Gender Differences in the Treatment of Animals





Gender Differences in the Treatment of Animals

In the chapter “Prom Queen Kills First Deer on Sixteenth Birthday” Hal Herzog discusses how men and women relate differently with animals. The widely accepted belief is that women are more nurturing and caring towards their animals. Many people believe that women have such inborn traits, and this makes them treat their pets better. Herzog notes that women will find it more difficult to euthanize an animal than a man will. Despite the fact that the woman may be used to euthanizing animals since it is part of her job, she does not stop feeling depressed. He highlights the case of a woman who cries every time she has to euthanize an animal. On the other hand, men do not consider euthanizing animals a big deal. They are not bothered by the fact that they are killing animals. Women are generally more caring and nurturing, and they are sympathetic to animals (Herzog 130).

Women treat animals better than men do. They consider their pets to be part of their family. Therefore, they will treat them like other family members. Women are generally more caring and nurturing. They consider their pets as companions, and they will treat them as such. Women have positive attitudes towards animals compared to men. In addition, they are more empathetic to animals compared to men. They are more likely to sacrifice for the sake of their pets. Research indicates that women in abusive relationships will tend to stay in their marriages for the sake of their pets. They are afraid that their partners will hurt their pets when they leave. On the other hand, men are more likely to use violence against their pets as a way of gaining control and showing their power in a relationship. They will be violent towards their pets as a way of seeking revenge against their partners (American Humane Association). Such incidences of pet abuse generally indicate the feelings that some men have towards animals. The fact that women are more concerned about their pets when they are living with an abusive husband shows that they are more caring towards their pets.

The gender differences in the way people relate to animals is clearly seen by the fact that women are more likely to be involved in animal rights movement as compared to men. They are more likely to be involved in campaigns advocating for better treatment of animals. In addition, women are less likely to support the idea of using animals in laboratory experiments or for teaching purposes. Women have been involved in various campaigns targeting institutions that test use animals for science and research. Although beauty products are specifically targeted towards women, women lead in the fight against testing such products on animals. They do not want to see animals suffer for the sake of beauty.

The differences in attitude between men and women concerning the treatment of animals begin at an early age. Boys and girls portray these differences at an early age. Girls are more concerned about animal welfare. For instance, girls are more likely to oppose the use of animals for entertainment or commercial reasons. They oppose the idea of using animals for the sake of obtaining fur and leather goods (Coleman 3). The sympathetic and caring nature of women begins when they are young. They are more likely to feel sorry for others and to relieve other people of their suffering. They extend the same attitudes towards animals.

Men and women treat animals differently. Women are caring and nurturing. They develop these traits when they are young. They are more likely to consider pets as part of their animals and source of companionship. This determines the way that they treat them. Some women would rather sacrifice their happiness and peace for the sake of their pets. Women are more likely to be involved in animal rights campaign. They oppose the use of animals for research, education, and experimental purposes.

Works Cited

Coleman, Grahame. “Public Perceptions of Animal Welfare – an International Perspective.” Australian Department of Agriculture, Fisheries and Forestry. 2008. Web. 16 April 2014

Herzog, Hal. Some we Love, Some We Hate, Some we Eat: Why it’s so Hard to Think Straight about Animals. New York, NY: Harper Collins, 2010. Print

American Humane Association. Facts about Animal Abuse & Domestic Violence. n. p., July 2006. Web. 16 April 2014

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