Film Music review





Film Music review

The title of the movie is Titanic while the film music composer is James Honer of the Never and Absolution tune. The music is deliberate in the scene where the characters realized the ship was sinking after the tragedy and the some of the aboard passengers had lost their lives. In addition, the few that were scrambling for the life jackets were devastated by the proceeds at the time.           

            Copland’s aesthetics of film music relate to the expression and setting according to the song in the scene. The aesthetic of expression was represented to the letter as the character’s images and proceedings were in flow with the music. The aesthetic of setting was suited to melancholic nature of the tragedy. The music represented both aesthetics at the same time with ease and the functional unit of understanding.

            The music from the scene described is source as it was managed through live singing. Some of the musical sounds that can be heard include humming and projection with the volume being low in order to project the melancholy. The tempo is slow and rhythmic while the melody is disjunctive. The overall harmony sound is consonant and it evokes a sad and somber mood within me.  

            The music is suitable for the scene as it works with both the tempo and aesthetic of expression. When the characters try to salvage themselves from the tragedy, the accompanying tempo and consonance makes the viewer pity them while hoping that the scene shifts to an improved state. In addition, it is effective as it builds on the emotional aspect of the viewer in connection to the tragedy and the effort on display.      

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