Human resource

Human resource



Human Resource

Gruman, Jamie & Saks, Alan (201`). Performance Management and employee engagement. Harvard Business Reviews. Retrieved from

            This journal is aimed at explaining how performance is managed and the role employee engagement plays. The main purpose of its composition is to elaborate on why only a third of employees tend to reason that performance management is important in improving their performance and the logic behind the low ranking of the topic during employees’ discussions. The approach taken by the authors in tackling the topic on performance management is first developing a concept that explains in detail what is and what it entails. During this explanation, they touch briefly, on why employee engagement is considered important and the impact it has on performance management. The next approach focuses on employee’s engagement whereby the authors clarify on the definition by using various explanations used in other literature materials. Both the approaches used interlink the topics to illustrate the dependency, which exists between them. The authors also explain the various factors, which affect performance and employee engagement during their implementation in an establishment. The journal provides the reasons why employee engagement should be enhanced clearly pointing out the procedure and methods of attaining this objective. They mention the key theories and models developed to easen the process of enhancing employee engagement. They are discussed in further detail as the authors use various theories developed renowned human resource scholars. . The models suggested by the authors are those developed by other writers giving enough proof on the effectiveness of employee engagement and performance. They also provide the reader with detailed information on how to integrate engagement and enhance performance. The main theme of the study is performance, its management and improvement. This journal clearly explains the deeper meaning of performance and what it entails. It further touches on its enhancement and ways through which the employees can be engaged in the process of increasing the overall performance of the establishment. The correlation of the topic to this journal is highly important as it provides crucial information on the topic selected. However, the journal should also have entailed comprehensive evidence of the establishment, which have implemented the suggested methods and the outcomes. This not only validates the information but also convinces the reader.

Hanson, Rose & Pulakos, Elaine. (2013). Rethinking Your Performance Management Thinking. T+D. Retrieved from

            The aim of the article is mainly on how performance training can be improved. The suggested strategy forwarded by the author is focusing more on the employees instead of the process itself. Basing the findings in the articles on the various studies done over the decades provides evidence, which supports the authors’ claims. The approach by the author targets the process of shifting from the evaluation of performance to increasing it in the workforce. The suggested strategy that is old fashioned is the SMART method whereby the objectives set out for the employees should be Smart, Measurable, Attainable, Relevant and Time-bound. The stated reasons for the functionality of the aforemenetioned strategy prove that it is indeed foolproof. The approach used by the author’s ensures that the reader is well informed on the type of strategy to use, the outcomes and the guidelines followed to guarantee the whole process is successful. The relationship between the topic selected which is performance and its improvement is in accordance with the article. The strategy suggested, SMART, is seen as the first method used in maintaining performance and has continued to prove it is effective. The information provided by the articles, however little is invaluable in the study of the topic. New methods should have been mentioned, as there have been changes over the years on performance management and improvement. Thus, more research is warranted.

Dugan, Elizabeth & O’shea, Patrick. (2014). Leadership Development: Growing Talent Strategically. SHRM-SIOP Science of HR White Paper Series. Retrieved from

            In this White Paper Series, the authors expound on the need to counteract the effects of changes occurring in the modern day economic world. The main issue of concern is that the baby boomers are said to be aging faster with an estimated 10,000 turning 65 on a daily basis. This has influenced many establishments as they invest capital on leader management and performance. According to the two authors, by fostering strategic leader development, organizations equip themselves to deal with challenge and change. They give the best solutions for implementing the best strategies in leadership management and development.

                        An overview of the topics in the White Paper shows how the authors approach the subject and the specific aspects that should be discussed when tackling the issue of leadership management. It is crucial because it affects the performance management of an establishment as well as the workforce under the leadership. The first subtopic outlined is planning for leadership development. According to the author, the program offered to develop the Human Resource managers, requires that prior planning be done. This ensures that the program itself is in accordance with the corporate strategies, programs and policies. The main reason why the alignment of these two elements is important is that the program will affect the outcomes of the business in terms of success and financial status. Dungan and O’shea suggest leadership performance objectives should also be outlined as targets that should be met once the program has been completed.

             The next aspect discussed is the selection of the participant who will take part in the program. The criterion used in the selection, which is mainly created by the Human Resource Managers is based on the current work performance of the participants. The writers explain it may not be able to fully determine the effectiveness of the selected individual but it is a very important to be considered in the selection.

                        The next part, which is clearly discussed in this White paper, is the design considerations. The writers suggest that a lot of work should be put in the assessment. In the study of performance, the growth of the talent in the establishment is equally important which clearly illustrates the link between the two topics. The employees should be offered opportunities to further enhance and grow their talents. The programs provided enable them to be excellent performers as well a boosting their morale. All these factors positively influence performance of the workforce.

Moran, Michael. (2014). Create HR policies that get the best out of Staff. HR Magazine. Retrieved from

            The article focuses on the improvement in developing policies, which best suit, the interests of the employees. The authors reiterates that the major point employers have to note is work is an activity, nor a place, so one should hire good people and let them get on with it. To further illustrate the importance of good policymaking, the author uses the Netflix Company as an example. This is an Emmy award wining company with policies, which prioritize the needs of the employees as they only employ the best players. He further points out that one to achieve excellent performance from the workforce, they need to first identify what they need. The assurance of performance as stated is forming the habit of employing the best performers. The main issue is the evaluation during the process of recruitment. The workers needed should be able to shoulder responsibilities and be accountable for their actions. The article further elaborates on main points to be considered in the policymaking and enhancement of performance. They include ditching performance management bureaucracy, focusing on high performance and being trusting. The evidence used in the article to validate the points considered is by using the policies and practices implemented in companies, which are excelling in their fields of expertise such as Netflix. The policies present in a company affect the performance. Logically speaking, stringent policies slackens the productivity of the employers as they might feel oppressed and undermined, however, policies which cater to the needs of the employees are motivation drivers which empowers the workforce and increases performance. The article not only provides meaningful information on the study on workforce performance but also relates to it.

Dunn, Kris. (2011). Why Integrity does not Drive Performance. CRAIN’S CHICAGO BUSINESS. Retrieved from

In this article, the author begins by first questioning the reason behind the failures of three establishments, which are Enron, Madoff Investment Securities and HealthSouth. He attests their failure to the fact that they operated on integrity, communication and teamwork, which were instilled as part of their corporate values. The author focuses in bringing out the reality of a company rather than the values and virtues it is founded on. The articles show that many companies do not follow the values they firmly stand for verbally and remain successful whereas others follow the values blindly and fail. The main point being brought forth is that values do not necessarily influence the overall performance of a company rather it is the effort that is put in which guarantees the success of the establishment. In an effort to provide, evidence which back up his finding, he mentions companies like Chevrolet and Apple Pie. Although the author insists on the fact that the core values do not play a major role, it is quite important for a company to be founded on virtues that run it. It should not be verbally mentioned without implementation. The author should have focused also on companies, which have also been successful and have yet implemented the core values, which are followed to the letter.

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