Community Oriented Policing





Community Oriented Policing

            Community Oriented Policing is a strategic program that involves mechanisms of policing through cooperation and ties between the force and members of a community in select location. The philosophical strategy is built on a leveled and acquired trust and partnership between the public and authorities, in matters concerning policing and law enforcement throughout the process. The components of Community Oriented Policing are centered on the strategic philosophy through collaborating with the community from the basic entities to policing (Oliver 14). Secondly, the components constitute the problem solving approach technique with equally returned transformation of the policing agencies in support and empowerment of the officers involved. In most cases, the front-line service men are targeted in the latter component. The last of the components involved requires decentralization of respective command and subsequent encouragement of innovation to achieve solutions to the problems analyzed throughout.  

            The goals of community oriented policing are towards the increase of partnerships through trust and eradication of crime and disorder. The goal of partnerships is down to the cooperation by limiting the fear of authority among the members, while eradication of crime and disorder is maintenance of civil authority among all the community members with minimal resistance. There are common structures used for determining the assessment of community oriented policing goals. The determination of crime rate at the inception of the programs and resultant cases with solutions offers a timely assessment of the policing. Oliver (16) argues that additional re-evaluation of the goals and objectives on matters of importance increase the assessment and relevance. In addition, the circumspect evidence of levels on cooperation and failed mechanisms give relevance to any assessment protocol of the program’s goals. Constant review also contributes to the success.

Work Cited:

Oliver, Willard M. Community-oriented Policing: A Systemic Approach to Policing. Upper Saddle River, N.J: Prentice Hall, 2007. Print.

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