Children’s Health

Children’s Health



Children’s Health

            Over the years, children have been exposed to factors that have affected their health negatively causing many health related issues and diseases. Oblivion on the part of mothers and the community are among the factors that have promoted the prevalence of such issues, which include obesity and passive smoking. However, various strategies need to be put in place such as involving the concerned parties, creating an effective plan to counter the issue, identifying the potential barriers and creating backup plans that will counter the effect of such barriers.

            The people involved with brainstorming ideas that will be efficient in addressing the issues related to obesity and passive smoking in children will include the local residents who are involved with the children on a daily basis and can provide great insight on how to change the society. The government officials in charge of environmental conservation who are in charge of ensuring that the environment is kept safe from pollution will be present. The mayor and the commissioners who are the official representatives of the community need to be present. The community students and teachers will provide assistance during sensitization. A professional nutritionist and medical practitioner will be invited to address health issues.

            Although these individuals will diversify the thinking capacity, input from various neighborhood associations, public and private institutions as well as businesses may offer different approaches that will be of help in dealing with obesity and passive smoking. The retail shops involved with selling tobacco related products as well as the restaurants that are found within the community. In this forum, people from diverse linguistic and racial communities are invited to contribute to the ideas, which will ensure all sectors regarding the two issues are exhausted. Involving the members from diverse cultures and racial groups will ensure community cohesion and cooperation.

            This community-based forum is meant to address issues that are related to the health of the community children considering the oblivious nature of the people. The plan is to give every community member the opportunity to issue their contribution through brainstorming the group towards improving health. The mayor and the commissioner will be the main speakers in the forum. Related businesses will be required to come up with collective solutions son how the products they sell may contain less calories aimed at reducing cases of obesity. Businesses that sell tobacco related retail shops and stalls will present their case on their sale methods and conditions. The nutritionists will educate the community on the causes, symptoms and effects of passive smoking and unhealthy eating that causes obesity.

            The resources that are necessary in the planning process for the forum include an extensive venue that will include a platform for the speaker. Financial resources to cater for the publication process through pamphlets and posters that will be availed at different stations. Public address equipments will also bee necessary to ensure that the various speakers are audible and attract a mass of people. Refreshments may be availed for the participants.

            The potential barriers that may pose a threat to the success of the engagement process will be the participation of the community members owing to the fact that most of then may not be literate enough to understand the implication of the issues. Similarly, acquiring the funds to run the forum may prove to be a strenuous challenge.

            To curb the issue of participation, post engagement sensitization will be done with the help of the students that will create interest to the community members. The community representatives such as the mayor and commissioners will be approached to offer financial aid to the forum as well as the input from individual sponsors who view the move as important to the people.

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