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Discussion Post

Forum 1

Shakespeare is a renowned writer with a large number of sonnets to his name. In sonnet four, this author emphasizes on the need for human beings to engage in procreation. According to his philosophy, a man with no offspring is of minimal value in the society. Similar to other sonnets by Shakespeare, this piece is noteworthy because of the utilization of a wide range of literary techniques that enabled him to express his sentiments and ideologies in a rational manner. All sonnets sufficiently integrate metaphors and other stylistic devices with contradictory principles capturing the attention of the audience. One of the main styles in sonnet four is the use of rhyme. Throughout the piece, Shakespeare uses rhyming words as a way of emphasizing the intended message to the addressees. Furthermore, procreation is a chief theme in the sonnet (Shakespeare, William, John and William 112). The author highlights the need for every human being to bear children in order to augment his or her value in the society.

Forum 2

Ode is a poem compiled by Wordsworth regarding the connection between the human soul and body. According to the author, children are born with a strong divine attribute. However, the bodily developments affect this spirituality because of the conflicting nature of the human body and essence. The author of this poem bases his arguments on his personal experiences with each stanza containing a crucial point regarding the element of spirituality in the society. Accordingly, he emphasizes that human beings transform from a perfect dominion governed by the ideal principles of spirituality to a defective state controlled by worldly ideologies (Austen 66). He substantiates his arguments by comparing the characteristics and mannerisms of a child with those of a mature human being while standardizing all other influential forces in the community. Consequently, he relates the beauty of the natural world to the existence of a minor. 

Forum 3

One of the main themes in Frankenstein is secrecy. To start with, Victor is secretive of certain aspects of the scientific world. According to his beliefs, individuals with crucial knowledge regarding vital scientific elements should not reveal the details to any person since the entire facet is a valuable discipline. For this reason, he is envious of Krempe for his expertise in the subject (Burgan, Dennis   and Mary 92). Additionally, he is reticent regarding his intentions to destroy the monster. As indicated in this literature piece, the uncommunicative existence of Victor ruins his life since he constantly feels guilty of his malicious intentions regarding the destruction of the monster.

Forum 4

Various literature pieces documented by Tennyson indicate the utilization of classical myths as a stylistic device of emphasizing certain themes and ideologies. Most of the manuscripts written by Tennyson highlight past events. For example, The Lady of Shallot is a poem that encompasses certain myths about the existence of knights in England during the medieval period. Furthermore, the use of key historical events as well as philosophies governing the social life of a particular subcategory of the general population has enabled the author to present crucial information by use of the classical myths (Tennyson 50). This is because most of these events and ideologies relate to myths that either concurs of conflict with the principles of the modern world. Tennyson also encompasses personal ideologies relating to the classical myths promoted by the general populace of England during the medieval period. Using this historic era as the main setting for most of his literature pieces has also aided in incorporating classical myths in his works.

Forum 5

An analysis of the poems written by Thomas Hardy portrays him as a naturalist as opposed to a realist. For instance, in The Return of the Native, Hardy uses a naturalism approach to relate the elements of the natural world to the destiny of human beings. Through this literary technique, he asserts that the inconsiderate social, cultural, and political environments are responsible for modifying the personalities and fate of human beings dwelling in a certain community (Hardy 101). Addition, the use of fiction and drama in his poems substantiates his naturalism since he hardly focuses on the elements of the factual world.

Forum 6

There are various themes in Mrs. Dalloway, which are useful in highlighting certain key components in the manuscript. One of these subject matters is the fear of death. Some characters such as Clarissa, Septimus, and Peter constantly think of the possibility of their demise. For this reason, they fear to undertake certain duties as well as attend crucial events. For instance, as Clarissa visits a flower vendor in order to purchase certain goods for her party, she reflects on the possibility of a tragedy (Woolf and Jo-Ann 72). This fear is because of her experiences regarding the loss of her father, sister, and mother. Subsequently, she is always afraid of executing her daily chores. Likewise, Septimus commits suicide as a way of overcoming his fear of dying.

Forum 7

The existence of Satan is one of the main themes in The Lion, The Witch, And the Wardrobe. In this manuscript, the author portrays Edmund as a spy whose life is a sacrifice to the White Witch. The writer of this manuscript compares this scenario to the connection between Satan and human beings who ignore the element of redemption by God. In the document, the White Witch claims the souls of all Narnians who engage in transgressions constantly (Lewis 120). Her characteristics and operations are similar to those of Satan as illustrated in Christianity. Likewise, the redemption of humankind is a significant theme in this book. Similar to the story of Jesus Christ, Aslan sacrifices his life for the sake of Edmund. Subsequently, the White Witch overlooks the transgressions of Edmund.

Forum 8

The principles of writing utilized by George Orwell may be useful to modern authors. To begin with, as George asserts, it is ineffective to use common metaphors or other elements of imagery. As a writer, one should formulate unique figures of speech that will create an intense emotional reaction from the addressees. Additionally, this writer highlights the essence of using active verbs as opposed to passive entities. This is because the latter category of verbs does not focus on the main constituents of the issue (Orwell 134). George also encourages other writers to ignore the basic rules of writing. This will help them to express their ideologies and sentiments effectively and expansively.

Extra Credit

The Hobbit is a classical adventure film based on literary constituents. In this movie, hobbit Bilbo accompanies thirteen dwarves across Middle-earth with the main intent of repossessing the Lonely Mountain from the jurisdiction of Smaug (Sibley and Tolkien 91). This follows the persuasion by Gandalf who is a legendary wizard in the community. These dwarves have to engage in a deadly battle with the giants dwelling in these mountains. The author uses irony to compare the might of these two groups. Nonetheless, the dwarves use their wit and skills to conquer the giants.

Works Cited

Austen, Jane. Sense and Sensibility. , 2013. Print.

Burgan, Michael, Dennis Calero, and Mary W. Shelley. Frankenstein. Minneapolis: Stone Arch Books, 2008. Print.

Hardy, Thomas. Far from the Madding Crowd. Toronto, Ontario: Harper Perennial Classics, 2013. Print.

Lewis, C.S. The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe. London: The Folio Society, 2012. Print.

Orwell, George. George Orwell. London: Penguin Books. Penguin Classics, 2000. Print.

Shakespeare, William, William G. Clark, John Glover, and William A. Wright. The Works of William Shakespeare. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2009. Print.

Sibley, Brian, and J R. R. Tolkien. The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey: Official Movie Guide. Boston: Houghton Mifflin Harcourt, 2012. Print.

Tennyson, Alfred T. Tennyson’s Idylls of the King. S.l.: Forgotten Books, 2010. Print.

Woolf, Virginia, and Jo-Ann Wallace. Mrs. Dalloway. Peterborough, Ont: Broadview Press, 2013. Print.

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