





Gills, Justin. “Scientists Trace Extreme Heat in Australia to Climate Change.” New York Times. 30 Sept. 2014: A1(L). Opposing Viewpoints in Context. Web. 16 Oct. 2014

The author reports on the findings from different groups of researchers who identified greenhouse gases as the cause of the extreme heat wave experienced in Australia in 2013. Gas emissions were caused by human activity. The author notes that scientists are looking for ways to determine the cause of extreme weather patterns around the world. He notes that they are not certain concerning the exact causes in most of the cases, but they identify greenhouse gases as a main determinant in causing climate change around the world. Human activity is a main cause of the increased greenhouse emissions and climate change experienced in many parts of the world

“Introduction to Global Warming: Opposing Viewpoints.” Global Warming. Ed. Cynthia A. Bily. Detroit: Greenhaven Press, 2006. Opposing Viewpoints. Opposing Viewpoints in Context. Web. 16 Oct. 2014

The article records the decision made by the US not to ratify the Kyoto Protocol, which the developed nations had agreed on earlier. The US noted that the protocol was not feasible or fair in its approach. it put the responsibility of reducing carbon gas emissions on the developed nations and it did not have any provisions that would affect the developing world. In addition, it implementing the provisions would have catastrophic changes on the US economy. One of the biggest drivers of the economy is the production and manufacture of motor vehicles and appliances, which contribute to more emissions. Enforcing the protocol would lead to massive job losses and decreased standards of living for the American people. However, the article notes that it is possible for people to learn to live on less and more jobs would be created under green technology. The article notes that although individuals can choose to do their part to reduce global warming, such actions would not be enough, as they would not make any impact on a global scale.

Jasper, William F. “Desperate Dash of Global Warming: as One Wheel after Another Comes off the Global-Warming Bandwagon, the Alarmist Have Cranked up the Audacity and Volume of their Agenda.” The New American 25 Aug. 2014: 18+. Opposing Viewpoints in Context. Web. 16 Oct. 2014

According to the author, there has been no increase in global surface temperatures for nearly two decades. Despite this, governments, environmental organizations, institutions of learning and other entities continue to advocate for draconian climate change policies. The author is skeptical that there was ever such an issue as global warming. He notes that computer generated models have failed in their predictions concerning continuous increase of the global temperatures. He adds that human activity is less likely to cause climate change because man-made carbon dioxide contributes a tiny fraction of the earth’s atmosphere.

Ma, Andrew. “Washed away: the Threat of Global Warming.” Harvard International Review 36.1 (2014): 7+. Opposing Viewpoints in Context. Web. 16 Oct. 2014

The author looks at the devastating effect that increasing sea levels have had on some small island nations. He identifies nations such as Nauru and Solomon Islands which are at the verge of extinction in the near future because of the increase in sea levels caused by high temperatures. The author notes the difficulties of such situation as people will need to relocate to other countries. Such small nations do not have adequate land where they can relocate their people. Governments have to form agreements with other nations as they look for other areas to relocate their citizens. Cultures will be eroded in the process and legitimate nations and states will no longer be recognized since they will have been wiped off the map.

New Zealand Frogs (NZFROG). “Humans have Created Conditions that Cause Amphibian Extinctions.” Are Mass Extinctions Inevitable? Ed. Noah Berlatsky. Detroit: Greenhaven Press, 2012. At Issue. Rpt. From “Amphibian Extinction Crisis” Opposing Viewpoints in Context. Web. 13 Oct. 2014

The article examines the causes of the declining frog population and they note that some species have become extinct. They note that frogs are important despite the fact that they are low animals. They can act as biomonitors, prey for other animals and food for humans, as well as predators which help in controlling insect population. Human activity such as farming, forestry, and mining have altered land and destroyed the amphibian’s habitat. Greenhouse gases have contributed to acid rain and this has cause decline in the survival rates of tadpoles. Global warming has changed breeding patterns, altered the rainfall patterns, and intensified droughts. These factors determine the survival rate of frogs and tadpoles.

Plumer, Brad. “Global Warming Increases The Frequency and Severity of Natural Disasters.” Natural Disasters. Ed. Margaret Haerens and Lynn M. Zott. Detroit: Greenhaven Press, 2013. Opposing Viewpoints. Rpt. From “When Should We Blame Climate Change for Natural Disasters?” Washington Post 18 Nov. 2011. Opposing Viewpoints in Context. Web. 13 Oct. 2014

According to the author, it is not possible to blame global warming as the cause of all the extreme weather that the world is experiencing today. He highlights the results of the research conducted over the years, which note that greenhouse gas emissions have a significant effect on climate change. Human activity is causing a change in rainfall and precipitation patters as the higher temperatures are increasing the amount of water vapor in the atmosphere. Although natural variability is a significant cause of climate change, human activity has made possible and intensified some extreme weather conditions.

Roberts, Andrew. “#First World Climate Change Problems.” Foreign Policy 201 (2013): 28. Opposing Viewpoints in Context. Web. 16 Oct. 2014

The author looks at how global warming will affect the developed nations. He notes that although poorer developing nations around the world are feeling the effect of the climate change, the developed countries will feel the effects as well. He observes that developed nations are responsible for most of global warming even thought the poorer countries feel the most effect. Climate change will cause bumpier flights in the future and increase the number of delayed flights, disrupt the surfers’ lifestyle by increasing the sea level in Australia, reduce snow in ski resorts in the US and Canada, decrease the available land for viticulture, and reduce the possibility of getting caviar since increased heat kills off the shovelnose sturgeon.  

Slaughter, Anne-Marie. “Good Reasons to be Humble: A Foreign-Policy Agenda for the Next President” Commonweal 135.3 (2008): 10+ Opposing Viewpoints in Context. Web. 16 Oct. 2014

The author writes her views on what she thinks the next president ought to do. Among the issues that she cites is the fact that the elected candidate has to accept the mistakes that the country has made in the past, look for ways of dealing with them, and find ways of working with other nations. She notes that the decision to ignore global warming had devastating effects and the people only realized the consequences when a hurricane destroyed a city. She advises that the president should work on forming a group consisting of the countries responsible for most carbon emissions in the world. Such a coalition would consist of countries such as South Africa, the United States, Russia, Brazil, Japan, China, and the EU. The coalition would help to identify ways of dealing with current environmental problems and exchange knowledge on environmental protection.

Spots, Pete. “Snow and Ice are Decreasing in the Northern Hemisphere at Twice the Rate Predicted by Climate Models.” Global Warming. Ed. Debra A Miller. Detroit: Greenhaven Press, 2013. Current Controversies. Rpt. From “Global Warming: Impact of Receding Snow and Ice Surprises Scientists.” 2011. Opposing Viewpoints in Context. Web. 13 Oct. 2014

According to the article, the effects of climate change in the northern hemisphere are worse than researchers anticipated using climate models. The cooling effects in the region have decreased at twice the rate than had been predicted. Snow and ice cover have reduced because of high temperatures and this has exposed a larger part of the ocean and the landscape to sun. These effects have led to a warmer global climate. Any small change in temperature experienced in the arctic will have significant consequences on the levels of snow and ice cover.

The Environmental Integrity Project. “Carbon Dioxide Pollution from Power Plants Rose in the United States in 2010.” Pollution. Ed. Debra A. Miller. Detroit: Greenhaven Press, 2012. Current Controversies. Rpt from “Getting Warmer: US CO2 Emissions from Power Plants Emissions Rise 5.6% in 2010.” 18 Feb. 2011. Opposing Viewpoints in Context. Web. 13 Oct. 2014

The levels of carbon dioxide emissions increased in 2010 and most of this can be attributed to the combustion of fossil fuels, most of which is used for electricity generation. Coal is the biggest polluter and it is responsible for most carbon dioxide emission. The article notes that it is possible to reduce emissions of greenhouse gases by implementing environmental laws and taking advantage of the decreasing natural gas prices. Moreover, there is a growing demand for renewable energy and this will help to reduce reliance on coal.

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