Analysis of “Will the World Be Able to Feed Itself in the Foreseeable Future?”





Analysis of “Will the World Be Able to Feed Itself in the Foreseeable Future?”

In this part of the book Taking Sides by James Harf and Mark Owen, the positive answer to this question is provided by the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations. The organization explains that despite problems being faced regarding food shortage on national and local levels, there is sufficient food can be grown in line basing on the global demand (Harf and Lombardi 45). This strategy is stated to be effective on the condition that international organizations and national governments will adopt the imperative policies aimed at actualizing this goal. Several arguments are presented aimed at supporting this argument. Firstly, there is need for the consumption patterns and practices to be changed. This can be changed through improving the agricultural yields that are not as fertile. These lands include Latin America, Africa, and Eastern Europe. Additionally, incorporation of farming practices that are able to manage nutrients, water and chemicals will be effective (Harf and Lombardi 47). Thirdly, agriculturally enriched states should encourage the halting of farming is areas that are imperative for ecological values. These particular areas are the tropical rainforests. Lastly, it is important for agricultural producing lands to be increased through reduction of lands used for cattle and dairy farming. These arguments are presented in “The State of Food Insecurity in the World 2006” by Food and Agricultural Organization of the United States. The title does not directly provided the position the organization has taken on the ability of global nations to ensure that the population is fed. One cannot clearly state its position, as the title does not specify.

The article, which provided a contradictory perceptive on the global nations’ ability to feed its population in the future, is by Janet Raloff, a reporter at the Science Online. The article is entitled “Global Food Trends.” In the article, the reporter provides several arguments that elucidate on her position on this topic. She mentions of the growing demand of meat within the population, the reduced availability of fish for the developing nations as well as the ever-increasing issues on global poverty. To explain on the issue of global poverty that is associated with the amount of food in the reserves, it is estimated that the excess amount of food has reduced significantly (Harf and Lombardi 49). Additionally, poverty in terms of low food production has also been linked to the drought that has struck some of the world agricultural producers such as the United States and Australia hence explaining the drastic reduction of cereals that are stored in the global reserves. Secondly, the writer argues about the increased demand for meat, which has led farmers to opting for this sector of agriculture, as it is more lucrative. The resulting effect is that more lands have been converted to undertake on beef farming as opposed to grains which are the more preferred as a small percentage of the global population is provided with the option of selecting either grains or meat (Harf and Lombardi 50). The farming and process of meat is also very costly thus eventually straining the economy that can be strengthened through farming as a practice in the agricultural sector.

Similarly, the second article by Raloff does not indicate the position of the writer from the title. The primary perception that is received is that the writer will discuss on the different variables that influence the global food trends in different. Between the two articles, I personally think Raloff provides a more convincing answer on whether the global nations will be able to feed the population in the near future. This is primarily because it provides a statistical analysis of the current global food trends and from the past as well to offer a comparative analysis that confers this capability. In my opinion, this is the key difference that can be noted between the articles. The significance is major because elaboration of statistics presents logical facts that enable one of rationally understand the situation of the globe in terms of food production and storage. Additionally, through providing this information on a global scale, one is able to make sense of the situations that are observed. The articles unify on issues such as there are difficulties being faced in ensuring the food reserves are stocked with enough cereals and grains to service the global population.

Works Cited

Harf, James E, and Mark Owen Lombardi. Taking Sides. Guilford, Conn.: McGraw-Hill/Dushkin, 2005. Print.

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