the product, then they will choose it above others. The advertisers condition the mind of the consumers into believing that they will be making the right decision when they purchase the product. Another way that advertisers are able to use classical conditioning is by using symbols. They attach meaning to certain symbols, in this case the products that they are advertising. Once the consumers learn to associate the meaning to the symbol, then they will always remember that meaning whenever they see the product.

The way that consumers perceive the brand is very important in creating customer loyalty. The consumers need to perceive the brand and product in a positive manner. Therefore, the advertisers emphasize the positive attributes of a product such as being of high quality and always exceeding expectations in performance. One of the ways that the advertisers are able to do this is by using logos. Consumers have a way of identifying with the brand they like and supporting it. They will look for items containing the brand such as clothing and apparel. This is a way of advertising the products for the company.  In some cases, people will choose exclusive and expensive brands as a way of showing their prestige. They want to be associated with such brands and send the message that they can afford it and they belong to a certain class. Brands that show goodwill appeal to the consumers. In this case, the advertisers not only concentrate on increasing awareness of the brand, but they also aim to highlight what the brand stands for and why the consumers should choose it over the rest. The advertisers’ intent is to communicate the message that the company is not just interested in increasing profits but that it also stands for something more meaningful. Such advertisements are powerful and the consumers will want to associate with the meaning behind the message.

Advertisers have learnt about the mind and the psychology of their consumers. They understand the consumers’ desires and needs. In addition, they are able to structure their advertisements in such a way that they create such desires. Of utmost importance is the advertisers need to capture the attention of their audience. They use language in such a way that their intended audience will focus on the ad. They use tactics such as repetition, simple language, creative wording and structure, and weasel words. Furthermore, they understand the importance of classical conditioning as a way of influencing behavior. They target the emotions of the audience and they use famous personalities that the audience admires. The advertisers understand that customers usually attach meaning to symbols and they use this to their advantage. The way that customers perceive a brand is influential in determining the devotion they attach to it. Customers become increase their loyalty when they have positive perceptions of products. Language, perception of the product, and classical conditioning are the main tools that advertisers use to influence the consumers decision when purchasing products.

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