Human Resource Management

Human Resource Management




Human Resource Management (HRM) is a vital aspect in an organization in terms of increasing the productivity of workers and accomplishing the formulated objectives. This process is crucial in various employment aspects including the selection, recruitment, training, and motivational elements. In addition, personnel involved in the management of the labor force in an organization within the private or public subdivisions ensure the compliance of the organizational culture and labor laws. Based on these facts, Human Resource Management is a comprehensive field that comprises of theoretical elements and actual operations in order to attain the desired results. The personnel theories and practices guide the operations of the labor force and the managers by addressing the challenges, opportunities, and advantages of HRM in a comprehensive manner.

            In terms of personnel theories, these readings highlight such features as organizational behavior. This refers to the process of evaluating the impact of individuals, groups, and systems on the performance of an organization as one of the ways of improving the efficacy of the institution or department. It entails other disciplines including psychology, communication, management, and sociology since various factors affect the behavior of employees in a firm. Behavioral theories such as the Big Five personality traits and the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator are some of the major suppositions used by theorists and managers to analyze the features that define Human Resource Management. Moreover, the author of Human resources in healthcare: Managing for success emphasizes on the efficacy of utilizing such motivational ideologies as the equity theory and the Maslow’s hierarchy of needs (Fried and Myron 2008, 92). Similar arguments regarding personnel theories are evident in Pynes’ book.

            There is also a detailed exploration of personnel practices about Human Resource Management in the two readings analyzed in this dissertation. To begin with, Pyne evaluates the functions of this managerial aspect. This includes the identification of problems affecting the labor force and use of practical strategies to respond to such situations effectively. This managerial facet is also an essential tool in transforming certain principles, organs, or structures in a department or the entire organization (Pynes 2009, 135). Other functions of the Human Resource Management include positioning the employees strategically depending on the formulated business plan and facilitating other processes within the organizational structure. Based on these functions, it is rational to conclude that Human Resource Management is the core process in the employees’ lifecycle in an organization.

            Most of the elements about personnel practices in these readings involve the employee development processes. For example, in the selection and recruitment processes, this managerial facet is responsible for the effective branding of the organization. This is important in selecting the most suitable employees with reference to the required skills, personalities, and experience. The training process is also a vital element within the Human Resource Management docket. As indicated in various relevant organizational suppositions such as the Maslow’s hierarchy of needs, this process involves the use of performance appraisals to evaluate the productivity of employees and reward them suitably(Fried and Myron 2008, 115). In order to execute these roles competently, the personnel within this subdivision may have to implement certain measures such as employee terminations depending on the performance or behavior of a worker. This is because the ultimate goal of this docket is to reduce the production costs incurred by the firm while increasing its productivity. In conclusion, the two readings evaluated in this paper contain detailed and crucial information regarding Human Resource Management in terms of theories and practices.


Fried, Bruce, and Myron D. Fottler. 2008. Human resources in healthcare: managing for success. Chicago: Health Administration Press.

Pynes, Joan. 2009. Human resources management for public and nonprofit organizations: a strategic approach. San Francisco, CA: Jossey-Bass.

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