Individual Assessment #2: Web Exercise- Online Sources for Assistance





Individual Assessment #2: Web Exercise- Online Sources for Assistance

The Small Business Advancement National Center is an online source that provides information on the running and management of a small business. The site provides easy browsing owing to the clear graphics and readable wordings. When loading the site from the search engine, it is fast and efficient. The home page comprises of the logo that is clearly outlined with red and blue colors in order to create a visual effect as it is quite distinct and captivating. There is also a welcoming note on the homepage which creates a source of comfort for new users as it also gives   brief information on the functions of the site, its history, how it was created and by whom. This online source is resourceful and has high quality in terms of the information it provides for its users on small businesses and their management. The SBANC Newsletter is amongst the various provisions. The site provides the user with an opportunity to apply for the newsletter that contains information on various small businesses and their founders. Data on the workshops and upcoming seminars, as well as any published academic literature on the same, are also provided. The second noteworthy feature is the business plan segment. The user is offered a tutorial on how to write a business plan, which is the first crucial step for any potential entrepreneur. The financial aspect for any new business is always demanding. However, the site offers information on how small businesses can be funded and who are the potential sponsors. Many other segments in the site are useful. For that reason, the site qualifies as a meaningful source with a professional setup and presentation.

CRA Small Business Information Seminars Online Site is one that provides general information for small business entrepreneurs. The site offers seminars that are aimed at providing valuable fiscal guidance to the users in the small business world. From a technical aspect, the site is easily accessible and uploads quickly from the search engine. The main issue that presents itself is the rather unimpressive graphics. The font used is quite simple, and the segmentation of the site is organized but unappealing. The aforementioned factors give the site a subtle and simplistic outlook lacking a classic professional touch. In terms of quality, the site scores an average mean as the information on small business it provides is not general but is somewhat complicated and specific. Judging from the topics discussed in the seminars, which range from payroll module to income tax module, it is evident the fiscal aspect is considered more thus leaving out other resourceful data on the management of a small enterprise. The positive aspect of this site is that the contract addresses are provided on the home page thus the users are able to reach the customer care service for assistance or to make relevant inquiries on the seminar dates, locations and topics to be discussed.

The Small Biz Manager is, in essence, a service provider. It offers screens and reviews as well as recommending the best services offered for upcoming entrepreneurs. The information provided is quite diverse thus making the site a rich source of data pertaining to setting up a business. The site covers all the aspects ranging from technology, finances, products, community, marketing and services that users might require. The cardinal points are the financial, services and marketing which a new small business thrives on. The site scores in terms of quality is excellent and thus can be recommended to business minded individuals. The downside is the presentation. Judging from the font used, it is quite difficult to read the tiny letters. Consequently, it is evident that the readability aspect was not considered. It also lacks a professional classical touch that translates to proper arrangement and organization of the various topics. The colors used are unappealing and dull; it lacks the exciting and alluring aspect. If improvements are made in the aforementioned factors, then this website may be ranked amongst the best of its kind.

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