Industrial Farming





Industrial Farming

I agree with the information presented in the text. CAFOs are not farms, as proponents may like people to believe. Instead, they concentrate on breeding animals for the sake of profit. There is no guarantee that the animals in CAFOs are safe. This means that one cannot guarantee the safety of the animal products. When determining the benefits to the rural community, one has to consider different factors and consider the effects on the larger community as a whole. Only a few people benefit from CAFOs and most of the rural community is left to suffer. The professor is a defender of rural communities. He is concerned about what the industrial farms have done to the rural areas and he is speaking against them. He is concerned about their negative economic, social, and environmental consequences. In addition, he is concerned about the fact that people in the rural areas will have negative health consequences because of the industrial farms.

The professor notes that there is colonization in the Midwest farms. Local people do not have as much freedom and rights as they used to some years ago. Foreigners have started owning land and large corporations that are not owned by locals have large tracts of land. The corporations have foreign investors. The smaller farmers do not have a say in the rules made concerning agriculture and everything has to pass through the large corporations. The foreign owners and the large corporations are exploiting the land. The local people do not have the right to protect their land and the environment.

It is possible to ensure food security in the country without compromising food production. Many industrial farms are concerned with making profits and not food security. The fact that the country can afford to export food means that it can also manage to produce enough food that can feed the entire nation using sustainable means. The future if food is a public concern. However, it can be dealt with if individual nations became more responsible in feeding their people. The large scaled agricultural industry has a growing and powerful influence on state legislator because of their economic power. They corporations determine the agricultural and environmental laws because of this influence.

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