Business Case






Business Case

The purpose of this project is to construct King Road afresh and replace the current one with a wider installation that is safer for pedestrians and motorists. King Road is an important piece of infrastructure in Waupaca County, Wisconsin as it services several business installations in the area and links the WI-22 to the County Highway QQ. Some of the businesses and entities that the road services include the King Berry Farm & Greenhouse, Calvary Lutheran Church, Waupaca Christian Church and Waupaca High School among others. These installations serve important roles within the Waupaca community and it is vital that the members of the Waupaca area be able to reach them with ease. The current state of King Road makes it dangerous to the members of the community and acts as a hindrance to the success and growth of the business installations along it. King Road is in dire need of reconstruction due to cracks and potholes in the tarmac, poor lighting along the street, faded road signs and a no markings. Combined, these factors increase the likelihood of accidents occurring along the road and causing harm to students and congregants of the nearby school and churches, respectively.

            The reconstruction of King Road will benefit the members of Waupaca community greatly. Firstly, a better road will make it easier for the residents of the area to access County Highway QQ from WI-22 without having to drive a long distance. Due to the road’s current state, many residents prefer to drive the long way and join the highway further down Wi-22. Secondly, improving the current state of King Road will act as a boost to the installations along it. Businesses such as King Berry Farm and Greenhouse will have an easier time luring clients. It will also be easier for the school and the churches to carry out their work with a better road. This is especially the case for Waupaca High School, since the authorities should take added caution when dealing with young people.

Scope Overview

The scope of this project is to reconstruct King Road. This will involve increasing its width into a three-lane road with a bike path and pedestrian pavement. This will involve the complete demolition of the existing King Road to allow the fresh construction of the new installation. A three-lane road is the best option for this project because it will allow ample room along the sides for a bike path and a pedestrian walkway (Making Roads Safer 1). This will make King Road a safe route for children to use when going to school.

Objectives and Deliverables

The first objective is to reconstruct King Road as a three-lane street that provides enough room for the traffic volume that it currently deals with. The second objective is to construct bike paths and pedestrian walkways on each side of the road to make it easier for walkers and cyclists to use the street. The third objective of the project is to mark the new King Road with clear signs and warnings that help guide drivers and reduce the errors that they make. In accordance with the objectives, the deliverables of this project will be a three-lane street that caters for larger traffic volumes. The measure of acceptance for this deliverable will be a street twice as wide as the original King Road. The second deliverable will be a set of bike paths and walkways that service pedestrians and cyclists. For this item, the acceptance criteria will be the presence of a walkway and bike path on each side of the street with clear markings and enough room for high traffic. The last set of deliverables for this project will be new street signs along King Road.  

Project Exemptions

The project to reconstruct King Road will not cover any side streets and alleys that service it. The project will also not involve the renovation of any government buildings or facilities along the road. The reconstruction of King Road will not extend to either WI-22 or County Highway QQ. The project’s funding and permit strictly limits it to King Road and does not allow the team to extend this work to any other part of the area unless unprecedented circumstances emerge such as damage related to the original scope.


The first activity in this project will involve a meeting between all stakeholders. After the initial meeting, the second activity will involve a final survey of the area to confirm the plan on how the project will progress through its different stages and any problems that may emerge. The next activity will see the current King Road deconstructed, marking the beginning of the work. The fourth activity will involve the construction of the new road starting with one side then moving onto the other. The team will then finalize the project by installing new road signs and marking the road properly.

Milestone Schedule

The project team will divide the milestone schedule in accordance with four key phases. First, an initial meeting between all key stakeholders will take place and quell any concerns regarding the project. This meeting will take place at Waupaca High School on 23 August 2014. The second milestone phase will start with the groundbreaking on 27 August. Following this ceremony, the deconstruction of the current road will begin with one side of the street. This will be completed within three days time (31 August). The second milestone will be the completion of construction on one side on 12 January 2015. This will allow the construction to move onto the other side of the road. The targeted date of completion for the project is 12 June 2015.


One of the risks that the project faces is that of accidents occurring involving residents and their property. This risk affects the all of the construction phases of the projects, particularly those involving heavy machinery. Another significant risk facing the project is a shortage of funding. Though the county has provided enough resources for the project, complications could force the team to surpass budget limitations and stall the project. This risk affects the project segments that involve construction work such as laying the tarmac. Lastly, the project faces the risk of being stopped through legal action by any of the parties against it. This risk affects all aspects of the project. Each project normally involves several unconfirmed assumptions (Schmidt 115). For this project, there will be two key assumptions. Firstly, construction will be able to proceed without restricting access to residential areas. Secondly, the construction process will not compromise security along King Road.

Stakeholders List

The reconstruction of King Road will involve six stakeholder parties. The stakeholders will include the representatives of Waupaca County, the local law enforcement authorities, business owners from establishments along King Road, leaders of schools and churches along the street, residents of the area and the project team. Each of these parties will be involved in the project because they have interests along King Road. Of the six parties involved, four of them fully support the project because of the benefits that it will bring to the community. Those supporting the project are the representatives of Waupaca County, law enforcement authorities, the business owners and the project team. The residents and representatives from schools and churches were not fully supportive of the project for various reasons. Many residents felt that the construction would be a disruption in their lives. All of the residents raised concerns about the accessibility of their homes. Some of the residents and the representatives of the churches and schools were also against the project because of the safety of the children living in the area. Contrastingly, the project received overwhelming support from the county representatives and business owners because of the considerable revenue gains related to it.

Team Operating Principles

Constant and efficient communication is vital for the team’s success (Larson and Gray 380). Accordingly, the team will meet every week to discuss progress and make plans for the future. The team will use the meetings to make key decisions on the project through a simple voting process. Any additional communication will take place through email conversations for record keeping purposes. Part of the communication process involves a clear definition of the roles that each team member has and their contribution to the process. The team leader will be the project manager, Hanson Aberdeer. Mr. Aberdeer will lead the rest of the team by chairing the meetings and managing the resources that the team uses. Assisting Mr. Aberdeer will be the team’s assistant manager and treasurer, Jesse Pinkman. Mr. Pinkman will be in-charge of the budgeting and resource management. He will also fill in for the project leader whenever necessary. The third member of the team will be Casey Pinker. Ms. Pinker will act as the design expert for the team. Her role will also see her act as one of the team members instructing and guiding the construction team. Working closely with Ms. Pinker will be Earl Lemon, who will be the in-charge of the construction. His role will involve the close management of the construction team as he works with Ms. Pinkman to deliver the bulk of the project.

Works Cited

Larson, Erik and Clifford Gray. Project Management: The Managerial Process. New York: McGraw-Hill, 2011. Print.

Making Roads Safer. GOV.UK. Crown, 27 May 2014. Web. 23 June 2014.

Schmidt, Terry. Strategic Project Management Made Simple: Practical Tools for Leaders and Teams. Hoboken: John Wiley & Sons, 2009. Print.

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