Effect of Computers





Effect of Computers


Computers and technology have had a revolution on human’s existence from their discovery and subsequent usage in the daily activities. From simple tasks of writing personalized documents to the complex tasks of controlling machines and world affairs, the impact has been engraved in almost every facet of human activity in the present. Upon the advent of the internet, communication and interaction has been simplified despite differences in geographical locations, differences in time zones and backgrounds of the vast audiences. From the traditional mechanisms of accomplishing activities, computers along with machines have enabled an easier method without the necessary strain to man. Several positive utilities have improved the quality of life as compared to years before. Despite the positive attributes leveled on computers, they are significantly changing our brains.


Communication has been the greatest benefactor of the innovation of the computer and technological advancement. In the world of today, real time avenues have been enabled over the internet for the vast audiences to transmit, receive, share and chat between individuals of diverse ethnic backgrounds, races, gender, class and nationalities (Atkinson 14). The utilities range from social platforms, pictures, audio and visual files, applications among others. Internet has created a global village in which occurrences from one region can be followed up in real time, thus affecting or prompting reaction from another region. It has also realized the value of helping the brain function in a concise and accurate manner through repeated tests and monitoring. In addition, IQ activities can be monitored over time.

            However, the brain is responsible for changing or altering the human brain. Through scientific research, dreaming possibilities have been changed. Back in the era before Technicolor was discovered and availed in television, dreams were in resemblance of black and white (Hiscott 1). Nowadays, the computer aided dreams or visions are touted as being in color. The fear of being left out on current trends, discussions, issue and social happenings has affected the brains of human especially in the younger generation. With the social trends on applications like Instagram, Facebook, and Twitter, among others, the users have to check constantly on the gadgets to try to fit in. The brain is in constant readjustments and needs of trying to be fed with current information and disturbances on patterns of activities.    

            The human brain behavior has been altered in terms of perceptions and reactions to stimuli. For example, an addicted individual to his or her gadget will have tendencies on reacting to any slight vibration or sound as if to suggest it is from the device. The brain is constant modes of alertness despite perhaps there being none of the reactive stimuli in the environment at the time. Hiscott (1) states that sleeping patterns have been changed due to the use of computers. Light emitted by the machines or availabilities of entertaining features deprive one of the needed rest before embarking on a new day’s activities. Several individual are prone to insomnia due to the nocturnal activities involving the use of the gadgets.

            Before the innovation of the computer, most solutions by man were calculated, obtained, or stored in the brain capacity. Learning and information keeping of the knowledge taught was stored in the brain thereby increasing its capacity and activity. However, since computers are able to store large volumes of data and information for unprecedented periods, they took over the capacity of human brains. Standard personal information has dwindled in the brain capacity since their use is taken up by the computer and aided gadgets. In addition, the use of computer machines limits the thinking capacity in problem solving approaches as compared to the years before. Similarly, attention spans are weakened as the brain is susceptible to easy distractions.

            Computer use has increased the rate of brain’s functionality in terms of the impulse control and reaction mechanisms in individuals. For example, repeated use of the video games played by the young adults increases their aggression and reaction to circumstances. The brain’s functionality replicates the seen methods of handling issues and differences and conjures the same in an individual (Barelk and Hirshfield 4). Computers also increase the creativity of the human brain. Cognitive methods of expressing thoughts and ideas are made easier as the brain of an individual creates pictorial imaginations and availabilities in order for an external party to bear witness. Thus, the skilled individuals enhance their prowess as their brains are improved in computer-aided systems of extracting the ideas.


Technological advancement and innovation of the computer have made human lives easier and enabled in the activities. From simple tasks of writing personalized documents to the complex tasks of controlling machines and world affairs, the impact has been engraved in almost every facet of human life. Despite the positive attributes leveled on computers, they are significantly changing our brains. Alterations towards brain functionalities, storage capacities, impulse control, creativity, and level of usage has significantly dropped. Humans are becoming more dependent on the computer for survival as their brains’ essence is being taken over by the computers despite the positive impact realized throughout humanity.  

Works Cited:

Atkinson, Paul. Computer. London: Reaktion Books, 2010. Print.

Barelk, Alex and Leanne, Hirshfield. “Using a Noninvasive Brain Measurement to Explore the Psychological effects of Computer Malfunctions on Users during Human-Computer Interactions.” Advances in Human Computer Interaction Journal, 2.1 (2014): 1-13. Print.

Hiscott, Rebecca. 8 Ways Technology Has Completely Rewired Our Brains. Mashable. 14 March, 2014. Web. February 24, 2015. http://mashable.com/2014/03/14/tech-brains-neuroplasticity/

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