Effects of International or Local Labor Distribution in IBM Corporation on Markham in Ontario, Canada

Effects of International or Local Labor Distribution in IBM Corporation on Markham in Ontario, Canada



Effects of International or Local Labor Distribution in IBM Corporation on Markham in Ontario, Canada

Questionnaire 1

            This questionnaire will collect data from employees of IBM, Canada. The questions will try to find out the various effects that IBM has had on the employees’ lives and the community of Markham. The questionnaire will also investigate the impact of foreign employees on the firm and the community of Markham, Ontario. Private information concerning the employees will not be dispersed to protect their identities and to ensure that they cooperate without the fear of being treated unfairly by the firm (Brace, 2008).

Personal information

1. How old are you? (Please tick one box)

                        [ ] 18-25

                        [ ] 25-35

                        [ ] 35-45

                        [ ] 45-55

                        [ ] 50 AND ABOVE

2. How long have you been working for IBM, Canada?

                        [ ] less than five years

                        [ ] five to ten years

                        [ ] ten to fifteen years

                        [ ] more than fifteen years

3. Do you live in Markham, Ontario?

            a) If yes, how long have you lived in Markham?

            b) If no, where do you live?

4. Describe your experience as an employee of IBM, Canada. Would you consider working for any other firm?

5. In your opinion, what are the advantages of working for IBM, Canada?

6. What are the disadvantages of working for IBM?

7. How happy are you with the salary you receive at IBM?

                        [ ] Very happy

                        [ ] Happy

                        [ ] Content

                        [ ] Unhappy

                        [ ] Very Unhappy

8. Are you happy with your working conditions at IBM?

                        [ ] Very happy

                        [ ] Happy

                        [ ] Content

                        [ ] Unhappy

                        [ ] Very unhappy

Foreign employees in IBM, Canada

9. What is your opinion on the employment of foreigners by IBM in Canada?

10. Has IBM employed too many foreigners?

11. Do you think the employment of foreigners is affecting the community of Markham, Ontario? Please explain your answer.

12. In your opinion, does IBM treat foreign workers and local employees the same way?

13. What contributions have foreigners made to the community of Markham?

Influence of IBM on the Markham community

14. How many people would you estimate IBM employs in Markham?

15. How many close friends and relatives of yours does IBM employ?

                        [ ] Less than five

                        [ ] Between five and ten

                        [ ] More than ten

16. Do you know what corporate social responsibility (CSP) is? If yes, please explain what it is.

17. What corporate social responsibility projects has IBM carried out in Markham?

18. Does IBM prepare reports concerning its CSP?

            a) If yes, how important do you think these reports are? Do you read the reports?

            b) If no, do you think IBM should prepare such reports? Please explain your answer.

19. Has IBM done anything to improve the living conditions of its employees in Markham?

20. Do you think you life has improved since you started working for IBM?

Interview Questions

            The researcher also collected information through a one-on-one interview with an employee of IBM, Canada. The interviewee worked in the human resources department of IBM, Canada and had access to employee records, statistics of the people the firm employed and information regarding the company’s employment policies. The following is a list of the questions that the IBM representative was asked in the interview.

1. How long have you worked in the IBM, Canada human resources department?

2. Did you work in any other IBM department before human resources?

3. How many people does IBM employ from Markham, Ontario?

4. Is there any preference within the company for hiring people from Markham?
5. How has IBM helped to improve the standards of living for the residents of Markham?

6. Does IBM offer any training opportunities for its employees?

7. Has the organization carried out any corporate social responsibility projects in Markham?

If yes,

a) What kind of projects has IBM carried out and which groups of people have the tasks targeted?

            b) How does IBM involve the residents of Markham in the CSP projects? 

            c) Does the company release annual CSP reports for analysis by the local government and the residents of Markham?

If no,

a) Why has the company failed to engage in any CSP projects in Markham?

            b) Does the organization plan to start any CSP projects soon?

8. How many foreigners does IBM employ in its facilities in Canada?

9. Is there a preference for any nationality within the employees hired?

10. What criteria does the company use to select the people it hires in Canada?

11. How does IBM integrate the foreigners with the locals at the workplace?

12. Does IBM train employees on workplace etiquette and how to cope in a multi-cultural workplace?

13. For what reason do IBM hire foreigners?

14. How does the company benefit from having both local and foreign people working for it?


Brace, I. (2008). Questionnaire design: How to plan, structure and write survey material for effective market research. London: Kogan Page.

Piaggio Group. (2013, April 29). Corporate social responsibility questionnaire. Retrieved from http://www.piaggiogroup.com/en/questionnaire_sustainability

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