Assignment 2

Assignment 2



Assignment 2


            The security measures designed to disallow unauthorized access into resources, equipment, business facilities and protect property, personnel from harm and damage are important in the business aspects of the modern era. Physical security provides assurances and minimal disruptions in the processes of functional operations. Physical security comprises of using multiple levels of interdependent systems, techniques and equipment to achieve the objective of restraint, resource preservation and boundary maintenance. Some of the levels required include barriers, locks, alarm options, surveillance, lighting considerations and applications of crime protection in design. In order for the execution of a comprehensive security deployment in a business facility, a carefully planned and analyzed plan is essential in order to reduce costs, errors and chances of failure.


CPTED Applications

            Crime prevention through environmental design applications refers to the principles, which can be applied in a business facility as regards the environment where the facility is located (Fennelly, 2013). The business facility is located in a rural area and this can utilize the natural strategies fro implementation. The first option, which can be employed, is the natural surveillance. The facility can use increased visibility in its structures to deter any intruder or criminal into the facility’s environment. For example, use of unobstructed windows in the office buildings, nighttime lighting and friendly sidewalks of pedestrians can be implemented from the commencement. The second option of the CPTED is the territorial reinforcement. In such an instance, the business facility users will have a sense of territorial control, which will act as a discouragement to potential offenders. For example, use of appropriate signage and gateway treatments can be used. The third option of the CPTED application is use of natural access control. Space guidance for the public and employees can be distinguished as well as landscaping of the facility and gateways.

Surveillance Options

            Surveillance is critical in obtaining the security measures of business facilities. Surveillance is the constant and present monitoring of activities, behaviors, changing information of people within a designated area or enclosed facility (Fennelly, 2013). The purpose of this is to influence, manage, direct and protect the concerned group of people in the facility as well as the external influences that can be in contact with the business area. There are several factors to be considered before final procurement of surveillance technology for the business facility. The first factor is the suitability of the technology to be purchased. The business facility does not require surveillance of equivalence to operating watch out in a central commercial district. The second factor is the general cost associated with the technology, as it should not exceed the business’ capabilities as regards the security installations. The third factor is the technical-know-how on the technological operations. Some of the surveillance technologies are too sophisticated for rural settings. The fourth factor to be considered is the efficiency of the technology.

Outdoor barriers

            Outdoor barriers refer to the physical structures that can be utilized on the external settings of a facility in order to impede or block external interference into the internal environment. In the business facility, outdoor barriers can be used to enhance physical security measures against external forces or interferences. Outdoor barriers carry significant importance in that; they can act as the first level of deterrence from any unwarranted entry, access or interaction from unwanted individuals. Their presence on the external surrounding of the business facility alerts any intruder of a no go zone. The second importance of outdoor barriers is contained in their physical attributes and location within the design of the facility. For instance, once the barriers are made from versatile materials and placed at the periphery, the security is guaranteed since entry to the facility is minimized. The third importance of the outdoor barriers is that they create an immediate deterrence from external intrusion (Fennelly, 2013). They help facilitate a transitional area between private property and public utilities.


            The type of locks that should be installed in the facility should defer in the level of security access to a particular utility. The first type of lock, which should be used in the secret and confidential information areas, is the biometric systems. The biometric system lock contains a computerized program, which consists of optical and fingerprint data of the authorized personnel of the facility. Once the employee or personnel require access to the highly sensitive information, the machine processes the biometric information from the user and allows or denies entry. The second type of locking system that can be used in the facility is the electronic access control system. In this type of lock, the personnel requiring entry has to provide an identity card and slot it into the reader for verification before the electronic access control permits entry into and out of the facility. The third type of lock to be used in the facility is the manual key control kind. Sensitive information and classified categories of hardcopy file systems can usually be placed in cabinets within representative rooms. This type of lock offers unique coding of manual keys to specific holders.

Lighting Considerations

            Lighting considerations are vital in the planning of physical security measures of a business facility. The importance is due to the exposure it offers in the designated areas within the facility’s environment. The design and placement is necessary in acting as deterrence to any external intrusion as well as a preventive measure. In the parking lot of the facility, the lighting should be bright, raised and adequate within the design of the physical structure. The placement is necessary for a clear and enhanced observation with ease especially for nighttime security advances. The distance covered should extend the transitional area between the parking lot, barriers and external utilities. In the entry point, lighting considerations have to be centralized, effective and operational at all times. The lighting should cover human entry points, vehicle inspection and placement of equipment checks in order to scrutinize all materials accessing the business facility. In the office space, lighting considerations should be low-intensity but well distributed within the facility.

Alarm Options

            The use of central station signaling for the business facility has security advantages. It is easy to collect the distress signal from a centralized location with easier access to the auxiliary points of other security needs. The central station signaling helps facilitate awareness to neighboring centers and security providers for quicker response and attention (Fennelly, 2013). The central station signaling also provides for quicker reliability since the protocols to be followed are usually easily communicated and enabled within the system. Since it is automated, large amounts of information and data can easily be accessed at a short time for rectification. One of the options that can be implemented includes the local system. In this kind, a unique signal is made available to the facility only and is essential for easier notification, evacuation and control of the threat posed. The remote station system is the second option that can be used in the facility. Through the telephone line and operational services of twenty-four hours, this can be deployed with trained personnel.

Entry Control

            Access control cards can be used in the business facility as a means of employee badging system (Fennelly, 2013). Access control cards use magnetic strip technology for encoding and decoding of the vital information as regards the holder of the card. Some of them can have chips in which the reader determines the entry, access and exit points according to the facility’s restrictions. The second kind of employee identification card is the embedded security cards. The embedded kinds have multiple security features like the biometric information of the holders and the level of access granted. They are usually enabled through a slot whereby all the information is relayed and the access is granted to authorize personnel. The third type of identification card is specialty PVC cards. In this kind of card, all information is printed on the material, includes a bar code for entry and access points as well as a unique staff number for the organization.    


            Physical security measures in business facilities are important for the success of the establishment. They help protect the business sensitive information, equipment, facilities, properties, employees from harm, damage and intrusion from unwanted external sources. Careful and well-thought planning is essential for multiple levels of interdependent systems, techniques and equipment to achieve the objective of restraint, resource preservation and boundary maintenance. Security levels required include barriers, locks, alarm options, surveillance, lighting considerations and applications of crime protection in the designs.


Fennelly, L. J. (2013). Effective physical security, fourth edition. Waltham, Mass: Butterworth-Heinemann.

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