Critical Film Form

Critical Film Form



Critical Film Form

Author /creator’s purpose:

To highlight the fact that there is a hunger problem in America

Core idea:

Many poor people do not have enough money to buy healthy and nutritious foods and there is a need to help such people get the food they need

Key claims or intentions (how did they support their main idea?)

1. They were able to prove that there are people in America living in hunger through the testimonies of those who are in such a situation

2. They talked to policy makers and other interested concerned citizens who have made it a point to help those who are in need

3. They showed the health effects associated with the intake of empty calories and lack of nutrients

4. They consulted professionals in different fields including medicine, and those involved in farming

5. Depended on reliable statistics to provide facts on different issues

Possible discussion questions: what did this leave you thinking about or wanting to discuss?

1. The contradicting situation in America whereby some people are hungry and others are suffering because of obesity 

2. America is the most developed country, capable of feeding its own people. However, it chooses to spend money contributing to charities in other countries while its own people need help

3. The role of the government in making sure that people get quality food through provision of subsidies to the farmers

Personal role: how do you fit into this issue?

As a person who understands the importance of eating nutritious and healthy foods as opposed to junk, I have the responsibility and duty to educate those around me and to raise awareness concerning this issue.

Community role

Members of the community should be concerned about each other’s welfare. Each person should make it a mission to know his or her neighbors and to interact with them often. This will make it possible to know those who are in need. In addition, the community can rally up its resources and help those who are hungry. Community effort is instrumental in ensuring that the government and other stakeholders respond to people’s needs

Additional comments/responses/reactions

I think that it is ironical that people in a developed country with abundant resources should suffer from hunger. Numerous organizations in the country are dedicated to fighting hunger. Unfortunately, they only focus on the developing world and they forget that their own people need help. It is possible to eliminate the hunger problem in America but this can only be possible if people are aware concerning the problem and they rally towards helping each other.

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