Application for Scholarship





Application for Scholarship

I am writing this application with an interest in joining the University of Colorado Boulder as a full-time student. The university’s liberal policies and approach concerning gender and sexual matters are one of the appealing factors that draw me to this institution. First, I want to reiterate that the GLBT Forever Buffs have made a permanent mark in the social fabric of Colorado and the United States as far as championing for the rights and recognition of GLBT students. At a personal level, I have impressive skills in event planning and promotion. These characteristics can be useful in the promotion of the GLBT cause. From the itinerary, it is evident that GLBT Forever Buffs have numerous events across the year. However, most of these are conducted in a dismal manner, and this reduces the anticipated impact among the organizers. I will implement a public relations makeover that will transform the media and approach adopted by GLBT association. I will introduce new avenues of passing information about GBLT students particularly online platforms such as Facebook and Twitter. Regarding reading literature, I will ensure that posters, handbills, and brochures laden with accurate and open-minded information about different sexual orientations can be accessed by the student body.

One of the changes that I will institute involves introducing a representative that can occupy a seat at the Alumni Association table. I am aware that the main sponsor for GLBT initiatives in this university is the Alumni Association. Therefore, I will facilitate the creation of one GLBT post on the alumni board. This strategy will allow the minority and marginalized individuals in the school to enjoy better support such as higher funding. Furthermore, the acquisition of a position in the Alumni Board will reinforce the stand made by the institution. I know that GLBT students struggle with recognition among the other heterosexual students. This category of solutions will serve to improve the conditions for GLBT students using strategies.

The next set of improvements is focused on changing the public perceptions of GLBT using sensitization programs. Rectifying the misplaced attitudes formed by students and the teaching fraternity over the years will be achieved using continuous sensitization events. In these events, different experts on matters dealing with sexuality will be invited to speak to the public. The idea is to clear any myths or assumptions surrounding sexual orientations. The sensitization programs will incorporate the neighboring community to ensure that the whole area is properly informed.

In conclusion, I stress that the opportunity to join the GLBT Forever Buffs team as an influential person is valuable to the organization. I possess a significant amount of feasible ideas and proposals that can be implemented with positive outcomes. I believe that GLBT people are no different from any other human being. Having a strong faith in the freedom captured in the American Constitution, I wish to find an avenue to exercise this freedom in the GLBT association within the University of Colorado Boulder. This is the 21st century and every student has the right to any economic, physical, social and definitely, sexual choice. Granted, it is a challenging task to undertake. However, I have faith in the cause of the organization as well as the members that belong to it. In the long term, these efforts will yield fruit in the form of equal access to facilities, opportunities, and privileges.

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