Annotated Bibliography: Death Penalty in the Middle East





Annotated Bibliography: Death Penalty in the Middle East

Ahmad, Bello D. “Hisbah and the Promotion of Ethical Business Practices: a Reflection for the Sharia Implementing States in Nigeria.” International Journal of Islamic and Middle Eastern Finance and Management 6.1 (2013): 51-63. Print.

This article looks at the Islamic practice of Hisbah and the imperative role it assumes in managing ethics in business practices within the Sharia-based states in the country of Nigeria. Dogarawa discovers that most people view the institution as effective only in the control of moral decadence, hence the support for capital punishment. This source will be imperative for my research since it will offer a further understanding of the roots of death penalty, especially in Islam and Islamic states.

Amnesty International. Affront to Justice: Death Penalty in Saudi Arabia. London: Amnesty International, 2008. Print.

This conference proceeding by Amnesty International, offers statistical data on death penalty cases in Saudi Arabia and in relation to the Middle East. The use of this information offers the organization with data on capital punishment in general. With this source, I will be able to compare death penalty cases in Middle Eastern countries by using the statistical information offered by the book.

Bencomo, Clarisa. The Last Holdouts: Ending the Juvenile Death Penalty in Iran, Saudi Arabia, Sudan, Pakistan, and Yemen. New York: Human Rights Watch, 2008. Print.

This book offers a comparative report on the practice of the death penalty as a legal resort among countries located within the Middle East. In particular, Bencomo focuses on the states of Sudan, Iran, Yemen, Saudi Arabia, and lastly, Pakistan. This material will provide more data for my research and allow a comparative study. 

Bohm, Robert M. The Death Penalty Today. Boca Raton: CRC Press, 2008. Print.

This book looks at the legal, political, scientific, and philosophical elements of death penalty. Bohm concentrates on subjects such as justice miscarriages such as conviction errors and potential remedies. The book introduces my research to a wider context regarding the issue of the death penalty.

Bradley, John R. Saudi Arabia Exposed: Inside a Kingdom in Crisis. New York: Palgrave Macmillan, 2010. Print.

This book looks at the problems currently affecting Saudi Arabia. Bradley critically examines certain occurrences facing the monarch, which vary from women’s plight to the effect of political animosity on the government’s stability. The book will aid my research on reasons behind death penalty cases in the country.

Culzac, Natasha. “Saudi Arabia Executes 19 in One Half of August in ‘Disturbing Surge of Beheadings’. The Independent. 22 Aug. 2014. Web. 1 May 2015.

This article addresses the problem of death penalty in Saudi Arabia. With examples of 19 capital punishment cases, Culzac argues that capital punishment has become increasingly rampant in the country under study. This source will provide additional information on the study. 

Fernandez, Lovell. “Religious Persecution as a Crime against Humanity – Ending Impunity.” International Journal for Religious Freedom 6 (2013): 157-171. Print.

This article evaluates the need for the reinforcement of strategies aimed at fighting religious persecution via the utilization of cross-border justice mechanisms. Even though Fernandez looks at different ways in which people are persecuted for their beliefs, he also explores the use of capital punishment in Islam-based states. This resource offers information that will be used to argue against the ongoing practice of the death penalty.

Otto, Jan M. Sharia Incorporated: A Comparative Overview of the Legal Systems of Twelve Muslim Countries in Past and Present. Leiden: Leiden University Press, 2010. Print.

This book looks at Sharia law and its effects on national law especially in Islamic states. For the author, elements of the legal structure in such states are based on the law’s implications. As such, my study will evaluate the effects of Sharia law in advancing capital punishment.

Peiffer, Elizabeth. “The Death Penalty in Traditional Islamic Law and as Interpreted in Saudi Arabia and Nigeria.” William & Mary Journal of Women and the Law 11.3 (2005): 507-539. Print.

This article examines capital punishment in terms of religion. Peiffer assesses death penalty in relation to Islam. With this, she reveals the effects of traditional Islamic rules on the spread of the practice. The article provides my study with an objective view of the reasons for the longevity of the death penalty.

Zhang, Ning. The Debate over the Death Penalty in China Today. Armonk: M.E. Sharpe, 2005. Print.

This book evaluates death penalty in China. Zhang looks at the way capital punishment has changed the world’s perception of China politically. This source will provide my research with further information on the prolonged effects of the death penalty on a country’s foreign relations.

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