Fundamentals of Management

Fundamentals of Management



Fundamentals of Management

Part A

            Several traits that are associated with leadership include consistency, honesty, communication, motivating, commitment and visionary. Being a leader requires one to be consistent about goals and objectives in order to gain respect credibility. Leaders who change their goals and objectives often are doubted by their followers. Honesty is important in gaining respect where followers are interested in knowing the truth. This in turn motivates them to follow the leader. Communication is very important for leaders because it is the means through which they are able to influence followers. Good communication ensures that goals and objectives, as well as the mission are understood. Motivation refers to the ability of the leaders to encourage followers to keep working towards the goals and objectives, thereby creating a team spirit. Commitment is important for fostering a sense of responsibility in followers by reminding them of their goals and objectives. Committed leaders remain loyal to their mission. Finally, vision in leadership helps in providing direction to the followers (Robbins, Decenzo & Coulter, 2012).

Part B

            Trust is one of the factors that determine effectiveness of leadership. Trust is generally defined as the belief in the integrity, ability, surety, strength, confidence and knowledge among other factors of another person (Robbins, Decenzo & Coulter, 2012). Therefore, trust is very important for leaders since they have to convince the followers to believe in their ideas and advice. In previous business climate, leadership was about powerful people at the top of the organization, who established clear rules of business. With current uncertain business climate, clear rules do not thrive. Therefore, leaders will require building leadership that is based on trust in order to gain support of followers at all times even when things change.

Part C

(1).       Elements in communication include the sender, medium, channel, receiver, feedback, context and noise. The sender also referred to as the encoder is the one who decides on the message to be sent, the person to receive it and the best way of sending it. Medium is the form taken by the message, such as a letter, email or face-t-face. Channel is the thing responsible for delivering the message, such as a post office in case of a letter and internet in case of emails. The receiver is the person to whom the message is directed and is served with the responsibility of decoding it to get meaning. Feedback is also given by the receiver after getting the massage. Context means the environment that surrounds the message such as events and place. Noise element refers to the factors that can inhibit delivery of message (Robbins, Decenzo & Coulter, 2012). One of the barriers to communication is physical barriers such as closed doors and walls between people. This can be overcome by open office floors. Semantics is the other barrier to communication that pertains to language difference such as the spoken word. This can be overcome by use of simple words and visual aids. Finally, social-psychological barrier refers to emotions, attitudes, attention, poor retention and status that can hinder communication. This can be overcome by motivating listeners and using feedback, as well as use of visual aids.  

(2)        I think the most effective type of communication in a work setting is face to face because it allows immediate feedback. In addition, it allows the sender of the message to help the receiver in decoding the meaning. It can also clear ambiguity in messages through allowing the receiver to ask questions. Furthermore, it saves time that could otherwise be wasted before feedback is given. Finally, it allows people to establish better relationships than other types of communication.

Part D

(1)        There are many ways of motivating employees. As a leader, I can motivate professional employees through ensuring career development. Majority of professionals are not only interested in better pays but also the ability to develop their careers further. I would also motivate them through being a good listener (Lauby, 2005). I can also motivate them by leading with integrity and ensuring to put their needs first. This also requires recognizing them as the most valuable asset of the organization, which means looking after their interests (Robbins, Decenzo & Coulter, 2012).

(2)        Contingent workers unlike permanent employees do not fully identify with the organization. One way of motivating them is offering permanent job for those who perform well in their duties. This would give the contingent workers a reason to perform beyond expectation. Another way of motivating the contingent workers is offering training to ensure they fit to their roles easily (Robbins, Decenzo & Coulter, 2012). In addition, offering rewards for good performance and treating them the same way as permanent workers increases their motivation (Lauby, 2005).


Lauby, S.J. (2005). Motivating Employees. Alexandria, VA: American Society for Training and Development.

Robbins, S.P., De Cenzo, D.A. & Coulter, M.K. (2012). Fundamentals of Management: Essential Concepts and Applications. New York, N.Y: Pearson Education.

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