Change Process

Change Process



Change Process

System Thinking and its Importance

The term system thinking refers to the deep understanding of behavior with reliable ideas, which help in establishing model used to see the world as a system whose behavior is controlled by a dynamic structure. In other words, instead of a person thinking about the structure of a particular system, he or she works towards modeling it. System thinking is a very important aspect in bringing change. It can turn a very complex situation from the perception of impossible to become very possible one. It can simply bring solutions to difficult situations.

System thinking helps thinkers to view problems with different perspectives. They develop a positive attitude towards problems. All they know is that there must be as solution to those problems and that positive feedbacks musty come out at the end. Systematic thinkers do not picture people misbehavior as an issue; instead, they discover ways of fixing that particular problem as they look for the causal agents. For change to occur, people should be trained how behave in a natural way. Take for instance a situation where a person is faced by a very traumatizing problem. He or she faced with questions like; if I take a particular step towards this issue, how will the solution that I to take help in the end? The answer is very simple; he or she must look at that solution with an eye towards the long view.

It helps young scholars to think in a complex way. This helps them to understand the complexity of this world thus encouraging them to think in terms of context, connectedness and relationships. For instance, system thinking helps students in finding solutions to problems around they them. Understanding theories tends to be a challenge for students. If they read them and understand, they can use system thinking to understand those theories in their own ways. They apply this system in class to achieve the desired results.

Approaches Used in the Implementation of the Change Process

The following approaches are used in the implementation of the change process, first, appreciating inquiry. This approach helps in evaluation of thriving events. In an organization, members may hold meetings to help discover problems, evaluate the basis of the problem, come up with solutions to those problems and develop plans to implement those solutions. To help organizations accomplish their goals, this approach would be useful in situations where the organization is faced with problems like poor communication. It will help in looking for strategies to help facilitate internal communications. It will require people to gauge ideas and make sure they are put in action.

Another important approach is, understanding the culture in an organization. This approach is important as it helps people understand the beliefs, values, performances, assumptions and policies held by the organization. Some beliefs held by organization are rigid and may not facilitate change. Organizations should adapt cultures, which help motivate workers like holding birthday parties for the workers, encouraging social relationship among employees. Supporting such rituals may ring positive impacts and lead an organization towards goal achievement.

Designing frameworks to help in the implementation plan is another important approach, which helps in implementing change. Framework entails the drawing or writing down things to remember. For example, it is advisable for workers to draw plans of all things required of them. This will ensure that every task is performed. When an organization is well organized, changes are bound to happen. Lastly, learning and research approach helps in implementation of the change process. This model helps people to find facts and take the required actions to avoid misleading other people. This approach helps in identifying the elements, which needs to be changed. Workers should always focus on digging deep to find the facts behind a story to help facilitate the change process.

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