Effective Team Participants





Effective Team Participants

            The discussion on page 294 covers the execution of task and maintenance roles. Human beings carry out different roles within a group. The definition offered for task roles was functions tat had to be performed to guarantee that the group achieved its task or find a solution. Conversely, maintenance roles were defined as functions that were necessary for preserving interpersonal relationships and harmony. The last section of the page offered a list of examples that served to exemplify the group task roles such as seeking and giving information, energizing, and reviews. In page 295, dysfunctional behavior in groups is classified as those that serve individual needs rather than the group needs. These types of behavior have positive and negative impacts on the functioning and effectiveness of the group (Allen, Attner, and Plunkett 27). They can either cause complications or introduce healthy conflict. Common dysfunctional behavior in groups includes aggression, blocking, domination, withdrawal, and confession. The discussion on dysfunctional behavior progressed into the best way to handle them and the chapter offered several proposals such as planning speech carefully, encouraging withdrawers, and allocating order of speeches in the meetings (Allen et al. 56). The discussion on page 279 shifted towards leadership and in particular, leadership theories. Effective groups are characterized by effective leadership. The author consequently discussed the different leadership theories including the trait theory that has been widely disputed since it is difficult to find unique traits for leadership. Hamilton asks, “How long would it take to train yourself to be ambitious, self-confident and creative?” as a way of dismissing this theory (Hamilton 299). The function theory of leadership proposed that good leaders are created by performing specific roles and functions. The three-dimension theory of leadership proposes that each individual should be aware of their leadership style be it authoritarian, democratic or laissez-faire. This is because understanding one’s style is vital in determining their level of success as a leader within a specific organizational context. Within the same subtopic, the advantages and disadvantages of authoritarian style were outlined. Authoritarian leaders are fast in taking action have fewer errors and cover more tasks (Buckingham, and Coffman 27). However, they create a certain level of dependency and group hostility in such settings. Democratic leadership styles promote group motivation and creativity and personal satisfaction among team members is high. However, the author noted that this style was time consuming and wasteful since all the employees’ contributions are considered. Page 301 covered team commitment and its significance within the organization. Hamilton argued that team members might be resistant to change making it necessary for them to be included as stakeholders in the decision-making process (Hamilton 293). Democratic leadership emerged as the most effective method of dealing with groups although it held the most adverse drawbacks. The last leadership style, laissez-faire, was lacking in the fundamental guidance needed by most groups. This style had the disadvantages of low employee motivation and productivity. The last page in the chapter contained a comparison chart that outlined the amount of time to make decisions, the time for strengthening commitment and the time to implement a decision for all the three leadership styles. The conclusive sections sought to analyze the strengths and weaknesses of each of the leadership styles according to the three main parameters outlined beforehand. Hamilton (2014) proposed that autocratic styles are best suited for large groups doing basic tasks and under pressure. Democratic leadership styles were effective in boosting levels of employee satisfaction, group commitment and ushering in change. Hamilton concluded by adding, “selecting the wrong leadership style can result in wasted time, unacceptable solutions, unhappy or hostile employees and resistance” (Hamilton 302)

Works Cited

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Allen, Gemmy S, Raymond F. Attner, and Warren R. Plunkett. Management: An Approach to Customer Expectations. S.l.: Southwestern Cengage Learning, 2013. Print.

Buckingham, Marcus, and Curt W. Coffman. First, Break All the Rules: What the World’s Greatest Managers Do Differently. New York: Gallup Press, 2014. Print.

Hamilton, Cheryl. Communicating for Results: A Guide for Business and the Professions. Andover: Cengage Learning, 2014. Print.

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