Hume’s critique of the argument from design





Hume’s critique of the argument from design

Understanding the age of reason began by mid seventeen century with many philosophers coming up narratives and ideologies that explained certain things in life especially those that concerned creation. The modern philosophers, in this case, were the likes of David Hume, Descartes, and Immanuel Kant. Looking at Hume it is understood that he found the distinction between ideas, personal sensations, and passions in his work. However, ideas were mainly inferior to mere imitations, and he was determined to show that the world was full of order but with so many flaws, indicating that the one that put them there was incompatible as well.

In many of his demonstrations, he referred to the world as a first rude essay one that was written by an infant deity. This means that he did not behold the power and decisions of God’s creation story as an act of benevolence and, therefore, did not hold any essence in his apparent omnipotence as well. He blamed the designer of the world in numerous occasions saying that conclusions that concerned God were easily arrived at and that the relationship between creation and God grew separate with every fault. He was for the idea that despite the beliefs, there was a team that failed in the creation process among other things.  

            In addition to this, he found that denying the existence of the Christian theory and God brought about further contradictions because one could not say that the analogy did not exist with so many peculiar circumstances in the world. This is therefore among the reasons why people tend to disagree with David Hume, and the foremost emphasis was based on the following two reasons. One is that the existing faults in the world did not rule out the fact that God was a designer, for instance, based on the analysis of a parable by John Hick showing how different people interpret evidence in contradictory ways. In the second case in point, his constant comparison with the powers and standards of man to that of God is considered impossible because God himself is something not easily understood in the first place. God is often talked of in a transcendent manner especially as analyzed by Paley. However, Hume ignored this and went about his achievements in an anthropomorphic way.

            The design argument, which is Hume’s main philosophy, has been criticized before by other theories such as that by Darwin’s evolution theory. This is because Darwin presented an ideology that showed life started from an ameba and not directly from any form of creation. The explanations of how these amoebas came to form living creatures disapproves the existence of creation hence the presence of God. This means that the theory of design, which is all about evaluating the theory of creation, is inexistent if there is no God, whose quality of design will be scrutinized.

Overall, however, Hume’s criticism basis on inductive reasoning to arrive at his conclusion shows that there may be difficulty in proving whether it is sufficient reason due to the subjective concept of creation. Many scholars have gone further to reject this approach as a proof of God, especially about Antony Flews’ falsification principle. Regardless, it is general knowledge that David played an essential role in creating a basis of evaluating and understanding creation philosophies

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