Aptitude for Leading Change

Aptitude for Leading Change



Aptitude for Leading Change

            Change is an internally motivated aspect that is prompted by how we view the world and ourselves. It opens up venues for opportunities and development giving individuals possibilities to enhance their growth, achieve high levels of performance and the discovery of new modes of entrepreneurship. Leaders that experience change also have a new perspective look on how to deal and solve problems that may arise in an establishment. Leaders should be effective in leading change in a company by putting aside egos that usual blind their priorities that could result into positive outcomes. The category of leadership being addressed by this white paper is the managerial positions. These individuals are responsible for leading teams in the company. The process of leading change may present a few difficulties but persistence is demanded from such leaders.


There are concerns raised when it comes to implementing initiatives that are aimed at achieving change. In a conducted research, it was revealed that most of the initiatives set for change fail, with an estimated 70% of reported cases. This is a serious issue as it demoralizes the managerial leaders forcing them to settle for the status quo. In implementing change in a company, there should be a structure or rather a strategy outlining the various steps taken in achieving the goals (Blanchard 2009). In the research mentioned previously, an estimated 29% represented the number of initiatives that were setup with out any strategic plan. During this tough economic period, leaders in the managerial positions feel the proper changes that should be executed should be on cutting costs and services ensuring the establishment do not face foreclosure or bankruptcy. This is a misconstrued notion; there is never a proper time to instill change in aptitude in a company. It is an investment with a promise of great returns in terms of productivity and efficiency from the workforce (Landale, 2005). There are six levels of concerns presented in aptitude of leading change.

Relaying of Information

            A company is comprised of executives, directors, managers and the workforce. In the implementation of change, the people who are the driving force that determines the success of implementing change are the employees (Blanchard 2009). This translates to the fact they should be involved in the process of change, they should notified on the type of change, the reasons why the change is needed, how soon the implementation will occur and why the current conditions cannot be maintained. The information concerning the changes should be relayed to the workers if it is to be successful

Personal Concerns

            The issues that rise when implementing the changes is most workers have many inquiries related to how the changes will affect them. The leaders in charge of implementing these changes should address the issues. They might range from the gains that will be reaped after the outcome of the changes, skill requirements, provision of adequate time to implement the changes amongst others (Landale, 2005). The people have a right to have their issues answered and addressed prior to the execution of these changes. Once everything is in motion, the inquiries that may rise require the direction from the leader.

Impact of the Changes

            On announcement of the changes needed to be made, most workers question the worth and influence of these changes and how they will affect them on a personal level and the company as a whole. The answers to these questions should be addressed by the relevant leaders. The leaders should clearly explain the importance of the changes and the positive outcomes that may result.


            On experiencing the benefits that result from the implementation of these changes, the employees have a need to share the information concerning the positive outcomes and get other workers on board bringing about the issue of collaboration.


            After the changes have proven to be successful, the next concern is the refinement of these changes (Blanchard 2009). The main issue is improvement of the changes in order to achieve better outcomes. The leaders are responsible of coming up with the changes that should be installed in the whole process to foolproof the process.


            The problem faced in implementing change in aptitude has a lot to do with the perspective of the workforce towards the initiatives directed toward accomplishing the goal. Most workers are skeptical to change. There are always people willing to resist change, which is completely understandable. However, the set of strategies demand that change should be embraced; any resistance should be treated as derailment to the growth and development of the company. In a business context, there should be a comprehensive understanding from the relevant parties on the importance of the changes suggested. This enables them to focus on two aspects, that is, loses incurred and the profits reaped after the changes have been enacted.

            Most people loathe the thought of being controlled (Landale, 2005). This is where leaders go wrong eventually developing a problem in implementing the changes. The planning of the drafted strategies takes place behind closed doors where the managers regroup and deliberate on the plans they should set up. The problem that presents itself in this scenario is the lack of engagement of the working force. The lack of involvement of the team is a grievous mistake as they are the ones on the front line in the implementation of the plans. The changes agreed upon by the managers are bound to fail, as the employees will not buy the changes because they were not involved in the first place. Effective leaders who are determined to lead change in a company to better its chances of prospering in the economy usually involve their relevant teams. The information relayed to the employees does not necessarily have to be detailed but they need to be notified on the important aspects of the changes (Blanchard 2009). This ensures the accomplishment in implementation of the strategies outlined in the manager meetings and the acceptance of any changes that will be suggested in the future. Lack of involvement will definitely receive compliance from the workforce, but after the pressure is laid off, they are bound to go back to their unproductive tendencies.


            The process of tackling the problems demands three leadership skills, which are diagnosis, flexibility and willingness to collaborate with the workers. Diagnostic skills are required in the assessment of concern raised by the individuals in the team. The leaders need exhibit flexibility in the changing different strategies in leading their teams. Lastly, leaders should view their teams as equal partners in the journey of implementing change. This move will motivate the workers thus more productivity and efficiency will be directed to accomplishing the set targets (Blanchard 2009). Several solutions are recommended that will enable the leaders to ensure that the changes are accepted and worked on.

Strategy 1

Involvement of the workers in strategizing of the plans that are aimed at implementing the changes should be held with high regard and considered.

Strategy 2

Prior to enacting the changes, the leaders should explore their options to ensure that they do not implement the wrong changes that can be detrimental to the growth and development of the company.

Strategy 3

The leadership team that is selected to enact the changes should have highly effective people who are determined and self-driven in attaining the goals that have been outlined by the changes required. They should be unified in their thinking and execution of strategies. 

Strategy 4

The relevant leaders should effectively explain the need for change without necessarily coming of as if they are rejecting the current development of the establishment but rather moving forward in building on the past to ensuring a better future for the company and its workers.

Strategy 5

The leaders are tasked with the responsibility of inspiring a vision for the company. They should forward an inspiring vision to the workers, which will act as a motivational factor propelling them to achieve more and embrace the changes that are required.

Strategy 6

The leaders should utilize their diagnostic skills that will assist them in assessing the individuals that are for and against the changes thus allowing them to address their concerns and reassure them on the positive outcomes that will result if the implementation of these changes is successful (Blanchard 2009). They are also responsible for setting up a strategic plan that dictate the systematic plans that are executed to ensure all the changes are met and handled.

            The main benefit that is evident after the aforementioned strategies are implemented is the drastic increase the maintenance of success in enacting change in the establishment. The ability of the leaders to address the concerns of the workers increases productivity and efficiency of the workers that is very crucial in ensuring the prosperity of the company. An increase in interest and excitement is also observed. This is a direct result of involving the workers in the planning and execution of the changes. The interest developed acts as a driving force that propels the company into success.  


Blanchard, K. (2009). Leading at a Higher Level, Revised and Expanded Edition: Blanchard on Leadership and Creating High-Performing Organizations. S.l.: FT Press.

Landale, A. (2005). Being a Leader of Change. The British Journal of Administrative Management, 64, 18.

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