How Globalization Affects Lives





How Globalization Affects Lives

  1. Introduction

Globalization is the interconnectedness of different global events that has led to a new world command that has been enabled by scientific and technological innovations. People have varying perceptions of globalization. Some see it as harmful while others assert that it has contributed to numerous benefits. It has enabled the bonding of people from different regions around the world under one community. People around the globe have become closer because of globalization. Globalization has had effects in economic, technological, and political spheres.

  1. Globalization in the economy

Globalization has manifested itself in the economy in different ways. Increasingly, many countries are trading together and there is increased regional and national integration based on trade. The movement of goods and services has become easier and this has made it easier for people to trade.

  1. Free trade

Globalization has enhanced free trade. This has opened up markets in many places and it has enabled individuals, organizations and economies to transact more easily. Numerous multinational corporations have established in many places. The geographical distance between the trading partners is not a major determinant in this case. What matters is that the trading parties agree on mutual terms. Although free trade has had positive effects on many economies, it has worsened the problem of economic inequalities. The rich seem to be accumulating more wealth while the poor seems to be languishing more in poverty (Shah). This shows that not everybody stands to benefit from globalization.

  • Product diversity

Globalization has increased competition in business. As businesses seek to expand, they take their products to other countries and regions. This has increased the number of products that are available in the country. Product diversity has benefited the consumers because they have more varieties to choose from and this leads to quality improvement and lower prices (Ebeling).

  1. Globalization and culture

The ease in movement to different regions has led to a situation whereby people from different cultures are able to meet and interact. This has been made possible by physical movement of people as well as the possibility of people to communicate using different methods such as the internet.

  1. The exchange of cultures

Globalization has contributed to exchange of cultures. As people interact in different ways, they learn more about each other. Some choose to adopt the foreign cultural elements that appeal to them, or which they consider positive and beneficial. This is visible in the way people have chosen to adopt some religions that were not heard of previously in their countries.

  • Mutual benefits between countries

Globalization has led to mutual benefits between countries. Countries benefit in numerous ways when they are able to trade their goods, share their knowledge in areas such as technology and agriculture, and get qualified people with sufficient knowledge and skills. Those doing the trade benefit from increased sources of revenue, while those purchasing goods and services benefit because they get a chance to improve their standards of living (Held et al.). .

  1. Globalization and technology

Globalization has had a major influence in matters concerning technology. At the same time, different technological innovations have enabled the spread of globalization.

  1. The evolution of all types of technology
    1. Transportation

Globalization has necessitated people’s need to move from one place to another. Most people choose to travel for work, career, and education purposes. This has in turn led to development and improvement in transportation methods. People can travel to more destinations today than was the case a few years ago. Moreover, there has been development of high-speed train and improvement in existing transportation systems.

  1. Source of energy

Globalization has increased interactions between countries. This has influenced many diverse areas. Countries that do not produce or manufacture different forms of energy can take advantage of this by ensuring that they get multiple sources of energy. This will reduce the energy shortage in their countries in terms of crisis since they will have other sources.

  1. Devices

Many developed countries do not manufacture devices. Instead, companies in such countries choose to outsource their services. There are many different inventions everyday, most of which are aimed at making the world a global village in terms of how people communicate. Outsourcing enables companies to reduce costs and expenses and to increase their profits.

  • Education

Students are no longer restricted to learn in their own countries. They can expand their horizons and travel to other countries for further studies. By doing so, they are able to take advantage of the technologies and other resources. They can then go back to their countries and apply the knowledge they have gained. Students can also get the chance to acquire an education through distance learning (Orozco and Qin-Hilliard n. p.).

  • Buying and selling

Buying and selling of goods has become more convenient and easier for most people. They can use internet to conduct their trade and pay using a variety of means. Many companies have realized the possible benefits they can get by using the internet. They have expanded their businesses and they have made it possible for people from other regions and countries to purchase their products. They then ship the products to the customers.

  • Technology and communication

People can communicate in many diverse ways today. What used to seem impossible half a century ago has become a reality today. People no longer have to be restricted by distance to communicate and neither do they have to depend on few communication methods.

  1. Social media

Social media has become one of the greatest phenomena of the century. There are different social media networks such as Facebook and twitter, which have helped to enhance communication among people. People can communicate verbally, send messages and videos and share pictures irrespective of where they are as long as they have the required technology. This has led to the quick spreading of information and news (Chen).

  • News

People no longer have to wait for designated time to listen to the news or watch it on television. They can learn of any news as it happens because of the internet. Television stations have had to change the way they deliver the news to the people. They have to ensure that they remain relevant. They have structured their programming in a way that they can deliver the news as it happens.

  • Conclusion

It is clear that globalization has affected people’s lives in almost all sectors. It has had both negative and positive effects. It has affected the way individuals, organizations, and countries do business and conduct trade. It has had positive and negative effects on culture. It has led to sharing of some positive aspects of culture while it has contributed to erosion of traditional cultural values. Globalization has also affected transportation and the way people communicate. It has led to improvements in technology as well. Better means of communication have emerged. Transportation has become more available and quicker. It has opened up opportunities for learning, and it has had mutual benefits on countries.

Works Cited:

Chen, Guo-Ming. “The Impact of New Media on Intercultural Communication in Global Context.” China Media Research 8.2 (2012): 1-10

Ebeling, Richard. “Globalization and Free Trade.” Foundation for Economic Education. 1 Apr. 2004. Web. 24 Mar. 2015

Held, Anthony et al. “Global Transformations.” Policy. Web. 24 Mar. 2015

Orozco, Marcelo S., and Desiree, Qin-Hilliard, B. Globalization: Culture and Education in the New Millennium. Los Angeles: University of California press, 2004. Print

Shah, Anup. “Free Trade and Globalization.” Global Issues. 24 Mar. 2013. Web. 24 Mar. 2015

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