Communication Contract Proposal

Communication Contract Proposal



Communication Contract Proposal


            Issues in the global society have enabled a common understanding and increased need for ethical communication between small and large organizations despite the differences in areas of jurisdiction, mandate, background, and interest. In order for this to be, possible, social skills are very important apart from the purpose of interaction between the different parties. Social responsibility is thus brought into picture according to the requirements for understanding between the involved representatives. Therefore, an agreement of in the manner of handling communication between the involved organizations helps create a lawful obligation of some sort in order to achieve the laid down objectives. ABC Company is a multi-level firm that deals with production of information technology products, while XYZ Company supplies the needed raw materials. Due to the relationship of the two companies, communication is inevitable depending on the scale of businesses that both organizations venture. A communication contract between ABC and XYZ Company is important for long-term benefits and increased cooperation.


            The sincerity clause in contractual agreement stipulates that the involved parties have to be honest in their communication according to their best of knowledge especially without any hidden agenda on the nature of the interaction between them. ABC Companies relies on XYZ for the raw materials in order to produce the Information Technology products. Sincerity is important for the sustenance of the cooperation between the two organizations especially on matters of principles. For example, the agreed purchase price, quantities, and factual proceeds from the agreement have to be included. However, sincerity is ambiguous. There are chances that ABC believes XYZ supplies the raw materials on a generally lower level as compared to other companies and therefore has to exploit the loophole for maximum gain (Young, 2010). Nevertheless, the contract has to state sincerity in agreement for the cooperation to sustain the two companies and increase efficiency through communication.

            The clarity clause explains the need for precision and explicit detailing of communication between the partners. In any form of contractual agreement, communication facilitates the expression of ideas, terms, and conditions. When delivering the communication derivatives, clarity has to be included in the contract between ABC and XYZ in order to minimize issues of future complaints. All the details have to be expressed through talking without interjection of any kind. However, the internal basis of the communication between the two companies enables withholding of tactical analysis. The communication can then be used efficiently with goal-driven clarity on terms of regulations during the course of business. ABC should therefore include all matters regarding the agreement through simple and effective communication of the intention without leaving any information. It will be vital for eliminating any form of misunderstandings between the two.   

            The prudence clause is effective for success in communication contract. Prudence delivers the possible consequences of any action taken without the necessary communication protocols. In ethics, it forms the key aspects of speech once an action is taken by a respective partner. Brounstein (2007) argues that the guiding principles in the contract between ABC and XYZ should be careful measures but with honesty. For example, in this communication contract between the two companies, there should be talked issues reading the reliance on rumors, hearsay, and use of false date in the business terms. There is bound division and irreplaceable measures that either of the companies can take against the other once such tendencies occur. Therefore, it is imperative for ABC Company to handle the communication with carefulness in matters regarding reliable information with XYZ at all times. It should be affected by all members during the regular meetings without fear.

            The use of tolerance clause cannot be underestimated in the communication contract proposal between different partners. Tolerance ensures that any member of each partnering parties has the right and ability to be heard. Irrespective of the non-conventional or non-effective information upbringing, tolerance should guide the communication protocols between the companies. For ABC, it is important for tolerance adherence especially with the input that XYZ delivers. No matter the irrelevance of the issues raised through the meetings and listening forums between the two companies, no representative from ABC should dismiss it. The belittling effect realized without tolerance only serves to cause division and non-cooperation from the other party (Brounstein, 2007). Once the agreement is made, equity in time and listened avenue on the issues raised can be fostered through tolerance clause. It is fundamental in building the relationship between the two.

            In order for swift dealings with conflicts within cooperation between two or more partners be realized, prompt resolution clause should be used in the communication contract. Modern businesses dictate that the speed top response on any issue regarding interpersonal conflicts within partners in communication have to be expedited with ease. It helps in increasing the awareness to issues between the partners while reducing misunderstandings. It ensures that there is no harbored ill feeling between the parties. ABC requires this clause in the communication contract in order to align the partner on equal footing regarding all matters of the business. The company can used skilled consultants in effective communication when such issues arise without the need of blowing it out of proportion for the sake of the partnership. However, there has to be solid information used for reliance when such issues arise in the partnership.  

            Partnerships of corporations between two different entities require equality in the proceedings. Thus, balanced speech tie clause is central to the communication contract between ABC and XYZ. When in conversation and or presenting of issues regarding the two companies, balanced time has to be allocated within the proceedings. Interchange of the communication modalities can facilitate the mode of equity, especially where one after the other is orchestrated. Issues arise when the matters of importance have to be monopolized between the communicated channels of the different partners. Complacency has to be minimized in order for the agreement to be binding. Young (2010) notes that the clause helps in strengthening for tolerance between the two partners in order of importance and longevity of the agreement. Domination should not be allowed within the forums and this should be included in the contract at all times as a reminder.

            Optimal timing clause should be derived with proper planning in the communication contract. Nowadays and in the corporate world, time is precious especially when dealing with protocols of understanding and deliberated decisions. It is evident that the clauses on tolerance and balanced timing affect the key interest of stakes between partners. However, ethics should guide on matters of principle especially where importance is given. In accordance with attached importance, the optimal timing clause should be included in the communication contract between ABC and XYZ as means of reducing the unnecessary baggage of time wasting. All parties have to consent to the clause since combined efforts of individual representatives can help facilitate effective change as opposed to unnecessary divisions. It also helps in keeping control and achieving the set objectives and goals within stipulated allocations.

            Inclusion of openness clause within the communication contract is imperative for sustaining the tolerance levels between the two companies. ABC and XYZ Companies need each other especially in the production and availing of the products to the markets. Therefore, differences have to exist on the modalities of acquisition and transition of business. By agreeing on openness, the two companies have to account for the differences and understanding the graceful nature of working together. Opinions exist but persuasion should guide the two companies in terms of agreements without having the battlefield mentality. Constructive exchange is therefore availed with the facilitation of openness clause in the contract (Brounstein, 2007). It also helps preserves degeneration of the process into interpersonal conflicts. It also maintains the professional relationships between the two companies for future reference and understanding. Maintenance and adherence are therefore reasoned tasks for collective goals as well as decision-making.   


            A communication contract between ABC and XYZ Company is important for long-term benefits and increased cooperation. ABC Company is a multi-level firm that deals with production of information technology products, while XYZ Company supplies the needed raw materials. Communication between the two companies is there imperative for transaction of business, understanding, management of conflict, maintaining the relationship while dealing with issues as they arise. In the contract of communication, openness, optimal timing, balanced speech times, tolerance, prudence, relevance, sincerity, clarity and prompt resolution clauses have to be stated and adhered to by both parties.


Brounstein, M. (2007). Business communication. Hoboken, NJ: John Wiley.

Young, M. (2010). Understanding contract law. Milton Park, Abingdon, Oxon: Routledge-Cavendish.

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