Cover Letter





Cover Letter

As far as writing is concerned, English 101 has been one of the most important courses I have undertaken in school. Indeed, it is impossible to state that the respective class has not possessed any impact on the way in which I articulate my writing. This is because of the considerable influence that I currently attain as an outcome of participating extensively in the respective class. Accordingly, English 101, as a class, has provided me with significant understanding regarding the learning of the English language as a second language. As an international student, English was difficult for me to converse and utilize based on the actuality that it is not my native language. Because of such predicaments, I was unable to articulate positively with my peers as well as comprehend learning materials, which were mostly in English. Nevertheless, participating in English 101 equipped me with far-reaching capabilities. In this particular case, the class has provided me with effective reflective and writing aptitudes.

Firstly, providing a reflection of the materials I learnt in relation to English 101 involves a revision and inclusion of the projects I did. Accordingly, the types of projects constitute a pair of original copies of the Unit Projects as well as two revised copies of the respective projects. Indeed, the inclusion of these course undertakings offer an equipped and solid understanding of the measures used by our instructors to enable us express ourselves consistently and effectively in the English language. The first two original copies offer a rough illustration of the manner in which I articulated myself in English. The manuscripts tested how well I could utilize the English language in order to explicate the thesis of the particular question. The second revised copies further offer a corrected illustration of the original copies I submitted. These revisions are significant since they depict the disparity between my former way of writing as well as a reviewed and standard form of writing in the English language.

Nevertheless, the main reason behind the submission of these projects was to illustrate the positive modifications evident in my writing process. Indeed, the original projects offer an insight into the way I used to write before gaining appropriate assistance in the use of English. Based on these manuscripts, one is able to see the countless mistakes that I made in relation to specific elements that were important in writing English. For instance, there were mistakes in the style of format, the use of in-text citations as well as the provision of references in relation to the sources I used. In addition to these main writing elements, the original projects also indicate other errors such as utilization of passive sentences, colloquialism, grammatical and spelling mistakes. From these examples, it is apparent that the original projects serve as a reminder of the strides I was required to apply in order to reach this state.

Accordingly, the revised essays also play a significant role in elucidating my reflection of the writing process. Undeniably, the modified manuscripts comprise the corrected essays that I did as an outcome of the mistakes I incurred during writing the original projects. Hence, the modified projects offer an illustration of the corrections I made to the original projects for problems such as grammatical and spelling errors. Nevertheless, the reason for the inclusion of the revised projects involves providing a comparison between my writing processes. The revised projects entail a series of alterations I applied in order to understand writing appropriately in English. Such alterations range from formatting to structure as well as linguistic errors. For instance, one revised essay possesses a reference page. The inclusion of a reference page is an example of the changes that I made regarding the format in writing essays.

Consequently, there were certain steps that I applied in order to conduct a revision and enhancement of these respective essays. Accordingly, such steps involved focusing on a variety of aspects that are important for any person communicating to a specific audience by writing in the English language. Foremost, enhancing the essays involved focusing on the provision of a rhetorical reflection on issues of purpose and audience. As taught in English 101, being an effective writer is, consistently, a procedure of becoming. Indeed, writing and communicating effectively usually relies on the respective rhetorical situation as well as the influence that the purpose and the audience have on what the writer communicates. Based on the importance of effective communication, it was imperative to include certain rhetorical concepts that would provide me with the ability to articulate writing efficiently enough for the audience to comprehend the arguments I presented.

The inclusion of these concepts was in response to the manner in which my audience influenced me to write. My audience, which largely involves my instructor, persuaded me to include certain elements such as sources. Accordingly, based on the teachings of my instructor, it is always important to include the sources from which I retrieved information unless otherwise advised. This is because such sources provide a validation of the arguments presented within the essay. Indeed, under the influence of my respective audience, I was able to modify my essays by justly paraphrasing, quoting as well as utilizing citations. In addition to this, I was also able to provide a reference page in order to illustrate a list of the sources I used for further validation and confirmation by my respective audience. Another reason for the inclusion of rhetorical concepts was due to the purpose of the respective essays.

Undeniably, understanding the purpose of the essays provided me with a clear structure of my essays. In order to coincide with the purpose and the audience, it was imperative for me to deliver my claims in a way that the audience would understand the paper. In addition, delivering the essay in relation to the respective objectives was also significant in the revision of the essays. Hence, the purpose of the essays involved the utilization of elements such as rhetorical appeals, which were important for argument delivery. Consequently, the rhetorical appeals constitute the mechanisms that a writer uses in order to deliver the purpose of the respective writing as well as predispose the audience to his way of thinking. In this respect, the use of appeals such as the logos, pathos and ethos was evident in delivering the purpose of the respective essays.

By appealing to the logical reasoning, the ethics and the emotions of the audience, it was unproblematic to explain the purpose of the essay to the audience as well as the suitability of my arguments. Apart from the utilization of rhetorical concepts, I also utilized other methods in order to enhance the respective essays. For instance, drafting is a process that I used considerably during writing. Usually, my instructor encouraged me to write a draft of each essay I did. The objective of this was to help me learn the mistakes I made during writing. In addition to this, the process of drafting provided me with another chance of writing the final paper correctly and effectively. In addition to this, drafting provided me with the opportunity to enhance my essays based on the corrections that I applied as an outcome of the instructor’s contributions. From these corrections, I was able to learn effective writing in English.

Indeed, from this semester, I was able to learn novel and different things in relation to writing. For instance, I was able to learn about the significance of the rhetorical situation in essays. Indeed, the utilization of rhetorical concepts was important to my writing since it enabled to structure my writings in a way that suited the context, the purpose as well as the respective audience. Additionally, I was also able to learn about the importance of providing sources in essays. Indeed, constructing viable arguments does not necessarily involve good use of English. It also involves the use of citations where necessary. This is in order to appeal logically to the audience and therefore validate the arguments presented within the respective essay. The semester also provided me with an understanding of the different types of formatting that I can utilize in essay writing such as Modern Language Association (MLA).

From the English 101 course, I have become able to learn certain things about myself as a student and as a writer. As a student, the course has helped me understand that I require a considerable time of practicing in order to understand extensively. Due to my position as an international student, understanding materials expressed in the English language was considerably difficult. However, after participating in the English 101 course, I was able to comprehend learning materials due to the consistency I applied in understanding essay writing. As a writer, the English 101 class helped me learn that I have a talent for writing. Accordingly, even though I was unable to express myself properly initially, I was still able to present my arguments well even if they were not up to the required standards. Nevertheless, with the knowledge I gained within the course, I can articulate myself thoroughly in writing and achieve the desired results.

In conclusion, the English 101 course has provided me with significant assistance regarding expressing in the English language. Not only has the class provided me with effective writing skills, the course has also equipped me with enhanced conversation aptitudes. Due to persistent utilization and communication in English, I have been able to talk with other peers well. In addition to this, I do not suffer from misunderstandings that I suffered from initially due to my inability to articulate myself clearly in the respective language.

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