Analyzing Fitness of Arguments





Analyzing Fitness of Arguments


TO: Manuel Gutierrez, Web Advertising Overseer

FROM: Assistant Web Advertising Overseer

DATE: July 16, 2013

SUBJECT: Fitness of Arguments

It is crucial to consider certain aspects while communicating ideas in order to achieve persuasiveness. This includes understanding the goals and values of the audience. To start with, people are careful not to indulge in projects that clash with their wellbeing or provide no avenue for advancement in their fields of expertise. Furthermore, recognizing their achievements and potential plays a significant role in persuading them. The communicator should also be aware of constraints of persuasive contacts such as legal, political, and informational restrictions.

It is also vital to provide convincing evidence in order for the audience to buy the idea presented. These facts will also ensure that the targeted addressees have relevant knowledge on the product and as such depress any myths and speculations in the society. Moreover, cautiously address all contrasting perspectives to avoid hurting the emotions of the audience. People have different opinions on certain issues, therefore, biased communication may fail to meet the objective of articulacy. Use of graphics is also an effective tactic of persuading the addressees. This is because they are able to send a message about practical and theoretical information. Proper use of texts and graphics in these pages will result in an increase of the listeners’ attentiveness.

5X Calorie Burn Page

The written and visual information in this page shows a high level of efficiency in terms of communication. To start with, the writer incorporates scientific facts about body exercise hence adding weight to the artistic activity. It sends a message to the audience that walking influences other internal and external organs of the body. Inclusion of its advantages is also an appropriate marketing strategy. Most exercisers want equipments that can provide efficient results in various parts of their bodies. Therefore, emphasizing on the rewards of using this exercise mode is a suitable marketing plan.

The use of graphics in this page also plays a vital role in persuading the audience. For example, the graph analyses the activity of various muscles of the human leg. It gives the addressees a detailed description of the participation of these muscles without the use of words. Therefore, it makes the literature increasingly interesting. Moreover, the fact that the graph is from a study conducted in an educational institution makes the information more persuasive. On the other hand, the graphic description of the relation between calories burnt and percentage inclination summarizes the science and art aspects of the idea. Use of bright and different colors to illustrate various features of the idea is an appropriate persuasive strategy.

Nonetheless, certain tactics may improve the efficiency of this web advertisement. For example, substituting some scientific representations with artistic pictures will help the audience relate to the advertisement. This includes use of pictures that show the nature of various body parts before and after walking in order to market the effectiveness of this exercise mode. Moreover, most people are able to interpret art-related pictures, as opposed to analytical representations like the graphs. Furthermore, comparison of this approach of keeping fit with other methods will aid in persuasive communication. The audience will end up adopting this method because of its advantages over the others.

Reflex Cushioning Page

In this page, the choice of words is appropriate in terms of marketing. To start with, the comparison between the functioning of these cushions and that of the car’s suspension aids the addressees to connect to the idea. This is because people are highly conversant with the latter material. On the other hand, use of a video clip in this advertisement page is relevant in convincing the customers to adopt this equipment. The audience understands the gear’s functions and advantage better through this tactic. This is because visual discussions are more efficient in capturing people’s consideration, as opposed to written literature.

However, various strategies can improve the efficiency of this page. For instance, use of pictures to illustrate this paraphernalia will be a highly appropriate marketing strategy. Although the video may persuade targeted customers on its advantage, one has to read the text in order to gain interest in the video clip. On the other hand, people will notice a picture quickly and get an idea of the whole page without reading the written message. In addition, the text needs editing in order to integrate scientific facts about the functioning of this cushion. This will increase the confidence of the customers in this material in terms of attaining the desired results.

Testimonials Page

This page uses various persuasive aspects in its text and graphic representations. The use of a woman who appears physically fit is relevant to this advertisement column. This image attracts the interest of all individuals who love exercising. Moreover, it shows the results that one can attain upon adopting the Incline Trainer. The use of a female figure is suitable since males will want to know how the written information connects to this image. At the same time, Women will desire to understand how they can attain this body shape. Likewise, the image is in a strategic position in the page. Upon opening the page, one will notice the picture and gain interest of reading the written information, which could convince him or her to purchase the equipment.

Likewise, the text in the page is appropriate in ensuring effective marketing. For example, addressing the contrasting viewpoints persuaded the customers to adopt this object. The comparison between the Incline Trainer and other forms of aerobic exercises convinces the audience to choose this approach over the others. Moreover, using a superstar’s testimony on the page relates to persuasive communication. This is because most people follow the trends set by these personalities. Additionally, adding some scientific facts in the page helps it to appear concrete hence acquiring the confidence of many people.

Nonetheless, incorporation of certain features in this page will increase the effectiveness of the advertisement. For instance, providing a picture of a person who has shown significant improvement from the use of the Incline Trainer will increase the confidence of many individuals in this equipment. This is because a large portion of the public tends to follow a certain trend upon realizing that it has worked on someone else. Including the testimony of this individual will also help convince a significant percentage of the targeted audience. This segment should also include a detailed description of the equipment’s operations. The addressees should have knowledge on how the Incline Trainer works in order to decide whether it is good for them. This will avoid any personal problems that may arise from its use that may lead to negative publicity of the apparatus.

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