Ch 6 Place of Schools in Society

Ch 6 Place of Schools in Society



Ch 6 Place of Schools in Society


            The authors reflect the role of schools in the society especially with academic achievement, workforce readiness, citizenship, social development, and cultural transmission. The schools are dissected on the cultural roles as compared to common culture, culture of families, cultural values and in-setting nature within the institutions (Johnson et al., 2013). The advantages of private schools in terms of quality and efficiency are noted in the management aspect and delivery. This is a major concern in the minority communities who opt for the latter due to the higher financial requirements as compared to the public schools. Home schooling options taken up by some parents offer varied results as this raises concerns with the product of the system. There is growing disparity on the locations of schools in the country and their influence to both stakeholders and philosophies that surround education. Rural, sub-urban, and urban settings contrast in the implementation of a unified system of education philosophies.


            The in-depth knowledge of the education system is portrayed by the authors in analyzing the dimensions of the role of schools in the society. However, there is failure in mentioning the influence that society has on the upbringing and image of both students and moderators of the education system. The difference in economic struggles, policymaking, and reception of the education philosophies are all contributors to the growth or decline in the schools’ role in the society. There is need to develop the stature of institutions towards the national development goals and unity of the people (Hansen, 2007). The chapter should give more prominence to strengthen the need for empowering the institutions to help foster unity, understanding, and cooperation between stakeholders, regions, communities, government, and development agendas.


Hansen, D. T. (2007). Ethical visions of education: Philosophies in practice. New York: Teachers College Press.

Johnson, James A., Musial, Diann L., Hall, Gene E., & Gollnick, Donna M. (2013). Foundations of American Education: Perspectives on Education in a Changing World, 15th Edition. Pearson College Div.

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