Future Trend of Communication Systems





Future Trend of Communication Systems

            Communication is not just by humans; all living things communicate including plants. With the recent developments in technology, even machines are now able to communicate; previously machines were restricted only restricted to facilitating the communication of humans. Developments in technology have made communication much faster and easier. At this level, communication has developed to the extent that one cannot spend minutes away from his or her mobile phone. There is an anxiety of being out of reach. Therefore, humans have grown to be very reliant on communication. The more communications develop the more reliant the society becomes.

Developments in communication are driven by what technically possible is collaborated with what is socially desirable. People do not just pick up a trend just because it is available; they choose on a trend that corresponds with their preferences. The technical possibility is dependant on level of innovation and invention. . There is an excitement in waiting to see what the future of communications holds. The fast speed of technological developments has created many casualties in the form communication hardware that has become obsolete, for example, the fax machine that was replaced by emails. The mail posting system has also been rendered almost useless. Communication advancements in the past two decades have made many to believe that anything is possible

            Long before technology was incorporated to communications, the African drum was considered a very sophisticated means of communication. This is by its ability to communicate to a large magnitude of people who were miles apart from each other. The drumbeaters also had a way of conveying different messages through the drums. Different rhythms passed different messages and all the people were able to interpret the message. With technology the telephone was invented, it brought with it an excitement of being able to have distant voice communications. Technological advancement has not moved us away from the telephone yet but it has improved it. This is to show that the future trend of communications can go either way. It can completely transform our mode of communication or it can just improve on the means of communication that we have now. However, it is certain that, it is not static and that things must improve.

            The future trend of communication will be based on the sophistication of the devices used to communicate. The devices will be people centered, this means that they will be made completely compatible with the needs of the people. The level of interaction of the machines with the users will be the next frontier of marketing the devices. This is shown by how touch screens on smart phones and tablets have transformed the interaction between humans and machines. The prediction is that in the next few years touch screens will be involved in all aspect of human life; there will be touch screen tables, touch screen mirrors, or even touch screen driven cars. Scientists are working hard in order to develop natural user interphases on devices. This means that the devices will be able to preempt the needs of its user and act upon it. The result of this work is showing with applications such as Apples Siri. There is also Kinect technology that enables the user to control devices just by the use of gestures.

The fast speed of technological developments has created many casualties in the form communication hardware that have become obsolete, for example, the fax machine that was replaced by emails. The mail posting system has also been rendered almost useless. However, that should not deter us from hoping to see the future trend of communications, which seems to be a very bright one. This is in regards to human-to-human communication and even better human to device communication. Human to device communication holds most promise and it has the ability to improve many more sectors and not just communications.

Works cited:

@jamietolentino. “The Biggest Trends in the Future of Communications.” The Next Web RSS. N.p., 2015. Web. 01 Sept. 2016.

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