Individual Short Report

Individual Short Report



Individual Short Report


Organizational development is a detailed outline involving strategic planning with the main intent of increasing the efficacy in a commercial enterprise. This scheme facilitates constructive adjustments in various aspects of an organization including its management and policies governing the execution of official duties by the human resources. Organizational development integrates various theories that aim at motivating the labor force and transforming their attitude regarding the execution of their official duties. Inventive approaches of making crucial decisions in the organizational context are also a vital part of this interdisciplinary scheme (Research in organizational change and development, 2011). As highlighted in these suppositions, efficacy in a typical commercial institution is bound to increase due to the implementation of various components within the discipline of organizational development and other related changes.

Objectives of Organizational Development

            Organizational development encompasses several short and long-term objectives accomplished through the implementation of components within the all-inclusive strategic plan. To start with, it strives to increase dependence and motivation among the labor force in addition to satisfying their personal needs. This includes encouraging the teamwork spirit among the human resources and inspiring them to improve their performance. Moreover, components of the organizational development are useful in addressing problems facing a business enterprise by not only identifying the influential forces in the internal and external environments of the company but also providing crucial recommendations that will aid in solving the issues effectively (Morača, Hadžistević, Drstvenšek & Radaković, 2010). Through organizational development, it is possible to utilize practical processes that will improve the overall productivity in the corporation.

            As indicated in the suppositions regarding organizational development, all employees in a business enterprise ought to participate actively in the formulation and implementation of the strategic plan. This is because of the generated platform that motivates the workforce to increase their productivity as a way of attaining their personal needs and obtaining psychological satisfaction. Additionally, the relationship between the management and the workers is stronger through the healthy psychological contracts that are part of the organizational change and development (Roncelli-Vaupot & Železnik, 2011). This component also aims at aligning the attitude of the human resources with the vision, mission, and core values of the organization. Consequently, the workers execute their official duties in accordance with the rules and regulations governing the company with the main intent of accomplishing the set objectives.  

Theories on Organizational Development

There are various suppositions that attempt to demystify the components encompassed in the discipline of organizational development and change. One of these hypotheses is the Lewin’s Change Theories. This involves a cluster of assumptions and arguments that discuss the major components of organizational development. The main elements in this category include the Field theory, Three Step Model of Change, Action Research, and Group Dynamics. These constituents are vital in achieving the objectives of organizational development. This is because they incorporate various facets in the internal and external environments. Accordingly, logicians perceive it as a technique useful in formulating an effective strategic plan as opposed to an assumption aimed at expounding on the triggers of transformations in a business organization or specific departments within the corporation.            

To start with, this group of hypotheses perceives the social surrounding as an all-inclusive platform upon which various determinants in the business world interact and affect the effectiveness of deliberated schemes with reference to making crucial decisions within the firm or making other managerial transformations. Some of these influential factors are human factors such as psychological attributes of the human resources. For instance, as indicated in the Lewin’s Change Theories, motivation of the labor force is an essential technique of attaining the set interim and long-term goals through the promotion of specific core values and principles (Uršič & Mulej, 2006). For this reason, transforming the operations in a commercial enterprise ought to incorporate the needs of the labor force as well as other aspects that affect their performance and attitude towards organizational change.

Group Dynamics

The theory of group dynamics involves the examination of determinants related to the relationships between members of staff in an organization as well as personal values and attitudes that affect the performance of an individual in terms of undertaking the delegated duties effectively. This is because individual productivity is the foundation of advancements at an organizational level. Consequently, this hypothesis highlights the ideal behavior of an employee as well as the impact of such values as teamwork and integrity in the accomplishment of the set short and long-term goals of a company (Finger & Bürgin, 2005). Additionally, this supposition puts emphasis on the effects of proper communications among the labor force in determining the moral values, progress, and long-term endurance of a team and the entire corporation. For this reason, this theory is essential in formulating strategic plans aimed at modifying the proceedings within various sub sectors of a company.

In addition, the theory of group dynamics expounds on the policies that may affect the organizational behavior and subsequent development efforts. This is because most rules and regulations purpose to transform the character and interactions of the labor force in order to concur with the core values and ethical principles of the corporation. Accordingly, the theory aids in scrutinizing the structure and interactions of a group while highlighting processes that may promote or deter its survival (Milfelner & Snoj, 2009). Processes involved in defining the organizational behavior are also a vital part of this supposition. This makes the theory effective in solving societal and organizational conflicts. This is because of its applicability in various contexts since it focuses on the influential factors of the behavior of a group.

Field Theory

            Similar to the group dynamics theory, this hypothesis suggests that change has to occur within all aspects in order to attain effective results. Subsequently, modifying specific facets of an organization may generate a perversion of its values or operations. The main highlight of the field theory is its assertion that the definition of human behavior results from the influential nature of the external environment as well as the personality of the individual under consideration. For this reason, the character and attitude of an employee may change depending on the artificial environment created in a business institution (Lalonde, 2007). Moreover, this ideology asserts that organizational development and transformation is not a linear process but rather an intertwined component that acquires a specific structure based on the forces within and beyond the surroundings of a company.

Three Step Model of Change

The principles of this hypothesis are somewhat similar to the ideologies highlighted in the field theory. To start with, these philosophies of organizational development and change suggest that the effectiveness of the process depends on numerous factors including one’s personality as well as facets within the artificial and natural environment. Accordingly, these ideologies focus on transforming all the determinants in order to accomplish the set objectives in addition to aligning the organizational behavior with the core values of the corporation. Moreover, the three-step model of transformation highlights the three levels of adjustments that result in the advancement of a corporation. These processes illustrate organizational development and modification as a program that moves from a motionless state into a progressive one before shifting into a similar position to the initial phase.

Stage 1: Unfreeze

            This phase is the initialization stage with reference to organizational development and the relevant transformation processes. It forms the foundation of the entire process and the effectiveness of the entire modification depends on the practicability of the generated environment with reference to organizational behavior and promotion of moral principles in the company. Nonetheless, this stage comprises of immense resistance from the human resources since the transformations may alter their individual characters as well as interaction systems in their groups. This is because the environment, prior to the transformation, provides a sense of identity to the labor force (Kjærgaard, 2009). For this reason, the affected individuals tend to experience uneasiness despite the benefits of the proposed modifications. This poses as the greatest challenge of this phase. Adjusting the attitude of the workers in order to accept the principles and processes of this transformation may require a substantial amount of time.  

Step 2: Transition

            The initial stages of the transition phase comprises of anarchy despite the acceptance of the modification process by the employees. This is because of the lack of comprehension regarding the policies and systems that will replace the existing procedures and principles. This not only affects the productivity of the labor force but it also has adverse effects on the psychological aspect of the entire group. Consequently, the efficacy exhibited at a personal, departmental, and organizational level declines significantly due to the reduction of motivation among the employees (Yolles & Guo, 2006). During this step of modification, the management of a commercial enterprise strives to maintain the human resources at the state of accepting the proposed transformations. However, according to the assertions of this modification model, the phase comprises of substantial levels of resistance owing to the variances in personalities and the rates of change acceptance among the workers.    

Step 3: Refreeze

            This is the final stage of transformation with reference to organizational development. Its main objective is to maintain the attitude of the human resources in a state that concurs with the principles of the modified system. This follows the creation of a stable environment whose ideologies are in accordance with the values embedded in the new operational structure (Stein, Asenova, McCann & Marshall, 2010). Accordingly, the labor force acquires a new sense of identity from this system because of the similarities with the initial environment defining their character and governing their operations in various departments of the commercial organization. With low personal, departmental, and organizational productivity defining the transitional phase of development, the refreezing stage entails organizational efficacy in addition to exemplifying stable performance among the human resources.     


            Through the analysis of the theories and concepts defining organizational development and transformation, I have acquired substantial knowledge on the essence of considering all the influential factors in the internal and external environments in order to obtain satisfactory results in the modification process. To start with, I know comprehend that organizational development is dependent on the individuality of the labor force as well as the factors embedded in the artificial environment created within a commercial enterprise. Additionally, the transformation process has to be cooperative and participative in order to attain effective results that will enhance the productivity and proceeds of the corporation. This is because changes occurring at the group level are efficient in modifying the attitude, interactions, and productivity of an individual.

            Moreover, it is evident that certain personal and societal factors can affect the modification system. Such elements include social norms, moral values, and interaction systems. In addition, based on the concepts of the three-step system of transformation, I have realized that creating a stable environment for the workforce upon completion of the modification process requires the incorporation of cultural elements promoted by the management of the company. This will facilitate the formulation of polices and social processes and principles that are in accordance with the personal values and attitudes of the employees. Consequently, it will be easy for the employees to adopt the proposed changes in addition to increasing their productivity. Moreover, it is evident that proper measures ought to be part of the strategic plan regarding modifications at the workplace in order to suppress the disorderly environment generated at the beginning of the adjustment process. In conclusion, organizational development and transformation are crucial elements in a typical commercial institution. This discipline is not only effective in modifying the organizational behavior in order to correspond with the core values of the company but also aids in improving the performance of the human resources.


Finger, M., & Bürgin, S. (2005, January 01). The concept of the “learning organization” applied to the transformation of the public sector: Conceptual contributions for theory development. Organizational Learning and the Learning Organization: Developments in Theory and Practice.

Kjærgaard, A. L. (2009, January 01). Organizational Identity and Strategy: An Empirical Study of Organizational Identity’s Influence on the Strategy-Making Process. International Studies of Management and Organization, 39, 1, 50-69.

Lalonde, C. (2007, June 01). The Potential Contribution of the Field of Organizational Development to Crisis Management. Journal of Contingencies and Crisis Management, 15, 2, 95-104.

Milfelner, B., & Snoj, B. (2009, January 01). Interaction among responsive/proactive market orientation, innovational resources and financial performance. 3rd International Scientific Conference Marketing Theory Challenges in Transitional Societies, Maribor, Slovenia, September 24th-25th, 2009, 205-212.

Morača, S., Hadžistević, M., Drstvenšek, I., & Radaković, N. (2010, January 01). Application of group technology in complex cluster type organizational systems. Strojniški Vestnik, 56, 10, 663-675.

Research in organizational change and development; vol. 19 (2011). (January 01, 2011). Research in Organizational Change and Development.

Roncelli-Vaupot, S., & Železnik, D. (2011, January 01). Some ethical consideration of implementing project results as changes into kindergarten practice. Mei Zhong Gong Gong Guan Li, 8, 12, 1403-1413.

Stein, W., Asenova, D., McCann, C., & Marshall, A. (2010, January 01). Modern Concepts of Quality and Risk. Public Policy and Administration, 25, 3, 305-326.

Uršič, D., & Mulej, M. (2006, January 01). Organizational oppositions and organizational development. Problems of Support, Survival and Culture, 321-332.

Yolles, M., & Guo, K. (2006, March 01). Paradigmatic metamorphosis and organizational development. Systems Research and Behavioral Science, 20, 2, 177-199.

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