Homosexual in Africa





Homosexual in Africa

Homosexuality is one the most unaccepted practice in Africa. One of the challenges homosexuality poses is intimidating the cultural integrity and moral fabric of African societies. According to the Africans culture, the act is considered a curse which is against their beliefs and can make one an outcast (Sizer 200). Many of the Africans families find it rather inappropriate to tolerate the act in their community because they view it as a form of insult in the cultural ways. For instance, there was a scenario where one group of the Igbo community was found   practicing the act. This made them receive severe punishments from the elders at the end they were cursed out of the community. The act did not affect the group only it made their gods angry and they lacked rain for some period. This makes it impossible for most of the cultures to support the continuity of the act. Homosexuality is an act that cannot be embraced in the African cultures because it contains multiple disadvantages.

Most of the Africans are Christians and Muslims and according to their religious ways, homosexuality is a sin before God. In the Bible and the Quran, sex is only accepted between two people of different genders (Lind and Brzuzy 241). The act is going against the will of God hence most of the Africans end up condemning the act. The act is not given a priority because it does not promote fruitfulness as God commanded human beings to marry and be productive hence it works contrary to the bible and the Quran. It also limits one from being productive, for instance, the practice of lesbianism cannot bring forth babies (Barak Leighton and Flavin 91). This makes it harder for the Christians and the Muslims to embrace homosexuality in their religion because it not only violates their commandments but it also destroys their ways of living.

Homosexuality is against most of the constitutions of the African countries. According to a majority of African countries, the law does not allow the practice of homosexuality. For instance, in Uganda, there is the anti-homosexual bill that was introduced by President Museveni and the bill was passed by the government to prevent practicing the act. The law stated that any Ugandan citizen found practicing the act should be imprisoned for not less than 14 years or life. Clearly, Africans, and in this case Ugandan people would find it hard to support the act of homosexuality (Carroll and Wolpe 3). This is why the act is facing many problems in Africa. It lacks support in most of the African countries’ constitutions. This explains why the practice of the act is not common and the market is not flourishing.

Africans believe that homosexuality is only practiced by the whites since it was first heard of in their countries. The Africans moral standards cannot allow the practice of the act in their society. Due to the lack of people supporting the act in Africa, it can never thrive there and will only face rejections (Harris 55). The numbers of people in Africa embracing the act are few. They cannot be able to fight for the rights they require in order to enhance continuation of the act. The members supporting the act are afraid and lack lawyers who are confident enough to help them raise their concern in the parliament or the courts in order to get their rights. This creates major problems to the homosexual people in Africa. This has contributed to the reduction of people practicing the act because they lack support in Africa.

Works cited

Barak, Gregg, Paul Leighton, and Jeanne Flavin. Class, Race, Gender, and Crime: The Social Realities of Justice in America. Lanham, Md: Rowman & Littlefield, 2010. Print

Carroll, Janell L, and Paul R. Wolpe. Sexuality Now: Embracing Diversity. Belmont, CA: Wadsworth/Thomson Learning, 2005. Print.

Harris, Angelique C. Aids, Sexuality, and the Black Church: Making the Wounded Whole. New York: Peter Lang, 2010. Print.

Lind, Amy, and Stephanie Brzuzy. Battleground: Women, Gender, and Sexuality. Westport, Conn: Greenwood Press, 2008. Web. 26 March 2015

Sizer, Stephen. Christian Zionism: The Definitive Collection. Virginia Water, UK: Stephen Sizer, 2003. Print.

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