Defining Globalization





Defining Globalization

Article 1: Scolte Article

Q.1      According to Scolte, a clear definition of what globalization is important because it prevents the possibility of a misguided understanding of its principles and core concepts (Scolte 6). Moreover, clarity that comes from better understanding gives insight and knowledge that shapes goals and objectives to the right direction.

Q.2      Five existing definitions fail to explain globalization correctly according to Scotle’s article. The arguments in each of the ways fail to achieve a value added perspective of what globalization is about. These ways are considered redundant starting from internationalization that indicates that familiarity and repetition in history is an important ground in definition process (Scolte 17). In liberalization, there is the assumption that makes globalization a similar term to removal of constricting policies to create a more internationally open market. On the issue of westernization on the other hand, it is one thing to describe that globalization and westernization have interconnections and quite another to indicate that they are two different developments.

Q3       Transplanetary Relations and Supraterritoriality is one of the definitions that the author greatly agrees with. In his analysis, Transplanetary relations are all about social links that connect people from different places in the planet. Supraterritoriality on the other hand refers to a context where the world is a global place where territories and borders do not matter as much anymore (Scolte 24). This is the true context of globalization.

Q4       The territoriality and space is not dead in this case, it is just that international relations are expanding further from limiting the interaction between few nations with each other. This is by to finding ways of creating worldwide relations. Greater implications are at risk, but nonetheless, there is ample and better security preparation by individual countries

Article 2: Van Kirk Article

1)         The thesis of this article is on the role of native women in participating in fur trade and explains the dominant force in the trade that shaped the history of four of Canada’s provinces.

2)         The main role of the native Indian women is that the white foreign men rely on them to create marriage alliances and others use them to replicate their homes away from home (Kirk 22). The money, which is mostly acquired in the agreement, is used to further the fur trade business and to acquire more materials of trade and business.

3)         The trade continued to grow but with time, various people acquired different status in the community. Many women, especially those of mixed blood and the whites came to compete for the white men leaving most of the Indians out of market.

Article 3: Fort Vancouver Reading

1)         This was a hub of activity and people from different areas would meet up to trade regardless on whichever trade they were involved in (Pierson 33). They were those in the fur trade business, those that came for purposes of a marriage union and many others. They differentiated themselves from each other due to the different artifacts and culture and this was a form of international trade centre.

2)         The artifacts reflect globalization such that, the trade items carry a different aspect or cultural association with the place of origin (Pierson 27). Similarly, the purchase of the artifact such that there is integration and exchange shows that the aspect of international trade that is the purpose of globalization is in existence. For instance, the exchange of fur with pottery, then the artifact is exchanged with yet another artifact another place hence satisfying the trade aspect.

Works Cited

Kirk Van Sylvia. The role of Native American women in fur trade society, Vancouver Canada, 2008. Print

Pierson, Heidi .Globalization, New Iterations of old patterns of change.2006. Fort Vancouver, Canda. Print

Scholte, Jan A. What Is Globalization? The Definitional Issue – Again. Conventry: CSGR, 2002. Web. 9 October 2015.

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