Case Study Analysis

Case Study Analysis



Case Study Analysis

                According to Patton and Appelbaum, a case study can be considered an inquiry done to investigate contemporary phenomena in real life situations (Patton and Appelbaum, 2003). The major factor to be considered is that the boundaries between real life and contemporary situations have no clear demarcation. The methods used during this process often involve the compilation of data from various available sources within the scope of the case study.

            The one notable feature about case studies is that they are different as compared to other research methods thus have been labeled a weak form of research (Patton and Appelbaum, 2003). However, there are several factors when considered clearly outline the importance of a case study. The first factor is that generalization is possible while using several case studies. The authors argue that despite the harsh criticism directed towards case study research to the extent saying it cannot be generalized is refutable. Given a number of case studies, the chances of generalizing the information deduced is probable.

            Secondly, the methods employed by case studies bear substantial information possessing meaningful constructs (Patton & Appelbaum, 2003). The argument formulated against the research states that there are factors such a rigor and validity, which are not illustrated by the findings. However, the authors argue that the methodology used, despite being intensive, produces valid theories that can be used for generations.

            According to Fanning, when conducting interviews for business case studies, a lot is revealed thus more information can be deduced from the findings (Fanning, 2013). This is highly likely when the information is crosschecked against databases. This is a major advantage for implementing case study research in any course. An additional aspect, which is clearly outlined, is the authenticity of the data collected and reported by the case writer (Fanning, 2013). Prior to the publication of the case study, the business or company has to verify that the information is valid and truthful, which translates to the fact that case studies are authentic and provide straightforward information.


Eric Patton, Steven H. Appelbaum, (2003). “The case for case studies in management research”. Management Research News, Vol. 26 Iss: 5, pp.60 – 71

Fanning, Eugene. (2013). Analyze a Case Study. Retrieved from

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