Artificial Sweeteners





Artificial Sweeteners

The article Artificial Sweeteners May Disrupt Body’s Blood Sugar Controls by Kenneth Chang shows the effects of consuming artificial sweeteners. According to the article, consuming the sweeteners can cause diabetes, as it causes metabolic changes when it interferes with regulation of blood sugar. The article reports on the results of research that were obtained when scientists tested the effects of saccharin, aspartame, and sucralose on mice. The mice exhibited intolerance to glucose. The article notes that there have been conflicting reports concerning the benefits or harm of artificial sweeteners on the body. It observes that most of the research has had inconclusive results. Some studies have shown that the sweeteners have positive effects while others have observed potential harm on the users. The article adds that artificial sweeteners have the ability to change the condition of the gut bacteria in both mice and humans. The intestinal bacteria in people who use the sweeteners are markedly different compared to those who do not normally use any form of sweetener.

I found the article to be of great importance as far as health is concerned. There are many cases of diabetes in the country. People consider artificial sweeteners to be a healthier alternative to using sugar. Therefore, they consume diet sodas, most of which use the sweeteners, in an effort to maintain good health. People need to realize the effects that artificial sweeteners have on the body. Glucose intolerance is a serious issue because it can lead to the development of diabetes. Diabetes is associated with many health concerns including increased risk of developing cardiovascular diseases and blindness. The government needs to reconsider its recommendations on artificial sweeteners. Although more research needs to be done on the study, it is important to act on the results.

Work Cited:

Chang, Kenneth. “Artificial Sweeteners May Disrupt Body’s Blood Sugar Controls.” The New York Times. 17 September 2014. Web. 30 September 2014

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