Health Promotion Activities and Strategies

Health Promotion Activities and Strategies



Health Promotion Activities and Strategies

With the American healthcare setting devoted to the sustenance of public health, different schemes based on health promotion activities are evident. One of these activities comprises weight management. With sudden increases in rates of overweight individuals within the country, obesity has been established as a looming threat in relation to the furtherance of public health. In this case, the use of the Health Belief Model assumes an imperative role in advancing activities based on weight management in an effort to promote health among the members of the public. Accordingly, the implementation of the respective archetype within weight management programs is evidenced in terms of the resolve to change and the basic resource available for initiating the change. Hence, within the Health Belief Model, the basic incentive to initiate change comprises the degree of perceived threat or uncertainty concerning the respective condition (Daddario, 2007). In this case, the condition comprises obesity. Thus, after establishing the motivation towards advocating for change, the respective model establishes that the basic asset for change involves the self-efficiency or poise to initiate the transformation, which involves shedding or maintaining healthy weight.

The second activity involves improving nursing management via leadership. Even though different delineations of the activity exist, the field of nursing management is far more consequent with the positive implications of transformational leadership. The model is specifically suited to the needs of nursing management in terms of the factors it advocates for such as inspirational motivation, idealized influence, individualized consideration, and intellectual stimulation (Welford, 2002). For instance, in accordance with the last aspect (intellectual stimulation), the transformational leadership model calls for cooperative leadership between official nursing management and the faculty nurses in order to facilitate proficient development among each member within the organization (Welford, 2002). Overall, the inclination towards such factors facilitate the need for inspiration and motivation, the effect of positive influence on the nurses, the consideration and unique treatment of each nurse, and the facilitation of growth via combined leadership among the nurses.


Daddario, D. K. (2007). A review of the use of the health belief model for weight management. MEDSURG Nursing, 16(6), 363-366.

Welford, C. (2002). Transformational leadership in nursing: Matching theory to practice. Nursing Management, 9(4), 7-11.

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