Global Competitiveness and Strategic HR

Global Competitiveness and Strategic HR



Global Competitiveness and Strategic HR


I. Thesis Statement

The leadership style of a particular organization and its effectiveness determines the productivity of an entire workforce and output of the system in place.

A. Key Points

1. The communication mannerisms and channels between the employees and the management of the organization is an indicator of the level of understanding within the firm.

2. Conflict resolutions mechanisms help strengthen the ties and reliability of the organization’s fabric.

3.Handling of feedback, suggestions and complaints within the working environment is key for a healthy working relationship between all members of a workforce and this translates to input and output performances.


II. Body of Paper

The leadership of an organization is the decision-making organ and director of operations of any firm. This is the determining core group of management, which steers the organizations in a unified and organized way.

1. In order to determine the leadership style of an organization, the hierarchy of management is determined through its structure and the relevant authorities established.

a. The leadership style is characterized by the channels of authority passed down to the rest of the workforce (Argyris, 2012).

b. A democratic-based leadership style offers the best way to manage an organization and it guarantees maximum productivity within all members of the system.

2. The communication mechanisms within an organization depict the level of understanding between all members of a workforce.

a. The greater the distance between the management and employees of the organization, the lesser the productivity is achieved.

3. Communication channels can be identified through observation of the working environment within an organization.

a. The manner in which instructions are administered and subsequently taken up by the workforce is clear evidence of the communication channels.

b. A healthy organization creates room for dialogue in the way orders or instructions are passed down (Armstrong, 2009).

c. It also distances the instructions from subjective commands.

4. Reliability and understanding within an organization is provided for by the handling of feedbacks, suggestions, complaints, and contributions from the members of a workforce.

a. Timming (2009) argues that an active working environment has to enable the different members of the organization to contribute openly towards the running of the firm.

b. A passive workforce does not operate within its potential due to the contained nature of the working environment.

c. The workers need to express their opinions on matters affecting their working conditions and what they feel needs rectification, improvement, or change. This can include the management itself.

All the above factors discussed indicate the type of effectiveness of a leadership style within an organization.


Key Statement

The fundamental leadership style of an organization determines its working environment, productivity of the workforce, level of understanding and reliability within all the members towards a common objective.

1. The hierarchical structure of the organization separates the management and workforce (Harvey and Novicevic, 2009).

2. Communication channels help in bridging the gap between the top brass and lower levels of employees as concerns the passing of instructions and orders from the seniors in command.

3. The feedbacks, suggestions, complaints, and suggestions from all member of a workforce are important and should not be avoided for the sake of a balanced working environment.


            Organizations should adopt a democratic style of leadership in which all the members of a workforce are incorporated into the running of the firm. The suggestions, complaints, and feedbacks from the workforce should be taken seriously and adopted depending on their relevance in order to increase the reliability between the management and employees. The leadership group should create an open communication channel for all the members within the working environment as means of encouraging productivity and understanding.


Argyris, C. (2012). Organizational traps: Leadership, culture, organizational design. Oxford: Oxford University Press.

Armstrong, M. (2009). Armstrong’s handbook of human resource management practice. London: Kogan Page.

Harvey, M., & Novicevic, M. (2009). Strategic Global Human Resource Management: Its Role in Global Networks. Curtin university of Technology. Retrieved from

Timming, A. (2009). The Reach of Employee Participation in Decision-Making: Exploring the Aristotelian Roots of Workplace Democracy. Human Resource Management Journal. Vol. 1, No. 3.

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