Final Memo

To:                   Albert Brown

From:               Name

Date:               Friday 7, 2015

Subject:           Final Memo

Final Memo


Generally, the following memo provides a reflection of the growth as well as development that I have encountered as a writer. The classes that I have taken in English are ineffective unless they include writing based on its significance to the course. Most of the content that is focused on entails the different forms of experiences that I have encountered while gradually involving myself as an English writer. Additionally, the concentration on my writing is based on the papers that I have written for the class. Some are particularly personal narratives, which allow exploration of a particular issue through my encounters. Other papers are based on external issues that affect me as an individual and therefore, offer a comprehensive platform that is viable for writing. Aside from the focus on the works that I have done as a writer, the memo will offer a general view of my role as a writer in the respective class and my future concerning this discipline.

Reflection Concerning the Class

Prior to the start of this class, I was not particularly adept in writing. The English language has been a considerable obstacle especially for persons who speak or write in it as a second language. In this respect, enrolling into the class was a significant phase for me in my academics. Contrary to my initial thoughts, the class was rather interesting and informative. By interacting with the instructor, I was capable of advancing my knowledge regarding the course itself. Additionally, the participation in practical assignments was the most beneficial part of the class. Through these works, I was able to understand other imperative aspects of writing such as research and recollection. Our instructor would provide us with a variety of subjects that we could focus on for the specific assignments.

The assignments that the instructor handed down to us were informative based on the issues and concerns they asserted. For instance, I was able to research on the death penalty in one of my assignments. Before this, I was not rather adroit in this subject. Personally, death penalties were aspects that were specifically resigned to the practice of law. As such, raising arguments over such a controversial issue would be mundane especially if I was uninformed. However, the provision of this assignment by our instructor allowed me to conduct significant research on the legal matter. In this respect, I gained knowledge regarding different dimensions that encompass the issue such as the history of the practice in the United States and even its implications on the legal and social environment. From this illustration, it is apparent that my class was instrumental in my development in relation to the English language, especially the writing process.

Reflection on the Writing Process

The writing process involved the use of various techniques that were significant based on the required objectives. For instance, the implementation of a first-person approach in the personal narrative was imperative. Since the focus was on a specific event that affected me as part of my daily routine. Additionally, with the aim being the creation of a personal narrative, it was necessary for me to develop an account or tale of a particular conflict that I faced in relation to my daily choices and decisions. However, a first-person approach was not the sole measure I learnt and used in my development as a writer. Interestingly, the range of assignments that our instructor provided gave me an effective platform that allowed me to apply other measures of writing. For example, in one of the assignments based on textual analysis, I was required to use a third-person approach. With the objective based on the issue of death penalty, objectivity was imperative in establishing a valid and rational argument concerning this controversial issue hence the use of the respective approach.

Using Rhetorical Strategies

Another interesting aspect of writing involves the application of rhetorical tactics. In terms of my various assignments, the implementation of such aspects was imperative in delivering a concise argument regarding a certain issue. Regardless of the various assignments that the instructor gave us during the ongoing tenure of the class, the application of rhetorical strategies occurred as a recurrent and consistent factor. Accordingly, rhetorical strategies were imperative in appealing to the audience. Most of the aspects that I implemented comprised rhetorical appeals such as the logos, pathos, and ethos. For example, in the textual analysis assignment, the appeal that I applied comprised the logos. This appeal mainly involves the use of logic or facts within an argument. In this case, I utilized secondary research sources such as books as well as primary data such as statistics in order to inform the audience of the extensiveness of death penalty in the United States.

Another appeal that was important in my writing comprised the pathos. This mainly concerns the use of aspects that evoke an emotional response from the writer or the audience. For the latter, it simply involves appealing via sentiments. The personal narrative assignment allowed the use of these respective dimensions to my advantage. By using a first-person approach and a rather personal experience, I was capable of addressing the concern by invoking sentimentality. For instance, I explored the disappointment that I experienced due to the conflict that I faced while visiting the Cedar Point Amusement Park, which was located in Sandusky. Additionally, I included the emotions that my family felt during the trip such as thrill or joy in order to draw a distinction between my family’s reactions to the visit and my response to the scenario. The contrast in emotions was one of the main reasons for asserting the implications of the conflict that I faced in the respective situation.

The Future of Writing

Indeed, I cannot deny the difficulty that I faced while learning about writing effectively in the English language. The first days that involved studying about the subject were hard. At first, I blamed my inability on the fact that I was not an American civilian. However, I later learnt that this was just an excuse to underperform. As the class progressed, I learned that not every person in my class wrote effectively regardless of their social or ethnic backgrounds. Based on this, I was capable of taking in the challenges that came along with the writing process. In addition to this, the provision of different assignments allowed more room for improvement, creativity, and exploration into the English language. Simply, my class provided me with the ability to write effectively. The fact that I can express myself objectively and rationally illustrates the extent to which writing has provided me with beneficial skills and aptitudes. Hence, irrespective of the culmination of my class, I will continue with writing by applying it in my daily life. 

Final Thoughts

To this end, my portfolio has depicted my degree as a writer. Based on examples from my personal narrative and my textual analysis, I have seen that I am capable of talking about my interests and experiences without being biased or too concentrated on my personal life. By inculcating the context that surrounds me, I am able to show the audience the level to which external influences affect me as a person and a writer. Despite the fact that I have a lot to learn, my current strengths are based on writing and as such, can be applied in other genres even after I clear my studies.

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