Directed Study – Medical Sociology





Directed Study – Medical Sociology


Social service is a vital component of both public and private practice because it enhances the well-being of individuals and communities. Gaining knowledge in this sector is therefore critical in improving the livelihoods of many people as well as equipping one with the skills to live a better and safer lifestyle (Decety and Ickes 54). Having empathy is one of the most important aspects of social work since it combines intellect and emotions in a manner that increases the connection towards the suffering of clients. Learning various empathy-inducing skills is useful towards offering better medical care because one is able to genuinely be concerned and aid in solving problems experienced by others.


Generating a culture of empathy helps to make a person contented with his/her actions due to the greater good it does to the community. Knowing that an individual’s intervention in the afflictions of others helps to save their lives promotes a positive mentality due to its contribution to their well-being. Whilst it is both a natural and intellectual reaction, developing this attitude enables a person to form a connection to the client thereby allowing the latter to be honest about the problems solved and be willing to receive help. It thus eases the burden of dealing with a non-receptive client by enhancing trust between the two parties. It also serves to boost the level of understanding on the part of the caregiver. Showing genuine desire to analyze the cause and requisite aid to various problems results in endearment to the respective clients hence boosting confidence levels for tackling the malady and increasing hope for a speedy recovery. Such a scenario therefore makes the social worker to be in a state of happiness since positive results are forthcoming which prove that the strategies are working. In fact, the more compassion showed in this line of work, the longer the feelings of prosperity and health in the profession thereby countering unhealthy negative energy.

            Assisting people in need is a reassuring feeling resultant from having empathy with their conditions. Such a central part of social work increases concentration levels hence enabling one to make a proper and accurate analysis of the problem. In fact, it is an indicator of good interpersonal skills such as being a great communicator, active listener as well as using persuasive language for a worthy cause. It makes a social worker self-aware of his/her strengths and limitations too thereby increasing chances of productivity (Cournoyer 29). Helping in the promotion of social justice is yet another variable that makes empathy a necessity in social services. The assistance sought by patients deserves an open mind, which can only be drawn from having compassion to their needs. Inculcating this mindset and behavior is thus essential in realizing the varying objectives outlined for every intervention. It would thus increase one’s emotional intelligence thereby making it easier to conduct diagnosis and treatment regimens. Application of meditation techniques serves as precursors to obtaining such an attitude and statistics reveal that this sympathizing with others is the main motivator for this profession. It is thus a way of maintaining engagement with the client in spite of the duration of treatment because they too draw inspiration from such acts to remain optimistic of their recovery. Feelings of creativity emanate from empathizing as well since people share different thoughts and opinions in a more intimate setting.


Upon graduation with a medical sociology degree, espousing compassion would aid in my attainment of employment as an intern as well as a research health assistant because it would offer proof of a good temperament. As a social worker, I will be dealing with vulnerable people hence the need to exhibit empathy when handling them. Whereas the challenges will be varied, showing genuine sympathy would hasten the development of connections with potential employers thereby enhancing job prospects. Oozing such attitudes even in interviews or social settings will be an appeasing factor that would signify the potential to provide safe and gentle medical care to deserving patients. It would show a sense of maturity coupled with additional intellectual capacity thus confirming my readiness to handle different types of emergencies. Anxiety will also be eliminated and its lack of detection would offer an assurance of improving wellness at the facilities on offer with minimal chances of attracting complaints. In fact, possession of empathy will greatly boost my capacity to handle enquiries made to these organizations. It would also favor me in collaborating with others in order to achieve the vision of the organization whilst offering me the willingness to discover new skills especially those of a technical nature (Grant and Kinman 36). Understanding of the company as well as clients’ challenges will also arise courtesy of mustering this skill hence furthering my ambitions in this career. As such, my compassionate nature will resonate with both employers and employees thereby enhancing their attachment to my work and this would boost my progression too within the profession due to the numerous success stories. Such an outcome will lead to securing of a job too and the improvement of peoples’ wellbeing as well.

Works Cited

Cournoyer, Barry. The Social Work Skills Workbook. Belmont, CA: Wadsworth Pub. Co, 2013. Print.

Decety, Jean, and William J. Ickes. The Social Neuroscience of Empathy. Cambridge, Mass: MIT Press, 2009. Print.

Grant, Louise, and Gail Kinman. Developing Resilience for Social Work Practice. , 2014. Print.

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