Civil Rights Issues with Social Injustice for African-Americans

Civil Rights Issues with Social Injustice for African-Americans



Civil Rights Issues with Social Injustice for African-Americans

Positive Argument

            Over the years, the civil rights issue has affected how the African-Americans interact and adapt to different systems. The policies that cover how the African-American people achieve their objectives take into account the rate of discrimination, segregation, and the effects of personal rights and freedoms equality (Becker, 2012). The policy is effective and important since it warrants coexistence, interaction, and consideration on African-Americans as they struggle to adapt. Civil rights offered an avenue where the enforceable rights to privileges and social justice would propel the African-American people (Bindman, 2012). The policy would be effective in ensuring that there is freedom of speech, choice and the democratic ability to choose leaders of their choice. Therefore, classification of the African-American people in respect to education, the economic status and according to the place of origin would not exist. Implementing the policy would result in a unified coalition.

            The policy would warrant a change in action important in propelling the life of the African-American people. It would create the onset of social peace contrary to the subsequent protests linked to the ignorance of African-American rights. The policy would allow the people to vote to bridge the rift between the people. Standing for the implementation of the policy would help achieve a democratic nation through fair voting. Moreover, since the policy would encourage the incorporation of the African-American equally into the job sector, it would improve the economic status of the people translating to the income of the nation (Bindman, 2012). Education creates an updated and well aware society that can take up challenging tasks and realize improved outcomes. The policy would advocate for better education on the African-Americans because it was not allowed in the past (Waugh, 2012).

Normative Argument

            Although the policy would result in impending improvements on the part of the African-Americans, a wave of resistance from the natives would affect the implementation of the policy. The civil rights policy would create an opposition that may lead to war as a measure to prevent implementation. Furthermore, the time spent on evaluating and negotiating on new policies that coincide with the existing laws would be spent on improving and developing projects that accelerate the economy (Mourão, 2012). Moreover, implementing new policies accompany a hefty financial constrain where enforcers of the policy are chosen who are aware of the variables surrounding the policy. As much as allocating resources to the policy will render it successful, the means of acquiring the resources need to be evaluated. This implies dragging the progress of other less needy projects to allocate finances for policy implementation.

            Over a short period, the policy changed the condition of the African-Americans owing to their resilience and determination to improve their condition. However, social discrimination is still prevalent in the present. Evidenced by the wave of class difference among the people and the use of negative-based campaign strategy, the policy is slowly losing effect. The recent campaign strategies promote discrimination by issuing different views on gender, sex, oppressed minority and prevent voting by various people. The prevalent nature of injustice is the cause of misunderstanding. On the other hand, liberty, freedom, and equality will promote laziness among the people who find it not necessary to work to sustain themselves. A centralized working system of the employer-employee is a systematic realization to an improvement in the economy. However, the policy will grant African-Americans the freedom of choice regarding the type of work to engage in. Similarly, it will liberate constrained workers from their employees.

Response to Positive Argument

            This is a good build-up of the topic from the origin. The introduction to the positive argument is understandable and the integration of the points well structured. A great aspect of approach was on how the policy relates to the three disciplines, that of discrimination, segregation and personal rights and equality (Becker, 2012). It shows that extensive research was done, and the main points noted. The argument posed on external factors that determine the implementation of new policies is outstanding considering their effects (Mourão, 2012). Although most people know that discrimination exists in different perspectives, they choose to pursue it as a means to their satisfaction. This reading issued guidelines on how the policy would eliminate the existing differences that sideline the African-American. An important aspect to note is that the policy advocates for democracy, liberation, and freedom to the African-American. This policy would make them aware of their rights.

            However, as much as the reading took a positive argument on the policies regarding a number of civil rights issues, it failed to take a stand on how the policy implementation would take place to achieve positive results. What challenges would the implementation of the policy face? Highlight reasons why the African-Americans were not legible for job positions and why this qualified as a form of discrimination. Illustrate on how education would present a positive outcome on the African-Americans and how the policy would achieve in educating them (Waugh, 2012). Issue guidelines on how the policy would prevent government authorities from warranting attacks on the African-Americans and the impact it would create. Although the African-Americans fought for the cognition of their civil rights, were there any benefits derived during the period when their rights were ignored. This is a good evaluation of the positive argument and an appropriate incorporation of the subject matter.

Response to Normative Argument

            The normative argument is intriguing. It is important to consider all variables that would affect the policy. The reading poses an interesting argument on the nature of the factors that affect the implementation of the policy as well as its integration. Most policies require a great deal of evaluation before they qualify as usable. This requires input in the form of time and finances to ensure success. However, determining a pool of resources that will accelerate the implementation is quite difficult. The reading aims at educating people on the aspects to consider while implementing policies (Waugh, 2012). The urgency of integrating policies renders the need for other projects delayed. This is a great valuation of how the civil rights policies would deprive other projects from completion on the stipulated time. The argument on how social discrimination is indirectly advancing through the present political scene is of great importance.

            Although the arguments are convincing, a great point of concern is whether the disadvantages of the policy outweigh the advantages. Before implementing any policy, the negative and positive effects are an important element of consideration. Give substantial evidence of how the election campaign methods elevate the growth of social discrimination and deprive the importance of civil rights. The analysis of how the policy would result to laziness considering people have to meet their needs on daily basis fails to offer solid relation to the negative effects of implementing the policy. Issue proper guidelines on how advocating for equality and liberation would negatively affect the African-Americans. This is an interesting approach to the normative argument.


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Becker, U. (2012). Prohibition of discrimination in social security law. Pravnik, 67, 229-244.

Bindman, E. (2012). The EU’s strategy on economic and social rights in Russia: A missed opportunity. Journal of Communist Studies and Transition Politics, 29, 4

Mourão, P. J. (January 01, 2012). Civil integration as symbolic politics: Insights from Austria. European Journal of Migration and Law, 14, 2.

Waugh, D. (2012). The issue is the control of public schools: The politics of desegregation in Prince Edward County, Virginia. Southern Cultures, 18, 3, 76-94.

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