Cooperative Political System





Cooperative Political System


A political system in this case refers to governance or authority that guides nation states. According to the New World Order Cooperation is the best political system that nation states can use to prevail. We should have in mind that everything thing  we use in our daily lives has been produced and  reached  us through coordinated  actions Cooperation  always brings the best in us unlike competition which brings the beast in us. Cooperation increases the rate of creativity; it increases the number of ideas, creates a good working environment and improves the quality of the outcome. Unfortunately, many people are not taught cooperative skills. Suprisingly most of the parents encourage competition instead of cooperation. Cooperation boosts self-esteem, makes people have a better sense of community and belonging.


The cooperation system is concerned with democratic control by the member nation states. It is based on equitable return of economic surpluses and the desire to share profits and benefits among the participant nation states.Cooperation among nations allows the ability of operation in free market economy. In this system, nations are provided with better goods and services at reasonable prices. Business opportunities are created for both nations. Cooperation should be considered and important part of development strategy.Cooperation helps in poverty reduction among nations. Cooperated nations have the advantage of identifying economic opportunities for the poor. It empowers the less fortunate to defend their interest.

Cooperative system converts individual risks into collective risks. Cooperation makes it easier for the nations socially develop.In cooperations there is more tax write-offs, so there is a lower income tax rate. The cooperative system are usually organized into service and producer entities and cut across various sectors among the nations. This strengthens the member nations financial stability and provides a sustainable growth.

This leads to progress in sectors like banking, credit, agriculture, fishing, governance, housing, transport among others. Cooperations have potential to deliver goods and services to areas where both the public and private sectors have not reached. Cooperative system plays an important t role in food security and wealth creation. The government provides special assistance to the cooperative systems to enable them achieve their goals and objectives. In most cases, cooperations have limited liability so nations should not fear suffering financial loses. Unless otherwise, membership is open to all nation states. A nation can become a member anytime also leave when they want. No restrictions were made on religion or the colour of the citizens of a specific nation.

Cooperations are competitive superior. Cooperated nations easily achieve their goals of economic and social development through specialization and division of labour. Specialization in a single job has a better outcome than multitasking. These leads to interdependent organization where specific job s are performed by specialist and those equipped in that field.

It is an advantage that cooperated nations cannot be dissolved by death or permanent incapability of member states. The system may exist for the longest period ever. New nations m ay join and the old ones may leave but it will still run unless all nation states decide to quit at once. Therefore, cooperative systems are stable and embrace continuity.


Cooperation improves social and economic growth within actions. It also acts as a means of self-help by offering opportunities for capacity building among individual nations and their organizations. Cooperation leads to major contributions to the millennium development goals. Through cooperation livelihoods are secured among the nations. Through the political system of cooperation there are higher chances of nation states prevailing and the world’s economy rising.

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