Instructional Resource: The Human Resource Trivia

Instructional Resource: The Human Resource Trivia



Instructional Resource: The Human Resource Trivia

The Human Resource Trivia is one of the instructional tools capable of teaching students effectively within the respective course. The trivia, as a mind game, produces periods of healthy entertainment based on the way they sustain agility in the minds of learners. Because of this, they are efficient educational tools that provide a platform for involving students and motivating them to relate concepts with random questions. In this respect, this particular instructional tool will be important for revising some of the content learnt within the course. The spontaneity of the questions will assist students in recalling the different subjects they have learnt from the beginning of the semester. Furthermore, much of the focus on the questions will comprise contemporary human resource management as well as the utilization of real world examples in order to rationalize the concepts taught in this specific class.

Structure of the Game

The structure of the trivia will involve a minimum of ten random questions. The instructor will be responsible for selecting viable questions that test each area learnt from the start of the semester. Each of these questions will have a certain score attached to them. Unlike other tools, the scores in this case will be different based on how random a question is. Hence, if a question is haphazard in nature, then it will bear more points. In addition to the framework, the trivia will only allow students to work in groups. Based on how well the groups work, the trivia will add a bonus question. However, if the groups generate conflict, then there will be a deduction of points and furthermore, participants will be required to do supplementary work on the subject of conflict and possible conflict mediation strategies.

The Organization of the Game

The vicinity applicable for the trivia will comprise an unused room within the school compounds. Based on the number of students within the class, the groups required will be between four and five with five students each. Each group will have a single table equipped with four chairs for the students. In addition to the tables and the chairs, the groups will be required to have names, which identify them as a team. These names will mainly comprise those that identified the thinkers of human resource management. Aside from the group names, the trivia will also involve the utilization of visual aids. Visual aids will assist the students by providing hints in the form of illustrations. For example, a PowerPoint presentation may present the needs as blank slates within Abraham Maslow’s hierarchy of needs in order to enable the students to respond cognitively.

The Procedure for the Game

The steps for the trivia will be simple in order to facilitate its objectives and goals. Foremost, the formation of the groups will occur on a random basis. Each student will be required to pick a name from an assortment of papers within a box. To be more specific, the student will pick three names, which will lead to a structure of the generic group. After selection, the students in their respective groups will pick random names. As mentioned, these names will comprise those of imperative thinkers within human resource management. Upon naming, the overall instructor will explain the process of the trivia in order to familiarize with the teams. Consequently, the instructor will ask the question upon which the teams will be allowed to write them on their answer sheets. If any of the team is correct, they will be awarded a standard score of ten points. In other instances, the instructor will utilize a visual aid such as a PowerPoint presentation in order to present illustrations. From these diagrams, the teams will need to answer the question asked concerning them. The following steps will undergo repetition every time there is a new game.

A Brief Illustration of the Trivia

Topic: Conflict in the Workplace

1.         What theory did Max Weber expand on in relation to management in business organizations? (5 points)

2.         What are some of the possible methods for performing conflict mediation in a modern workplace? (5 points)

3.         In your opinion, can you regard conflict as positive or negative to the achievement of an organization’s specified goals and objectives? (5 points)

4.         What are some of the possible ways that the management can incorporate in ensuring that power dynamics do not affect the strategies involved in conflict resolution? (5 points)

#5.       What are the factors documented within Abraham Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs? How can you employ these factors in your own environment? Illustrate through an example (25 points)

Note #: Question 5 is a random question based on the way it does not relate to the respective topic. Hence, students will gain 25 points if they answer it correctly and thus lose, if they reply with the wrong responses.


To this end, the Human Resource Trivia, even though not necessarily sophisticated, is a single way in ensuring that the teaching environment becomes more adaptable and entertaining for students taking Human Resource Management as a course of study. Apart from its ties to entertainment, the trivia also allows students to be practical and apply their knowledge in a real world context. Moreover, the question and answer scheme also enables students to form cooperative relationships especially in answering random questions.

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