Effects of Overpopulation





Effects of Overpopulation

Garrett is popular for his campaign against overpopulation. In his handout, Tragedy of the Commons, he addresses the effects of self-centered actions in the society. While using an illustration of herdsmen competing for a common grazing field, he shows the importance of understanding institutions, society and future. First, people ought to learn their surroundings in order to be ready for any uncertainties in the future. Furthermore, everyone has to position him or herself in a certain social group and work hard to strengthen it (Garrett 31). Institutions also need to be free of fraud to gain people’s trust. This will then ensure fair distribution of common assets. Garrett also identifies the use of incentives as a solution to this disaster. According to his argument, motivation is an appropriate tool of encouraging constructive ecological activities (Garrett 40).

Another author sensitive to environmental crisis is Thich Nhat. In his book, The World We Have, he addresses the possible misfortunes of irresponsible human actions. He argues that inner peace is the only solution to this crisis (Nhat 23). By illustrating how to surpass certain emotions such as apprehension, anguish, and rage, he addresses the importance of unity and humanity in achieving harmony in the world. He blames human actions for all catastrophes in the world such as floods, war and drought (Nhat 29). A review of these two literature pieces illustrates their similarity. Both authors concentrate on the relationship between human actions and the environment. To them, human irresponsibility is culpable for the tragedies experienced in different parts of the world.

From the works of these philosophers, congestion in the environment is a massive problem. Each birth worsens the state of affairs in terms of foodstuffs, flora and fauna, privacy, and other natural resources. The policies formulated by various governments around the world are not sufficient to tackle the situation. For example, laws that promote food availability to individuals in a country do not help in maintaining clean seashores or personal space. The truth of these claims is evident through an analysis of the conditions in nations with high populations. For instance, in India, studies have shown that 15 million children are born each year. According to relevant surveys, India’s current population is 1.27 billion (Garrett 69). As a result, the natural resources in this nation reduce in value yearly mainly because of the overload on the environment. For example, the forests in India continue to diminish because of the increase in the demand of land parcels for the purposes of building and farming.

This has resulted in frequent floods, in different parts of this state. Not only does this affect the country’s economy, it also impoverishes the social fiber. Social amenities such as schools and health facilities have to cater for everyone irrespective of their capacity. Continuation of this trend will be highly disastrous to future generations. The unborn children may not be in a position to see forests or enjoy clean beaches because of the actions of the current generations. Policies that limit population increase, as well as public sensitization on the importance of family planning, will aid in decreasing the effects of overpopulation. Moreover, suitable laws need enacting to deal with the issue of excessive immigration. This is especially the migration of people to developed countries in search of better living standards. Although people should be free to move to any part of the globe, the outcome may bring suffering to citizens of the host country (Garrett 90). In conclusion, the arguments by Garrett and Thich with regard to effects of overpopulation are accurate and deserve approving by the whole world. People should not take this as useless criticism, but rather as vital advice, that will make the world a better place.

Work Cited

Garrett J. The Tragedy of the Commons. Washington, D.C.: American Association for the Advancement of Science, 1968. Print.

Nhat, Hạnh. The World We Have: A Buddhist Approach to Peace and Ecology. Berkeley: Parallax Press, 2008. Print.

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