Ben’s Week 6





Ben’s Week 6

Part 1

The concept of reflexivity in literature implies the provision of connotations to an individual’s experience. As expressed by Kellogg (96), writing constitutes a basic function within the lives of individuals. This is in accordance with the supposition that writing embodies a specific and important position in the civil society. Accordingly, the literary element in a social context is evident in instances where developing one’s thoughts comprehensibly, convincingly and credibly on paper actually in instances that illustrate the search for employment in the present society. Undeviatingly, the notion of reflexivity embodies the act of writing in a broader milieu. Through the principle of reflexivity, an individual possesses the capability to relay his or her thoughts soundly in writing by deciphering the actual meaning behind a personal or educational incidence.

As such, in exuding contemplation while documenting the meaning behind a specified occurrence, it is possible to confuse the notions of reflection and reflexivity. Alternately, Qualley states, “reflexivity is a response triggered by a dialectical engagement with the other-an other idea, theory, person, culture, text, or even an other part of one’s self, e.g., a past life” (Qualley, 11). In nonprofessional context, reflexivity implies the utilization of self-contemplation and convoluted reasoning in order to fathom the meaning of a certain experience or entity. Nonetheless, reflexivity does not acclimatize to the concept of reflection. In simple terminology, reflection implies the procedure of gazing inside and reasoning regarding respective experiences that influence the manner of thinking. This coincides with Qualley’s postulation regarding reflection. She implies that reflection involves fixing thoughts regarding a particular subject and callously executing consideration and meditation regarding the object of reflection (Qualley, 11).  

On a certain Easter afternoon, I assisted my fellow reminiscence workers in planning a small party for our patients. The afternoon was a momentous occasion since it involved a card competition, accordion music, food, and drinks. This prompted me to enter and join the patients and their families and to engage in conversations within them. One woman, Mrs. White expressed a considerable desire to converse with me but in order to ensure minimal dependence, I left a nurse in charge of her even though occasionally, Mrs. White would rise and express confusion regarding her direction, but at least she was happy. Nonetheless, after standing aside and watching the patients from afar, I noticed that the music coming from the accordion elicited positive results around them. Other patients expressed sadness, which in turn enabled me to contemplate on whether the music actually allowed them to remember significant bits of their memory that elicited such reactions while some of them were laughing and communicating verbally. This sight allowed me to understand the probability of music in centers in order to induce relaxation and comfort especially after witnessing Mrs. Black’s first-ever dancing moves

Part 2

According to Brent (561), learning transfer involves the transfer of skills to another vocation or area of expertise in which the learner possesses experience. Concerning my experience, I possess a considerable background in reminiscence work with elderly patients suffering from dementia. I pursued a certificate in Reminiscence Work in my second year of study at the University of California. Even though I did not possess any relative experience regarding reminiscence work, I possess considerable experience in charity work and community service. Usually, the main tasks that I performed while performing community service and charity work involved serving the disabled and elderly within the local society as well as organizing the centers that we would visit in order to ensure proper time management. Furthermore, I have always being accessible in the provision of reminiscence work services in centers for persons ailing with dementia.

Furthermore, my personal experience especially relating with the acquisition of Alzheimer’s disease by my eldest aunt further provided me with the necessary skills required in providing reminiscence work services. In the first stages of providing care for my aunt, it was not difficult enough since most of the symptoms that she suffered exuded mild cognitive impairment and as such, she was mostly aware of her actions and the tasks that she required to perform. Nevertheless, my skills in reminiscence work amplified when she started experiencing severe dementia to the point that she could not remember her family members as well as her routine tasks, which involved mundane activities such as brushing teeth. The depressing state of her condition in turn evoked intense emotions that at one point influenced me to begin assisting her in remembering small details especially regarding her family. Such details comprised showing her photographs, assisting her in performing routine tasks as well other activities that would assist in evoking her memory.

As such, the consistent engagement in assisting my aunt to remember provided me with an in-depth comprehension and desire to perform reminiscence work. As such, by engaging in reminiscence work at home with my aunt, I gained an efficient understanding regarding reminiscence work, even though my learning method was unorthodox. Nonetheless, such experiences allowed me to incur a passion in delegating my services towards reminiscence work and thus assist other patients, other than my aunt, in uncovering the smallest and the considerable details of their memories.

Works Cited

Brent, Doug. “Crossing Boundaries: Co-Op Students Relearning to Write.” College Composition and Communication. 63.4 (2012): 558-592. Print.

Kellogg, David. “The Brake of Reflection: Slowing Social Process in the Critical WID Classroom.” Writing against the Curriculum: Anti-disciplinarity in the Writing and Cultural Studies Classroom. Ed. Randi G. Kristensen and Ryan M. Claycomb. Lanham: Lexington Books, 2010. 91-108. Print.

Qualley, Donna J. Turns of Thought: Teaching Composition as Reflexive Inquiry. Portsmouth: Boynton/Cook, 1997. Print.

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