Article Review

Article Review

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The area of criminal justice has significant relationship with social issues that affect members of the society because the system seeks to find answers and solutions to the issues affecting members of community. Consequently, this assignment identifies various articles in the field of criminal justice that address social issues. It is a review of the various published works while paying considerable attention to the research questions/problem, methodology, quality of literature review, data collection, findings, and conclusion/recommendations. The analysis helps to understand the connection between the field of criminal justice and the social issues affecting individuals, communities, and societies.

Article Review

Article One – Chng, B., & Tan, C. (2017). The effect of perceived racial discrimination on aggression. Pertanika Journal of Social Science and Humanities, 25(1), 461-472.

Research Question/Problem Statement

Chng and Tan (2017) assert that whereas racial discrimination is increasingly becoming a crucial question more research is needed to understand the effects of this phenomenon. The researchers argue that although scholars reveal that racial imbalance adversely impacts racial minorities, the connection between perceived racial imbalance and aggression remains unclear. Thus, the research aims to know the effects of perceived racial inequality on aggression in the context of Malaysia.


The researchers conduct a qualitative study, which entails gathering qualitative data. The approach allows the researcher to respond to the how and why of the issue under investigation. Due to the nature of this research approach the study is subjective as opposed to being objective and the outcomes are inferred in a written format instead of numerical.

Quality of the Literature Review

The quality of literature review is superb because the researchers examine various scholarly works that provide the needed information to respond to the research questions. Most of the reviewed sources in the literature review section are peer-reviewed journal articles, but also includes books that are equally informative.

Data Collection Process

The researchers gather data through an online survey that comprises of 136 adult participants. The researcher uses tools such as AQ-12 and Brief PEDQ-CV to gather data (Chng & Tan, 2017).


The findings indicate that perceived racial discrimination (PRD) has significant impact on aggression. The authors point out on exclusion has having significant impact on hostility and anger, which are the cognitive and emotional elements of aggression (Chng & Tan, 2017). Other scholarly findings give similar indications that the level of aggressiveness is likely to intensify with perceived racial discrimination, thus creating caution on the need to avoid discriminatory practices and approaches. Xiong et al. (2021) find that individuals become increasingly aggressive due to PRD because it is a form of self-defense against further violation. Xiong et al. Xiong et al. (2021) further assert that whereas some individuals may perceive the aggression as a way of averting additional attack, others perceive it as a way of expressing their disapproval of the inappropriate actions aimed against them.


The researchers recommend that future investigators should examine the underlying structure of relationship between perceived racial discrimination and aggression, and to formulate coping mechanisms for victims of racism. Nonetheless, cases of aggression due to PRD will increase. Other scholarly findings also give similar directives that would help to avert the possible negative implications of PRD. For example, Sellers and Shelton (2003) advocate for the creation of stricter policies as a potential way for averting possible cases of discrimination based on one’s race. Gibbons et al. (2021) and Pieterse et al. (2012) share the same sentiments that reviewing existing policies to ensure that everyone respects the other regardless of their race presents an opportunity for mutual growth and understanding, and presents a scenario where incidences of contradiction or misunderstandings are less. Nonetheless, failing to heed to the recommendations by the various scholars could create a scenario where individuals become increasingly aggressive as a result of the discrimination that they encounter because of their racial background.

Article Two – Sharma, Y. (2022). Criminal law and environmental pollution. Indian Journal of Law and Legal Research, 4(1), 1-14.

Research Question/Problem Statement

The study seeks to respond to various research questions. One of the research questions in the paper is to describe the meaning of environmental law. The other research question in this study is to identify whether their need for a change in current environmental law. The research paper also seeks to identify whether particular reforms are needed, and to find out how law will help to regulate environmental pollution.


The researcher uses the case study approach as the primary research technique. Specifically, the researcher examines various court cases and their rulings to explain how a particular health problem affected members of a particular community. Moreover, the researcher examines various legislations that relate to environmental protection that helps to avert practices that could affect the environment. Various scholars support the use of the case study approach terming it as one of the most suitable research design techniques for conducting qualitative research. Rebolj (2013) supports the approach arguing that it offers adequate qualitative information about a particular topic. Furthermore, the research design offers insight for future studies that may guide current researchers to rely on their information to come up with more informative directives when conducting similar exercises in future. Nonetheless, that does not imply that the research method does not have any limitations. One of the common deficiencies associated with the case study method, and which impact significantly on the nature of the outcome is that the level of bias is high and the researcher’s subjective feelings could influence the outcome (Zainal, 2007). Nonetheless, the selected research method is suitable for this specific purpose.  

Quality of the Literature Review

The researcher examines various works that relate to the subject under investigation. The literature review is elaborate and provides comprehensive view of the subject matter. However, some of the selected sources for the literature review are web-based, thus not providing adequate empirical evidence. Various scholars feel that web-based sources are not scholarly and may not provide the needed information, which make such forms less inappropriate in when conducting a literature review. Specifically, Blank and Lutz (2016) and Latkovikj and Popovska (2020) do not recommend web-based sources for the literature review section arguing that it has unrepresentative samples, low response rate, and are usually restricted to limited information. Nonetheless, the nature of the literature review in this scenario is still appealing despite using some web-based sources.

Data Collection Process

The researcher gathers data from secondary sources that describe the effects of environmental pollution. The selected sources relate the effects of pollution to legislation, and also show how the environmental concern affect members of the public. The data collection process is effective because it eases the process and is not costly.


The research reveals that whereas various regulations exist to determine how people relate with the environment, violations still occur that expose natural resources to significant threat. The study reveals that such effects impact negatively on communities that depend on the environment in many aspects (Sharma, 2022).


The researcher recommends the need to criminalize environmental offences, especially in areas that do not take pollution and environmental concerns seriously to create a safe and clean environment for everyone (Sharma, 2022). The author calls for stricter penalties against those who pollute the environment, thus putting the lives of many people at risk.

Article Three – Geppert, K. (2022). Explaining the gender gap in the criminal justice system: How family-based gender roles shape perceptions of defendants in criminal court. Inquiries, 14(2),

Research Question/Problem Statement

Numerous researches have examined why women are largely underrepresented in correctional facilities in prisons across the U.S. In describing the gender gap, researchers have discovered that women are handled more fairly than their male counterparts at various aspects of the judicial processes (Geppert, 2022). Arguments for women’s fair treatment are usually stated as sex variations in criminal conduct and could gain from further research.


The researcher conducts a qualitative research study to help respond to the issue under investigation. The approach focuses on qualitative data rather than quantitative data.

Quality of the Literature Review

The literature provides much information about the issue under investigation. The researcher includes a wide range of sources that give elaborate awareness about the topic. However, some of the included literature are old-dated and may not offer information that is up to date. Nonetheless, all the included works are from credible authors, which make the description appealing to readers.

Data Collection Process

The research uses qualitative and structured interviews with defense lawyers and federal judges who oversee court proceedings to know how interactions of gender and family impact on fair treatment of female defendants in court. The data is acquired from two federal courts in the United States. Various factors would push a researcher to use the qualitative approach as opposed to the quantitative approach. One of the major reasons why researchers use the technique is that it is easier to deploy because one does not have to engage in experiments and statistical data analysis as it happens with the quantitative approach. The other reason is that the qualitative technique is that it is possible to get the needed awareness or information from a relatively smaller sample, which saves a researcher much time and resources. Thus, researchers should consider this technique as a possible option for conducting their studies.


The study reveals that women would get lenient judgement in a court of law because women as believed to be caretakers in their homes and families. Female defendants are more likely to get fair treatment when they are the main caretakers of children. The findings in Geppert (2022) reflect that of other scholars who find that compared to males who present to court with different reasons, female defendants have a higher chance of getting leniency. For example, Doerner and Demuth (2014) and Nagel and Johnson (1994) attach the social functions women play in the family and community to the fairer judgment that many women receive in a court of law. However, Kelsh (2015) feels that clinging to the ideology that women deserve fair treatment because of their social position and role could tamper with the attempts to achieve justice, especially if the woman was on the wrong and failing to provide fair pronunciation could be a form of injustice to the other party. Consequently, it is imperative to look into this area to ensure some people are not denied justice because of gender considerations.


The researcher recommends the need to avoid considering family-based factors in making judicial decisions because this could results in unfairness and deterred judgment. The researcher clarifies by stating that the objective of the study is not to purport whether or not family matters should be considered in court decisions; instead it sheds light onto how the criminal justice system show leniency to women because of their traditional roles. The best way forward according to Ostrom et al. (2004) who also conduct a similar study is to make pronunciations based on existing legal frameworks rather than relying on non-legal determinants that could result in more controversy when one group feels that it has been denied justice. Increasingly pardoning offenders because they are women and possibly perform custodian roles could result in increased violation of existing structures, especially by women when they feel that the court would consider them and give a less severe pronouncement because of their gender. Therefore, it is essential to pay more attention to this area to avoid further disgruntlement now and in future.

Article Four – Widom, C., & Maxfield, M. (2001). An update on the “cycle of violence”. Research in Review, 3,

Research Question/Problem Statement

The research questions in this study revolve around understanding the social problem of child abuse. The study inquires whether childhood abuse and neglect result in adult criminal conduct (Widom & Maxfield, 2001). The study also seeks to examine whether violated children may become offenders when they become adults.


The researchers use a mixed method approach in completing the research. The approach allows the researchers to incorporate both qualitative and quantitative data in the study. Different factors would compel a researcher to use the mixed method in their study. Some of the compelling factors according to Doyle et al. (2009) is that the researcher can understand the connection between qualitative and quantitative data that are equally essential when conducting a research. Doyle et al. (2009) write that fusing the two techniques implies that a researcher gain from both the contextualized and detailed awareness of qualitative data and the external, generalizable information presented by quantitative data. Moreover, the approach is suitable because the strengths of one form of data usually address the deficiency of the other. Consequently, it is essential to examine such factors before settling on the approach.

Quality of the Literature Review

The literature review is short and the author uses few resources. Hence, this section does not cover much about the topic, instead it gives an overview of the subject matter. Various factors make it necessary to come up with a considerably elaborate literature review because this is one of the most essential elements of a research study. An effective literature review section is one that adequately addresses the research question and one that clearly identifies the theoretical framework (Mondo, 2021). Moreover, Mondo (2021) recommend the use credible and reliable sources when completing the literature review section during a research process. More fundamentally, an effective literature review section is one that is narrow enough to leave out inappropriate information from the study. Nonetheless, omitting either of these provisions could affect the quality of the literature review, and the outcome is that the audience may lack crucial information about the issue under investigation.

Data Collection Process

The researchers gathers data by following a broad number of scenarios from childhood through adulthood. The sample is acquired from a metropolitan area in the Midwest. Selecting a suitable sample for this study is necessary because this saves the researcher the time and effort of engaging a larger group, a practice that could be daunting, especially if the one in charge of the exercise lacks adequate resources (Delice, 2010). The other reason why working with a specific sample in a research is the most suitable option is that the practice presents an opportunity to work with data that that presents high level of preciseness, thus limiting the likelihood of witnessing blunders in the course of the study (Taherdoost, 2016). More importantly, working with a specific sample is essential because the approach is cost effective, especially when having to use limited resources (Taherdoost, 2016). Hence, each researcher should monitor their data collection process while ensuring they use the suitable sampling techniques.  


The study reveals that children face a wide range of abuses that affect their well-being. The paper shows that children experience physical abuse, sexual abuse, and neglect. The study shows that considerable gaps exist in criminal justice that deter attempts to end the problem.


Childhood abuse has increasingly become a serious problem that calls for effective intervention. The researchers call for review of existing legal structures to avert such complications. The

Article Five – Shah, N., Soomro, B., & Mirjat, A. (2019). An investigation of the impact of poverty and unemployment on criminal behaviour among youths: An empirical approach. Pakistan Journal of Criminology, 11(1), 54-67.

Research Question/Problem Statement

Evidence suggest that poverty pushes many people into criminal activity. Consequently, the objective of this paper is to examine the effects of poverty and lack of job on criminal conduct among youths and adults in Pakistan. The problem statement in the paper by Shah et al. (2019) reflect what other various scholars have identified in their researches, which show the need to avert poverty as a potential way to reduce certain instances of criminal behavior. For example, the primary objective of the study by Owusu (2016) is to find out the length to which crime impact poverty and vice versa. Owusu (2016) further argue that whereas the debate has significantly engaged the interest and attention of criminologists and other scholars in the field of social science, especially in the Global North, little attention is dedicated to this area, particularly in Africa where the level of poverty is considerably high.


The study uses the descriptive method, which entails examining the content of various sources. The descriptive approach is suitable for this study because it allows to understand the “hows” and “whys” of the issue under investigation. Besides, researchers would choose the descriptive approach over other techniques because of other merits associated with the approach. For instance, researchers deploy the technique because it enables the researcher to analyze facts and make it possible to create an in-depth awareness of the matter under investigation (Loeb et al., 2017). Another potential merit of the technique is that it allows the researcher to determine the behaviors of participants in their natural settings. However, it is essential to acknowledge that the approach could be associated with high level of bias. Consequently, researchers choosing to use the same technique as Shah et al. (2019) should consider the potential strengths and limitations associated with the research method.

Quality of the Literature Review

The use of various sources in the literature review section provides readers with extensive information about the subject under investigation. One factor that makes this section elaborative is that the author uses scholarly sources, which are more credible. Using scholarly sources in such studies has numerous findings. However, some of the common advantages associated with referring to this kind of sources is that they acknowledge and address the merits of alternative viewpoints and descriptions for the arguments and positions they present (Nassaji, 2015). This quality makes it possible to tell the truth, as well as the strong and weak aspects of the arguments presented in the literature review section. Consequently, researchers while completing the literature review sections should pay considerable attention to scholarly sources as opposed to non-scholarly sources.

Data Collection Process

A survey questionnaire is issued to 252 participants to inquire their views concerning the relationship between poverty and crime. The research uses closed-ended questionnaires. Various factors could have led the researchers to use closed-ended questionnaires for this study, including the ease of responding to questions, to opportunity to develop comparable answers, and increased understanding because of the available answer options as opposed to open-ended questionnaires that lack such options (Hyman & Sierra, 2016).


The findings suggest that high poverty level is associated with high indulgence in criminal behavior. Those facing poverty enter into crime to sustain their livelihood.


The researchers recommend the need to initiate programs that would alleviate poverty to prevent many people from turning into crime. They acknowledge that the attempts to address poverty requires a multi-faceted approach.


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Geppert, K. (2022). Explaining the gender gap in the criminal justice system: How family-based gender roles shape perceptions of defendants in criminal court. Inquiries, 14(2),

Gibbons, F., Gerrard, M., & Fleischl, M. (2021). Perceived racial discrimination and healthy behavior among African Americans. Health Psychology, 40(3), 155-165.

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Shah, N., Soomro, B., & Mirjat, A. (2019). An investigation of the impact of poverty and unemployment on criminal behaviour among youths: An empirical approach. Pakistan Journal of Criminology, 11(1), 54-67.

Sharma, Y. (2022). Criminal law and environmental pollution. Indian Journal of Law and Legal Research, 4(1), 1-14.

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Widom, C., & Maxfield, M. (2001). An update on the “cycle of violence”. Research in Review, 3,

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