Animals in Research





Animals in Research


The use of animals in neuroscience research in both clinical and basic demands has been ongoing for a while in human history. Several advancements and achievements have been attributed to the breakthrough dimension of using the animals for the experimental basis. The knowledge acquired from the processes has been of great value in understanding the disorders and diseases that affect the humanistic nervous system. In turn, better treatments aimed at reducing suffering in both animals and humans have been instigated with much ease. Several arguments have been placed on the opposition and proposition in the use of animals for the availed research especially when human matters are involved at all levels. The concerns raised point to the care and rights of the involved animal subjects, more so when the human conduct and treatment is investigated. Understanding of the functioning of the human nervous system is not an easy task and requires detailed proficiency for enabled success. The use of animals in neuroscience research is important and should be maintained, but with reasonable measure on the care and treatment given.



The aim of scientific research in concerns to human issues and problems is availing the most appropriate solutions to them and saving lives (Galert 1). The need for complex solutions involved in the neuron-scientific requirements is therefore highly placed and cannot be used humans for experimental basis. The probability of success in any experiment is not guaranteed, only that the percentile is used to instill confidence. In placing the value of human life to that of animals, it becomes incomparable. It is stated that for every breakthrough in medical research undertaken, there are over seventy-six percent losses associated with the animal research victims. In context, if human lives would be used in the same measure, the number of lives lost would be high. The effect realized in human deaths cannot be conceived, as it is too precious to lose in experimental research.

            Humans share about ninety-five percent of their genotypic attributes and composition to mice. In addition, the physiological functions and requirements of the organs in humans are replicated in a similar and identical manner in animals. An increased effective measure is used to determine the number, characteristic, and effects of diseases and disorders suffered by animals to human. For example, animals have been known to suffer similar nervous complications and adversaries to humans as well as common ailments like asthma, flu, and TB (Collier 1). With respect to human lives and dignity, using of the animals in research of the neuroscience requirements is effective with the animal replications of structure and reaction. It is thus safer to exhibit safer tendencies on animals as opposed to human forms. It becomes easier to achieve productive solutions and save more lives than to apply the same control measures on humans.

            The difference in animal research numbers accounts for lesser use of research victims unlike other professions. Cats, dogs, and other selective primates used in the research of the neuroscience studies account for less than 0.2 percent of the animals accounted for in majority of the industrial application like food consumption. For example, the number of animals killed for their production of food and other respective products cannot be compared with the one used in animal research. In both, lives are lost and the necessity is used in extending the lives of humans, despite the dominion of humans over all living organisms, the neuroscience research provides for assurance on the safety and longevity of our well-being. With improved measures on technological advancement and expertise experience over the years, there is reduce use of animals in the research since the success rate is increased with care and assurance.

            Before assurances and success of the neuroscience researches are enabled for human consumption and uptake, efficacy and safety are measured strictly. Once the different processes are enabled in the study of complications, ailments, and disorders of the nervous system are detailed, there is concern on the developed solutions towards human use (Collier 1). The drugs have to be generated with the intent of having none complications to humans at all. Therefore, the only possible measure is using animals in order to acquire the translated effects, long-term implications, and differential results. If the drugs and solutions are directly infused into the human systems, there are potential negative risks associated with them. With the funding, time allocated, resources input into the researches, the expected results should translate into positive attributes towards human lives, and this is where the animals used provide for the same.


There are limitations with the use of animals in neuroscience research. For example, the human brain is distinct when compared to that of animals. Subsequently, the disorders and ailments affecting humans are not in equal measure to the animals when placed in similar circumstances. The same argument is placed on the effective drugs or solutions achieved after the research when applied to humans. According to Figueredo and Melendez (9), the neuro-scientific approach to humans with the ability to alter their mobility, response, and timeliness to stimuli can be differentiated with that of animals. Opposing stands towards use of animals in such circumstances is valid, but not to entire status. The closes humans can replicate the needs of neuroscience is through the animals as they provide the highest probability and efficiency in the course. Care attributed is in minimizing the limitations in the research at all times.


With the growing concern on animal use in neuroscience research for human concerns, alternative measures have been fronted for effective use. Majority of the developed systems have received backing of the in vitro form of experimentation. Cell cultures have witnessed the growing demands as well as specialized computer simulations. According to Figueredo and Melendez (1), the general expectation is that the closest replication to human behavior and predictions of the neuroscience demands are achieved with minimal reliance on animals as well as preventing their losses in the process. According to the research on neuroscience, alternative measures cannot replace the animal use due to the efficiency and safety concerns in the processes. The applicability, data relevance, and results achieved so far with animal use have increased their dependence as opposed to alternative measures. With increased accuracy, the processes can only get better and ensure human life preservation.


Several advancements and achievements have been attributed to the breakthrough dimension of using the animals for the experimental basis in neuroscience research under both clinical and basic demands. The main concerns raised include the safety and efficiency of the animals used as well as their care and treatment. Improved policies and regulations regarding animal use should be regularly changed in order to minimize their losses as well as any form of mistreatment. The consensus should be availing human value into preserving health and life.

Works Cited:

Collier, Lorna. “Defending Animal Research.” American Psychological Research Vol. 45. No. 7, (2014). Print.

Figueredo, Benito, and Fidel Meléndez. Neuroscience Research Advances. New York: Nova Science Publishers, 2010. Print.

Galert, Thomas. “Animal Experiments in Research.” DRZE, 1. (2015). Print.

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