


The current political arena in the United States of America depends on the earlier notions proposed by two former presidents in the country. During his reign, Roosevelt D. Franklin (FDR) introduced the new deal program within the society. After completing his time in office, the 36th president, Lyndon B. Johnson (LBJ) altered the policy into adopting the real society program, which was partly an extension of Roosevelt’s ideology. During his speech after the assassination of President Kennedy, LBJ proclaimed his views of the role of the government internationally and domestically in facilitating equality and liberty. Some of his ideologies were similar to those held by the 32nd president of America though they also differed to some extent. Despite having distinct similarities between the views held by LBJ and FDR, the two presidents had diverse understanding of the roles of the federal government as well as their goals, responsibilities and powers.


            At the peak of unemployment in America at approximately more than 30% and having experienced the great depression for three years, FDR introduced the New Deal during his inauguration in 1933. During his speech, it was evident that he different views regarding the government. Franklin can be viewed as a solutions finder and problem solver since he found a way to deal with corruption. Progressively in 1964, LBJ came up with the Great Society program whose main purpose was to fight poverty. The ideologies employed by LBJ were similar to those of FDR in the sense that both aimed at developing the country. Both leaders viewed the government as tool for implementing and enhancing communal welfares. Due to the high levels of poverty and unemployment during their times, the leaders viewed the government as being responsible for curbing these occurrences by sponsoring programs that enhanced employment through various programs. This policy together with supporting the elderly and arts as well as promoting housing construction was the role of the government according to the two leaders.   


            Despite the potential similarities, the views held by LBG differed from those of FDR. According to FDR’s New Deal program, he exempted some groups under the role of the government in improving the living conditions of American citizens. Through LBJ’s speech, he states that the government should create laws, which involve integrating children with special needs into the education system. This would benefit the country since it would reduce dependency ratio. Additionally, he advocated for the protection of the civil liberties among the African American society. He believed that the government had to considered the African Americans since they were part of the American nation.[1] These two policies were not part of FDR’s New Deal program. However, the Great Deal can still be viewed as an extension of FDR’s ideologies of the role of the government since most policies advocated by the two are similar.


Despite having distinct similarities between the views held by LBJ and FDR, the two presidents had diverse understanding of the roles of the federal government as well as their goals, responsibilities and powers. Most of the policies and views perceived by FDR are similar to those held by LBJ. Nonetheless, the deals advocated by the two differ in small proportions. Almost all views held by FDR were adopted by LBJ, who added few on top of what were not present in the New Deal. Therefore, the Great deal can be viewed as an extension of the New Deal.


Lerner, Mitchell B. 2012. A companion to Lyndon B. Johnson. Chichester, UK: Wiley-Blackwell.

[1] Mitchell B. Lerner, A companion to Lyndon B. Johnson (Chichester, UK: Wiley-Blackwell, 2012), 112.

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